My 'No Religion' Page

Religion. Religion is mankind's attempt to reach God, as if we, fragile mortal beings that we are were capable of so doing. I have studied most all religions of the world, certainly the major ones at least, and I give them all about an equal weight, that weight being zero. I find no value in them. So for a long time I was an atheist. However, after being challenged by someone, I did apply myself to a study of the Hebrew scriptures known as the Tanakh (that is, the Torah [the Law] plus the Prophets and the Writings) as well as the Christian document known as the "New Testament".

After 10 years of rather exhaustive research, utilizing the techiques of logic and scientific metholology in which I had been versed as an engineer, I came to the conclusion that I could walk into a court of law tomorrow and present sufficient evidence that Meshiach (that is, the Messiah, the Christ) did indeed rise from the dead after 3 days. This forced me to rethink my position. If that was true, then there was no reason to doubt the validity of the rest of the document known as the New Testament. Additionally, since this Meshiach, this Christ, this Jew known as Jesus of Nazareth, had quoted from all three sections of Tanakh, then if He was who He claimed to be, that was also further proof that the Tanakh and Torah itself were true and valid documents, in effect it proves that the Jewish scriptures are true. But this doesn't mean that the Jews have a religion necessarily, more it is like, through Torah, the Jews have a unique and special relationship to God.

Through the coming of Meshiach, God, through His own grace, has made it possible for anyone, from the lowest peasant to the highest born noble, to have a realtionship with God Himself through the shed blood of the Meshiach, the Atonement of God for ours sins. So, while I have no time for religion, I will certainly make time for a relationship with the God of Israel, the God of the universe, who offers reconcilation with Him to all who accept and believe in His Meshiach, His Son, who was sent for all mankind to give all a chance to share in the grace of God.

Those who taught me the most about having a relionship with God are the Messianic Jews known as Chosen People Ministries. Also, one of my martial arts students, Bob Shapiro, taught me an interesting lesson. He told me that he was following the way of the Meshiach, and I asked him how that came about. He told me that he was raised Orthodox Jewish, and that his rabbi told him, "Whatever you do, don't read that document known as the New Testament." Well, being a typical 17 year old, he ran out and got a copy of it. When he read it, since he was already familiar with the whole Tanakh, and the prophecies that Meshiach would have to fulfill, he was all like, "Hey, this Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies, He is 'The Man', He is the Meshiach."

So, it appears that the relationship begun by God with the Jews, through Torah, has now been extended to an open invitation to all mankind, through the person of Jesus. The lofty vision of the Gospel of Jesus according to the apostle John is the highest and most beautiful vision, the highest expression, of the beauty of God ever recorded anywhere. Scope it if you haven't already, and see for yourself.

One additional word: don't confuse a real relationship with the Christ, with some people who claim they are following a relationship with Him. For example, some 'Christian Crusaders' burned down synagogues with people still in them. I asked my friends in Chosen People ministries, "How can you follow this Jesus, after what these Crusaders did to your people?" And they're like, "Oh, that's easy. Those people weren't Christians. They called themselves so, but if they truly had a relationship with God through his Anointed One, then they would have done what Jesus did and said, and would not have commited those atrocious acts of barbarism."

Well, like I said, these Chosen People dudes are majorly cool; give their site a check at my link below. So, anyway, though I have no time for religion, I do make time for a relationship with the King of the universe, the God of Abraham & Issac & Jacob, the God who created all things, through a faith in His Son and Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

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