Visitors' (that's you!) Comments Page

My Intro, where I pathetically request (i.e. beg for) your comments:

OK. I KNOW you're reading this page, cause the counter keeps going up. So, do you like it, hate it, or just not care? Whatever your opinion, the Davemyster is anxious to know it, and I will post your comments here. I'll post them latest to first, since that seems to be the usual way of things.
Yes, I know I should have a "Forms" page, but I still have a lot to learn, OK? OK then. So, in the meantime, please send me an e-mail with your comments.
Oh, and if you want to be anonymous, that's OK.
And if you prefer to make a comment (or you have a question) that you would not like to see posted, then please so indicate in your e-mail, and I'll be happy to comply with your request. Thank you.

12 Dec 2001 - Ah, yet another comment. Excellent!

From: "Andrea"
Subject: Page Comments
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 21:49:16 -0600

OOoooppsss, I thought you meant sign a guestbook!
There is my first comment; This page needs a guestbook!
Also, spice it up with more graphics and different text colors and backgrounds.
On a more positive note, your comments and information were very insightful and interesting.
Keep working on the page! By the way, who is Bibo????
- signed, CA
Visit my page at
and make some comments on mine! I know its not the greatest, but it’s a start.
I take criticism well, so feel free! Leave all comments in my dream book.

Dave's complimentary reply to this comment:

Dear CA,

Yes, the Dave is well aware that he needs an actual forms-type guest book.
But, sadly, he has not yet learned how to construct one.
Well, he could probably construct one, like the front-end part,
but the back end, info processing part, the CGI stuff,
that is, shall we say, a bit beyond his capabilities at the moment.

Remember, you are a teenager, and grew up with this net/HTML stuff.
I grew up in the punch card days (hehe! truth!), and I am slowly getting up to speed.

Hey, wait a sec. YOU have a forms page. Please tell me how you did yours, and I shall do likewise, kay?

Hmm, BiBo. BiBo is one of my sons friends, who, for various reasons, I was not sure actually existed.
Hence, the beginning of the BiBo saga was formulated in my mind.
That is the one section of my page that was written and posted for a niche audience,
namely, my son and his friends, and those who know of the BiBo.
Naturally, those who know him (and he himself), find it hysterical.

Perhaps I should add an editorial comment on his page,
and maybe a link to his own page.
BTW, a lot of the stuff in the story is based on real life stuff.
A truck DID hit BiBo, who remained unscathed, while it received major damage.
I am still NOT sure that he is merely human.
And I am DEFINITELY convinced that he is bent on world domination. (hehe. really)

'Nyways, thank you for your comments, and look for page changes soon.

11 Dec 2001 - WOOOHOOO! My first visitor comment!

Jessica made this comment in response to my 8 Dec 2001 rant entitled, Thoughts on Engineering, as in, ask yourself, “Do You Really Want to be One?” (And, yes, she was the Jessica in the original rant, so her response is appropriate)

-----Original Message----- From: Whitworth, Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:45 PM
To: Macfadyen, Dave
Subject: Comments

comments from #280346 [here she is making a ref to the fact that she, like me, is but a de-humanized number]

I'm not a co-op I'm an intern (less status -- no paying: FIT makes you pay for credits when you co-op.... RIGHT!)

Of course I don't want to be an engineer. I just kinda randomly picked EE. Most amount of money, Least amount of school.
No one really wants to have to work.... If I work 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year (assuming I get two weeks of vacation) for the next 30 years I will have worked 60000 hours. (note: This assumes a rather early retirement age of 50.) I will have spent 6.849315 years of those 30 at work. That means that 22.831% of my next 30 years will be sucked away by the machine. Who really wants that?! : )

Dave's complimentary reply to this comment:

Dear Jessica,
I think I must have been mistaken about you. Anyone who throws out numbers like "6.849315 years", or "22.831%", is, I believe, sadly fated to be an engineer. So, as it was told to me growing up, I must now tell you, “Oh, I guess you’re gonna be an engineer. Yep, that’s what you’re gonna be alright.” However, the Dave is most sorry to have to be the one to deliver this heart-breaking news to you. Now please stop bemoaning your fate, and return to work. This is, after all, Northrop Grumman, where they care naught for the happiness of…anyone! (hehe) Hey, wait, why am I laughing? They really don't care. ::shrugs::
But do try to have a nice day. ----- Dave

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