My Amateur Non-Fiction Page

Well, some people like to write an essay, or a treatise, rather than a story or poem.
Here at Dave Central, we try to accommodate all types of writing.
Hence, with the start of the new year, I started this non-fiction page.
That means you can no longer use,
“But I can’t write fiction.,”
as a valid excuse for not sending me something. Hehe.

20 NOV 2002
A new page is added for Lia,
and her cool, non-fictional rant on "Balance". ^_^

The Non-Fiction Postings:

Lior’s Essay & Treatise Page
Ra*Chel's Anime Answer Page
Deb’s non-fiction Page Page
Nikki’s & Kellye’s Page
Lia’s Non-fiction Page

Back to Dave’s Home Page

If you have any questions, comments, or a poem you would like posted, please send an e-mail to
Thank you