The Chronicles of Raeville

[some notes on things that transpired

in the small empire known as Raeville]

In the fifty-seventh year of the reign of
Empress Rae the five hundred and seventy twelfth,
it being well past the appointed time,
the Empress cloned herself to create
Empress Rae the five hundred and seventy thirteenth.

Sadly, the new Rae was mad as a hatter,
and following her coronation,
and the traditional declaration of herself being
“the one and only true Rae that there has ever been,”
she threw the empire into a tizzy
with her proclamation that the peasants should
make obeisance to the Hand of Rae,
which feeds them,
as opposed to the old tradition of
paying homage to the Eye of Rae,
that watches over them.

This sad turn of events brought about a tremendous war
as those who chose to honor the Hand of Rae
fought those who decided to still esteem the Eye of Rae.

Amidst the greatest battle,
Lord Fuzzo the Magnificent,
a veritable prince among cats,
was slain as he tried to prevent the clash of titanic forces
and to preserve the empire.

Lord Fuzzo the Magnificent

Prince of Cats

This demise of Lord Fuzzo, he being honored by both sides,
did cause the people to turn against the evil Empress Rae,
and to force her to abdicate,
and to flee the empire to save her very life.

In order to preserve the realm,
in the final act of her life,
Empress Rae the five hundred and seventy twelfth,
did once more clone herself to create
Empress Rae the five hundred and seventy fourteenth.

And this new Rae was most good;
hence, following her coronation
and the traditional declaration of herself being
“the one and only true Rae that there has ever been,”
she healed the divisions of the empire
by declaring it “totally OK” to pay homage
to either the Eye of Rae, or the Hand of Rae,
or even to honor both of them.
Furthermore, she proclaimed amnesty for all,
most especially for cats.

Thus, with wisdom and sagacity she brought peace to the empire
thereby earning the title of “Rae the Beneficent.”

So the peasants could once more go about their happy lives,
and the cats of Raeville could sleep contently in the noon-day sun.

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