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Hello My Friends,

thanx for giving me this little bit of your pretty face, this is my 2nd webby.. have been working on it fer months, but i stop after poly started. never have the chance to complete it, i know some of u out there have been complaining and rushing me to complete it, so that u all will get to see my masterpiece~! haha*bhb* therefore now i'm staying up late to do some wrappin up.. some of the pages are not completed though.. bare with me kay ?! hehe, i know you would~! you pple are the best~! *3 cheers, hip hip huray *

haha.. fer pple who dunno me well, i'll do a brief self-intro. I'm daniel as u can see at the logo above. currently studyin at Ngee Ann Polytechic. Gonna be 18 at the end of this year, oh man i'm old~! *hrmph* automatic wor.. hehe..

fer detail profiles of Dan Da Man,

pictures of Dan Da Man,

to the most lunatic class in Ngee Ann Poly, 1A11

Some links which worth ur time surfing