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Welcome to Da çöѱrÅßô¥'s Webpage!

This is me... I'm not weird, I'm normal. Everyone else is weird.

For a better pic of me, click HERE

About me

Hey, it's me Kenny. Yea, yea, yea... I always get that... "Can I call you Ken like the barbie doll'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">barbie doll?" Gee, let me think... NO. And I always get, "Oh My God, They Killed Kenny!!!" Grrrrr.... Sometimes it get's annoying, but most of the time I just laugh because what else am I to do? Everyone thinks the same darn thing when they hear my name! Stupid South Park!!! Damn them! Damn them all!!! ;)

I have 4 Kitties. There were 4 kittens and 1 momma cat, but we had to give one of the kittens away for 5 cats were WAY too much.

I am from Los Gatos, a town that is in the crossroads of Highway 17 and Highway 85. It's a nice little quaint town good for shopping and taking a stroll. My friends and I made this group called the Fab Five. It consisted of Andrew, Denise, Jacki, Jennifer (my twin sis) and me. Many people wonder how/why my sis and I are such good friends even though we're twins. My Answer: We just are. I can't explain it, we've always been best friends when we were growing up. It was always nice to have someone to turn to when things weren't going too well. Too bad not every sibling have the same kind of relationship we share.

Da çöѱrÅßô¥, what?!?!

I know what you must be thinking... What's with that name, Da çöѱrÅßô¥? Well I'll tell you. I joined a Drum and Bugle Corps in Sacramento for the years 2000 and 2001 called The Mandarins. (For those who don't know what Drum and Bugle Corps is, it's basically a "marching band" that goes around the U.S. competing against other Corps from around the world for the ultimate title of DCI champion for that given year.) I played a type of tuba called a Contrabass; a big hunk of metal tipping the scales at 35 lbs. It's not a tuba you see that wraps around your body like in marching bands. This pain in the butt rests only on your left shoulder and let me tell you, it hurts like none-other when you carry it for the first time. To give you an idea of how big it is, here's a pic of it with me and my friend Megan with her Euphonium. (I stand at 5'8")

. . . . . . . Sacramento. . . . . . .
^ Go KINGS ^

If you want to find out more about The Mandarins, you can go to their website. In any case, people in The Mandarins nicknamed me Contraboy because I was the youngest Contrabass. So I guess it just kinda stuck with me.

For the Ladies...

Unfortunately for the girls, I am happily taken by an amazing, beautiful, young woman. If you'd like to sign up for my waiting list, just leave a message below on the tag board. ;) It will be a long time, if ever, that I'll get back to you for the girl I'm with is definately a keeper!

You can IM me and chat it up if you'd like, my SN is MandarinContra

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Here are some websites that are fun, check em out!

Some more pics


Here are my friends websites!

Dragonball ZMike's
Santa Cruz peeps Nick's
Jason Biggs's

Here's a bit/byte/kilobyte/megabyte/gigabyte converter for those who would need it.

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GAMES! (if you're bored)

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A final closing note...

Thanks for visiting my website! Hope you enjoyed it!

A Kenneth Leong Webpage in association with Kenny Leong