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Children of Divorced Families

My family has learned from personal experience that child custody and visitation is not something to be taken lightly. It takes lots of time and attention to ensure that the children in question are cared for in the best way possible. Our jobs as parents is to ensure that the children in our care are taken care of properly. If you think thats hard? Think of how hard it is to have a family of children of previous marriage and those of your own. Though you may think of the other children as your own, there is always that interferance of the custodial or noncustodial parent. Often in the mist of the of a custody case the children are tossed aside. And more often than known parents sell off everything they can to fund the custody case. These parents are victims of the system. I know!!! Its all to easy for the state courts to give the children to the mother. At times this is best. Fathers need a chance too. Custodial parents have a hard job as well as Noncustodial parents. People need to realize that Noncustodial parents face the same pressures and sometimes more. They are forced by the system to fund children they may not even be able to see. They use their money to fund a court case just to see their kids, while the custodial parent ,if not getting child support gets the state clearing house to fund her getting her child support. These are just a few points needed to be made. It is always in the best interest of the child to have both birth parents involved in their lives. Children need and want that. Its so sad when a parent tries to turn children against the other parent or step parent. Sad but true, it does happen. There are times that you may fall victim to the system or your children may fall victim. Either some one makes false alligations towards you, forces children to souly for the purpose that that parent doesnt have their priorities in order and wishes to "use the children" top get back at their ex or exs new spouse. When abuse is the case in the home of a child, weather it be in the noncustodial parents or custodial parents home, it is hard to prove. The state usually writes it off as "a custody thing". Lots of children fall though the cracks of the legal system and all to often is the custodial parents word taken over the noncustodial parents and even the childrens testimonies. I hope these sites help you in your quest to better the lives of your children and step children. Good luck!

Trixiegirl's music

10 things to remember in your child custody case.

Links To Divorce Sites, Court Help, and Children

For the Noncustodial Parent
For The Stepmom
Custody Source
Fathers Online
Equal Parenting
Children of Divorce
Marriage Main Page
Facts of Divorce
Childrens Rights
Coalition for the Educational Rights of Children
Custody Plans
Reporting Child Abuse
Contact Your Congressman
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
Hypochondria and Munchausen Syndrome
OUTRAGE! The pledge should be RESPECTED!
