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Michelle's Logo

Description  My Son  My Career  My Personality  My Soulmate  My Health  Marital Status  My Links
Through a Moonlit Dream : By John Pitre.

Michelle looking at her life............

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A Brief Description

I am Italian & Irish. Born July 1973. I have naturally curly dark brown hair
My eyes are Blue & Grey sorta like a snowflake. My lips are nice. I have the tiniest ears made.
My nails and toes are pretty much pampered. I am 5' 2 1/2" short. My weight is currently on it's own path being that I am expecting a little girl May 2003.
I am pretty well put together.

Marital Status

Someone up there gave us another chance at marriage. We were both once married before, failed. Thought we would never do it again. UNTIL...we met each other. Who says you can't find love on the internet. One day just sitting here surfing the web I was imed by Ken. He had read through my homepage and website and then wanted to meet me. Since that day we have been together. We were married on December 10, 2002. Some people are sceptical about us "rushing" things. However we look at it like this: you truly do not know what love is until you feel it. Being in~love and finding your soulmate is the most extravagant and precious moments in our lives. Why wait to start our journey of eternity together when we can just begin it now.

My Soulmate

My soulmate is the guy who has accepted everything about me.
Who smothers me with love. He always respects me. He goes those extra miles for me. He moves mountains to express himself to me.
It's the little things in life that count. He knows this.
See I am the type of SOUL MATE that loves to cuddle, kiss & show affection to my true love. I go those extra miles and I do my best to move mountains for him also. need to look any farther...HE FOUND ME! As long as we keep trust, honesty, respect, communication, patience, compassion, understanding, compromise & love with each other we will share eternity together. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KEN!

My Son Jacob

Jacob is my world. He is my everything. He was born June 1996. He was 9 lbs. 8 oz.
Only after 30 hours of labor with him did the Dr. decide on a cesarean.
Jacob & I have this love for one another that is sooooooooooooo strong. You would be amazed.
He has such respect for others. He is very compassionate and loving.
To know him is to fall in love with him.
I haven't come across one person who hasn't adored him to death.
I am not bragging I am just telling it like it is.
I can only dream of someone loving me that way. Jacob just is a Graduated from Kindergarten.
Boy did those 6 years fly by so fast.
When I sat down with Jacob and asked him when you think of Mommy what do you think of?
This is what he said: You are my Mama.
I love you sooooooooooo much more than there are stars in the sky.
I dream about you taking me to Six Flags. And I like it when you tell me when I was a baby.
You are the best Mama in the whoooooooooooooooole world.
I love to hug you and give you nosey rub kisses. You Da Best Mommy! Now tell me that isn't something to live for!
He has my heart.
I hope that when I find my soul mate that he will love me so unconditionally like that.

My Career Choice

I am a Preschool Teacher for Kiddie Academy. Working with the age group of 3yrs.-3 1/2yrs. I am grateful to work side by side with a great woman and a phenonminal educator. In the process of completing my CDA. I am also enrolled in home schooling for web page designer..

My Personality

I am a very honest person. Life is too short for game playing.
I love to laugh at LEAST once a day. You have to have a sense of humor...
however there is a time to be serious.
As long as you can distinguish the difference between the two then you are perfect in my book.
I think I have a pretty good personality. Talk to me and find out for yourself!

My Health

I have PCOS= Polycystical Ovarian Syndrome.
It is a hormonal embalance due to my insulin levels. If you would like more information
I have provided a link at the bottom of this page.

My Links

Gary Designed This Page.
To See His Page: Eternity

Tribute To Those Lost on 9/11/01 Memorial

A Site on PCOS

A Site on Support For Parents

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