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White clouds speckle the blue sky. The grass is soft 'neath your paws and the wind gentle on your back. Trees of white leaves stand tall and decorate the valley in which you pad. Your gaze is everywhere except infront of you. What tranquility and beauty this place held. "Salutations..", comes a kind voice from ahead. You stop and gaze infront of you at a dapppled white wolf with semi transparent silver blue wings like a dragonfly. She grins and speaks again. "I am Morae alpha of the lands in which you stand, Cerulean Sky. Though you may see mostly wolves here, all creatures are welcome. Please, feel free to join us." Morae smiles and asends into the clouds, winging away.

ºSet Outº

°ºMythic Peaksº°
°ºCerulean Lakeº°