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  1. Action Research:

  2. Behavior Modeling:

  3. Change Agents:

  4. Encounter Groups:

  5. Experiental Learning:

  6. Grid Oraganization Development:

  7. Humanistic Values:

  8. Interventions:

  9. Laboratory Training:

  10. Oragnization Development:

  11. Process Consultation:

  12. Role Playing:

  13. Simulations:

  14. Survey Feedback:

  15. Systems 1 to 4:

  16. Team Building:

  17. Transfer of training:


Organization Development

Action Research:

A cyclical process of identifying system problems, gathering data, taking corrective action, assessing progress, making ongoing adjustments, and learning from the experience.

Behavior Modeling:

Method of teaching skills to handle commonly encountered behavioral problems.

Change Agents:

Person whose role is to initiate change and help make it work.

Encounter Groups:

Unstructured small&-group interaction under stress in a situation that requires people to become senstive to one another's feelings.

Experiental Learning:

Process in which participants learn by experiencing in the training environment the kinds of human problems they face on the job.

Grid Oraganization Development:

A six&-phase program of organization development based on Blake And Mouton's managerial grid.

Humanistic Values:

Positive beliefs about the potential and desire for growth among employees.


An overall organizational development is develop, with one or more interventions, which are structured activities designed to help individuals or groups improve their work effectiveness.

Laboratory Training:

Situations in which the trianees experience through their own interactions some of the conditions they are talking about.

Oragnization Development:

The systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at variouse levels (groups, intergroup, and total organization) to bring about planned change.

Process Consultation:

A set of activities that help others perceive, understand, and react constructively to current behavioral events around them.

Role Playing:

Spontaneous acting of a realistic situation involving two or more people under classroom conditions.


Comprehesivve experiential approaches that create many dimensions of work life in organizations to help participants experience and understand behavior within them.

Survey Feedback:

Oraginzation development process of surveying members of an organization and reporting the results directly to the peersons innvolved for their interpretation and action.

Systems 1 to 4:

Oragnization development framework developed by Rensis Likert that uses four systems of management to describe organizations, with system 4 as the most participative.

Team Building:

Organization development process of developing integrated, cooperative groups.

Transfer of training:

The use on the job of knowledge and skills gained through training.