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  1. At&-risk Pay:

  2. Comparable Worth:

  3. Complete Pay Program:

  4. Cost&-reward Comparsions:

  5. Economic Incentive Systems:

  6. Equal Pay Act:

  7. Flexiable Benefit Program:

  8. Gain Sharing:

  9. Gain Sharing Plan:

  10. Incentives:

  11. Loose Rates:

  12. Output restriction:

  13. Performance Appraisal:

  14. Physical Withdrawal:

  15. Piece Rate:

  16. Profit Sharing:

  17. Production Sharing:

  18. Rate Setting:

  19. Scanlon Plan:

  20. Self Appraisal:

  21. Skill&-based Pay:

  22. Wage Incentives:


Appraising and Rewarding Performance

At&-risk Pay:

If the work unit does not achieve its growth objectivess, employees may receive as little of their target pay rate, if objectives are met, workers recive bonus pay.

Comparable Worth:

An attempt to give employees in comparable jobs&-those of equal value to the employer&-similar levels of pay.

Complete Pay Program:

Comprehensive reward system that uses different bases of pay to accomplish various objectives (e.g. retention, production, teamwork).

Cost&-reward Comparsions:

Process in which employees identify and compare personal costs and rewards to determine the point at which they are approximately equal.

Economic Incentive Systems:

System that varies an employee's pay in proportation to some criterion of individuals, group, or organizational performance.

Equal Pay Act:

Of 1963, which affects employers who are engaged in interstate commerce and most employees of federal, state, and local governments.

Flexiable Benefit Program:

Also Cafeteria benefits;Systems that allow employees to select an indivdualized combitination of benefits.

Gain Sharing:

Policy of giving employees a substanial portion of the cost savings produced when their jobs are improved.

Gain Sharing Plan:

A program that establishes an historical base period of organizational performance, measures improvements, and shares the gains with employees on some formula basis.


Environment factors that are established for the purpose of motivating a person.

Loose Rates:

Payments at a rate that allows employees to reach standard output with less&-than&-normal effort.

Output restriction:

Situation in which workers choose to produce less than they could produce with nornal effort.

Performance Appraisal:

Process of evaluating the perforamnce of employees.

Physical Withdrawal:

Unauthorized absences, early departures, extended breeaks, work slowdowns, or actss off aggression and retalliation.

Piece Rate:

Reward system that pays employees according to the number of acceptable pieces produced.

Profit Sharing:

System that distrubutes the employees some portion of thje profits from business.

Production Sharing:

Incentive program that pays employees for improvements in labor costs that are better than standard.

Rate Setting:

Process of determining the standard output for each job.

Scanlon Plan:

Highly successful production&-sharing plan that emphazines teamwork and active particapation.

Self Appraisal:

The process of assking individuals to identify and compare their strengths and weaknesses.

Skill&-based Pay:

A system that rewards individual employees for what they know how to do. Also known as knowledge&-based and multiskill pay.

Wage Incentives:

Reward system that provides more pay for more production.