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Better Than Ice-Cream

It's amazing how sometimes the best things in life are so unexpected. I never imagined I would meet the people I met, do the things I did, love the things I love (and still do love) when I first left for camp. I am ashamed to say that my Mum forced me to go to Rainbow... all I can say is that now I'm hooked. And its not as if it radically changed me as a person. I have the same ideals and values a I had before I left, I just found I way to define them. It was just something about the atmoshpere; the setting, the people, the emotions... something lies there that touched us all. Something we can only get by going back. Something that makes our hearts ache when reminded that we can't have it everyday. Maybe I sound eccentric, but to paraphrase what Ryan said as we left our so-called "little piece of Heaven" is that we simply can't put it into words. We can't share this feeling with others. It is now a part of us; a bond, if you will, that holds us together. I think of it as a sort of freedom. I was just myself, I left all my masks at home and was just 'me'. The amazing thing is, 'me' was liked, even loved, by so many. 'Me' is now missed by my fellow Rainbownians just as I miss all of their 'me's. As I prepare to leave again, (this time for Ontario, I get back in a month.) I try to hold on to the way it was. I have a snack at 11 at night - I eat according to camp schedual. I blast "Sweet Caroline" and dance around my room. I really do miss it, even though at the beginning, I never thought I would. So goodbye for now everyone, and I'll keep in touch when I get back.

A few Links...

click to see our counsellors-we love you!!!
click here to read messages!!!
click to go to Drew's page - its awesome!!!
I'm working on it....
