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*~Quest for the Heart of Queen Kalia~*

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Garden of Dreams

Once long ago there lived in a Kingdom of joy a mighty King and his Queen of beauty everlasting. He was tall and handsome with dark hair that flowed from his head down to his shoulders like dark clouds in the black of the night skies. His eyes were dark with a hint of green fire, his face rugged adorned with a small scar that he had gotten from one of the many battles he fought valiantly with courage.
When he would walk his courtyard most of the women in it would blush, just from the sight of his aura that surrounded him, with rainbows of colors enchanting them to his styles. A few women would take offense to his grace fearing their virtues but always paying him with the respect due his throne smiling with their eyes as her moved with a stride.
" King Akoni how doth the sun treat you this day, you look well even the birds that fly over you I see still sing out your name."
The ladies of the court would often make such small talk trying to hide there blush but the King would always whisper back with a small sultry smile,
"The sun, sweet ladies always warms me with its rays and the birds I do hear call out my name with musical notes of love but what warms my insides like a fire so hot and the music I hear in my hearts grand desire is the love of one women amazing and every true the stunning Queen is my fire and song ever real ever true."
His voice was strong and the ladies would always blush hearing his heart sighs wishing they could be Queen yet knowing they had no chance but dreams cannot be stop by realities truths.
The Queen was the most beautiful women in all the land, her hair like the sun on a summer day so sweet free and long and with tiny ringlets all over her sweet face. Her eyes were soft just like the color of the shores off a wonderful tropical Island where she would often visit, and when men looked into the depths of her eyes they would become weak with the desire and they felt in their hearts own wicked lies. No one had ever see a such a beautiful woman before, her face was like an angel that always seems to glow with the tiny touch of her smile. High cheek bones graced her face always a small blush would rest on her cheeks softly. Her creamy skin sweet laced her body like silk on a rose, she was ultra soft, her breasts rode high firm and supple, tiny peaks like grapes adorned her creamy mounds of paradise found, and the lines along her body curves were sultry slim right down past her amazing hips, lower down to the tips of her toes of each of her long silky legs.
Sometimes she would walk the Kingdom in search of flowers for her King, because he loved flowers as flowers always spoke to him with their petals of love. When she past the men in the Kingdom they would always stop what they were doing bow low before her then stand back up tall and greet her on her journeys.
"Greetings my Queen did you perchance see the glory of the moon last night?"
Although their words would begin to come out strong they always ended in a whispered trembled tone as even their words would bow before the Queen and they themselves would shake reveling in the majesty of this angel who turned Queen. She would smile and adjust her lace white gown that fell like angle tear drops along down her body in waves of silken fabric showering over her curves so fair, her words soft like sweet summer air.
"I saw the moon indeed it burst through my bed chambers last night as if it shone just so that I may dance under its glow, moon dancer It guided my way to the bliss of my King but I tell you this, there is no glow that outshines, no blushing moon can overcome, the shimmering sweet soulful eyes of my love my King. King Akoni, my Anthony~"
The men in the Kingdom would always sigh when her velvet tones reach their ears and they would always whisper,
"Yes My Queen, for it is written so it shall be always," and then back away.
The King and Queen lived in a great Castle of Rubies that sat on a hill not far from the village. It was a massive Castle with high walls that kept the evil of the world outside shielding the Queen safe from one man who did not wish them to be and this man plotted to over throw the Kingdoms Royalty. He was a Wizard of great powers name Armatilado, well known in the land for his black magic and lust for the Queen and hatred for the King and he would do anything with in his dark powers to do away with the King and steal the Queen making her soul his slave for all times and stealing King Akoni's Crown of Rubies and gold. He was an ugly man some say of the dead, dirty and black but her wore white in his bid for his cleansing. He too had a Castle but it was not high on any hill rather it was deep in a forest of dark where no one dared enter. Some say he was the seventh son of the devil himself while others thought he was the devil in evil heat.
The King knew of this Wizard as they had grown up together when they were small boys but somehow when they were both three years old the King, then young Prince, took notice that Armatilado had changed over night and went to the black side of his souls evil light, even at this young age the Prince knew something had gone terrible wrong with this young Wizard and he had him banished to the woods where he was raised by wolves and other creatures of evil that danced in the fires of pain.
Armatilado's Castle was made of pure ivory white in his efforts to cleanse himself of his pains with stolen innocents from other maidens he had captured and put in his dungeons where he would steal there souls and make their purity into the white he built his Castle with, yet his desires were not complete and his attempt at purity stank of pure evil still and he knew that he needed the soul of the purest to over throw the King and make himself pure again. The Queen despised him with contempt and she dared not go anywhere into the woods of darkness except for the fact that she longed for the most Sacred Blue Roses which was somewhere in the forest of dark. They were the Kings favorite flower most Holy and Divine misplaced in the woods by God when he was once tricked by the Devil himself in one of their many Battles between Good and Evil.
The Queen knew that she needed these Blue roses if she was every going to conceive a child, a new Prince to carry on the Kingdom of Joy and so one day while she was out gathering flowers she grew closer to the woods of darkness and a troll disguised as a hummingbird fluttered close to her and told her where the most Sacred of all Sacred Blue Roses was that she needed to bare child deep within the forest of pain and dark.
She made her way closer to the edge of the woods without fear and yet with reservation as she floated in her steps. Ever closer to the dark of evils wickedness. Torn between her reservation yet longing for the Blue Rose she needed, she entered the forest thinking back to the day when the King took her as his bride making her his Queen and giving her a wedding present of the Seven Sacred Veils that she would also need to bare new life.
They were made of the finest fabrics of all the land and she would wear them at night when she danced under the moon for the King’s shear delight.
The first was made of pure white lace with tiny pearls sewn in along the edges of the veil. The second was made of red silk with strands of Gold running through its very core. The third was made of crepe and was adored by seashells from her tropical paradise. The fourth was woven from blue satin with silver flecks that shown like stars inside the softness of the silk veil. The fifth was made from pink chemise and was laces with diamonds small and sang with their facets on fire to her souls gate. The Sixth was made from black velvet with tiny pearl beads inter woven along the silkiness of the velvets core. The last Veil was the most Sacred of all and she needed this one as well as the Blue Rose to bare the next Prince. It was made from Angel wings pure with the teardrops of God himself dotting its iridescent colors of rainbows and sunsets. She loved these veils with all her heart but long ago they were stolen by the Wizard and hidden around the woods of darkness so that no one, not even the King himself could find them and bring them back to the Castle of Rubies so they could be restored to the throne.
Yes the Wizard was the greatest of evil men and had to be killed if the Kingdom of Joy was to remain pure and in prosper. The sun was high as the Queen walked into the forest and when she stepped foot into the woods all light was lost, only the evil troll disguised as a hummingbird glowed and eerie glow lighting her path ahead while she sought after the most Sacred of the Blue Roses. The forest was foul she thought and it was an evil place and she wondered how God was tricked into planting these prized flowers here along the woods. The Queen past by some wild Dahlia’s as she walked carefully through the woods along the trail with the hummingbird guiding her ever footstep. The trees had no leaves even though it was the middle of summer and they looked at times as though they were poised to reach out and snare her. Her fear began to mount but she was on a royal mission and there was no turning back now, even though in her ears she could hear the King telling her never to venture into this dark forbidding place.
Tiny tear drops fell upon her dress as her fears mounted but she walked on not willing to turn back as she knew how desperately she needed this Holiest of Holy Blue Roses that was the largest of them all.
The King was in the Castle plotting with his Knights on how they could find the Sacred Roses because for years all the Knights had searched in vain and had failed the King time and time again in their efforts. King Akoni was screaming out his displeasure as his Knights bowed before him and yet the Knights new he was a Great King with much compassion for their hearts it was only in his contempt of the Wizard Armatilado that sent him into this rage of anger. The King did not know that his Queen had wandered into the woods and as he screamed at his Knights he paused and clutched his heart for he knew she had stepped foot in the forest of darkness and in a vision the King saw while his Knights were around him, the Wizard dressed as an old women appearing in the woods in front of the path in which the Queen walked. He could see the Queens amazement that this old women should be lost in the woods by herself and the King was horrified knowing this was all a trick. He fell back into his throne in a hypnotic state of dark visions. His Knights surrounded him in there anguish and feared the worst but the King was in the middle of this vision and he could see all that was taken place in the forest dark.
The old women spoke to the Queen,
" I have drifted from the village and I now am lost please would you help me find my way back home I'm afraid and very very cold."
The Wizards voice weak as he spoke like the old lady his was dressed as would be. The Queen felt the pain from the old woman's pleas and she turned and pointed the way down the path the old women needed to take to return home. At that moment the old women transformed herself back into the Wizard and then threw bewitching honey dust over the Queen causing her to fall in a deep sleep. He picked her up before she hit the ground and threw her over his shoulder then turned and made his way back to his evil Castle of Ivory White.
All seemed lost now as the King regained his reality, coming out of his vision. King Akoni stood and then his voice boomed.
The King was the most powerful King kind and good but he was enraged by the evilness of the Wizard he loathed. The Knights bowed low before the King and then backed out of the chambers slowly, the King spoke again,
"Yes, sire." They all spoke back and then left the massive throne room where the King held court.
Back at the Castle of White Ivory, the Wizard carried the Queen to his own throne room as she laid in her deep honey dust trance she was under. He threw her into his evil thorn that he hand made for her, the arms of the throne coming alive wrapping around her holding her tight it its evil grip. The Wizard stood before her and said a prayer to the Devil himself then took his hand and reached into the Queens right breast pulling out her pumping soul then placing it under a domed shaped glass that stood on a pedestal at the far end of his evil throne room where it beat on with out the Queen in preparation for the dark ceremony the Wizard was to perform that night at midnight under the blushing moon so that he would at long last cleans his own sins, destroying the Queen in the process and over throwing the King.
Armatilado smiled a wicked smile and then moved to the Queen as she sat then he took his knife out of his sheath and sliced the Queens gown open revealing her creamy firm body to his eyes trailing his blade over the peeks of her breasts toying with her sexuality as he laughed his most evil laugh.
The Queen was lost it seemed as she sat there motionless before the Wizard of dark. Everyone in the Kingdom went out to search for the veils and rarest of rubies to bring back to the King so he could save her and kill Armatilado at last ridding the forest of its evil and bringing peace and new life back to the land they lived in. The villagers and the Knights of the Round all went out with their torches, swords and plow shears seeking out the veils and rubies into the woods of pain each taking a separate path as they hunted for the Kings most treasured items. They all hunted deep into the woods all through the rest of that day and into the night then suddenly a cry rang out.
"I found the first!" a Knights voice boomed,
"It was under this old root!"
He tied it to his armor and began to search for more. Hours went by with the forest of dark filled with the Knights and villagers in search until another voice rang out,
"I found the second!" the women's voice screamed out,
"It was under the bridge tied to one of the rafters!"
Time past slowly but now excitement was building as two had been found so surely they could find the rest.
"I found the third!" a man shouted out as he dropped his plow shear and climbed up a tree,
"It was in this crows nest!"
The forest was a buzz with chatter while the Knights and villagers searched ever corner. Hours drifted by until another scream rang out.
"I found the fourth and fifth! They were behind a cross in the old burned out church!"
Time passed and excitement was filling the air, never have they been so lucky in all there years in finding these treasures but God must be guiding them now in their hunt.
"Look here,look,look!" another voice yelled, I have found the sixth, It was buried in a wooden box next to this old tree, send word to the King we are getting close!"
A messenger ran to Castle of Rubies to inform the great King. Still the hunt went on but now all progress was lost until a small boy said a prayer and God sent down a light a beacon that pointed to a spot in the middle of a stream where there was a giant boulder covered with yellow green moss.
"I found it, I found it! It is on this big rock! Come and see come and see!" "We have all the veils now!"
The boy words were filled with the excitement that only young boys have about finding life's surprises. A Knight spoke up,
"We have one last thing we need to search out it's the rare ruby the King needs to kill Armatilado with.
"Let us hurry and find this gem!"
They searched all through the night until day break but yet there was no light in the forest of pain, they searched for hours and hours and all grew tired, everything seemed lost now no spot was left unturned but there was no gem to be found. A young virgin walked along a stream close to the Castle of White Ivory the evil Wizard lived in. She walked towards the sounds of falling waters where the waterfall poured into a sacred pool. She was hot from her search her hair dirty from the mud and her haste her dress soiled and she was in tears for she was no help to any and she felt the pain of the Queen soul stolen she could feel it in her own heart. She slipped out of her dress and went under the falls to wash herself clean stroking her hair back closing her eyes washing her face then opening them again then facing the inside of the falls were she saw a cave hidden by the waters that fell. She walked inside, it was warm and somehow clean in this dirty place and there in a treasure chest she found it. The rare red ruby and she beamed for she was worthy after all. She placed it in between her bosoms then still wet she ran from the cave and back through the woods screaming,
“I have it I found the red ruby quickly let's go back to the Castle everyone we must bring these things to the King!”
The Knights were all in awe at the finding of these treasured artifacts and everyone ran from the woods and back to the Castle of Rubies where they gave all the veils to the young virgin who found the ruby so rare. She blushed as they all crowded into the Kings throne room were she led the way all bowed before the King except her. She looked into the Kings eyes as he stood before his throne and handed him each veil one by one and she spoke with tear filled eyes as she handed him the first.
"This is for the love of the Queen our Queen."
Her words soft she handed him the next,
"This is for the love of the Kingdom" She was trembling now before the great and compassionate King. She handed him the next,
"This is for the joys of life and love," Her voice now began to echo through out the main room,
"This one is for innocents so wonderful,"
She blushed harder with each veil given back to the King.
"This is for honesty and purity gold," Her words grew stronger through her tears, She handed him the sixth,
"This one is for love of life true!"
She grew even stronger yet tears rained down along her wet dress. She handed him the seventh and last veil made from angel wings,
"This one is for all the angels above who sheltered us in our search." More tears fell as she spoke before the King. Handing him the rare ruby she screamed,
King Akoni smiled at the young virgin and blessed her heart. Calling out for the men to give her gold and silver but she refused then and just whispered,
"Bring back our Queen King Akoni, bring her back safe and sound so we may have peace once more sire."
Her words were gentle like a child but soulful and true. The King kissed her forehead then bowed low before her and thanked her for her kindness. Then he moved through the crowd of villagers and Knights thanking them all for their courageous efforts in finding the veils. He screamed out for his mighty stead,
Mounting his horse of black King Akoni wrapped the veils around his neck and placed the ruby into his trusty velvet pouch then turned to the crowd that had gathered at the main gate as a Knight spoke.
"King Akoni do you go alone on this quest?"
The Knight was in amazement at the Kings courage. The Kings words were powerful,
" I must do this alone for the soul of the Queen this is MY mission from God, I share it with no others."
With that the King rode hard to the edge of the forest where the sun rays refused to shine then entered into the now black abyss of doom on his mighty steed Zalhazar. Zalhazar moved slowly now through the dark forest and soon King Akoni was at the Castle of the evil Wizard Armatilado everything was silent even the wind made no noise. King Akoni dismounted from his horse and then approached the massive iron door that blocked his entry and he reached into his armor and removed a small gray sack of magic then threw it at the door covering his body from the explosion that was caused by the magic powder in the bag of grey.
A flash of white light and the door was blown from its hinges a cloud of smoke billowed along the air. King Akoni walked inside the Wizards Castle and then up and into the throne room where the Wizard was seated in his throne next to the entranced Queen who still sat there held tight by the arms of the throne she was seated in. Her eyes glazed over and her body lifeless, her soul out of her body and under the glass dome still. Armatilado spoke with a quiet voice,
"At last, after all these years, we meet again, King Akoni but this time you will not win for I already have the Queen and her heart locked under my powers and forever I will keep her soul and dispose of her body after the cleansing ceremony tonight where I will use her soul as I have the rest of the women I have captured in taking over this rotten Kingdom making it my own so I can cause havoc through out the country side and you can do nothing about it anymore for you have no powers here. I see you have found the veils but they will not aid you in this fight!"
With that the Wizard stood up and lunged at King Akoni with his blade in hand, a fight to the death, he blocked the blade he then spun around and reached into his pouch pulling out the rare ruby and slamming it into Armatilado's chest penetrating the spot where his heart should have been. Armatilado screamed in horror from the pain and shock of the ruby placed inside his body he reeled back and shook hard then exploded into dust, falling like the dirt he was to the floor below at the Kings feet. The throne the Queen sat in released its grip on her naked body freeing her from the magical lock it had over her she slumped into the throne lower. King Akoni kicked the dirt to the winds and then walked over and looked at his Queen vexed and lost in pain.
"My Queen am I too late, have I been gone to long?" The Queen did not move but her eyes spoke to the King,
"Give me back my soul free me from this emptiness."
A tear formed in her eye as her eyes spoke to her King. King Akoni looked around the room and saw the glass dome on the pedestal in which her soul laid still beating although very slowly. He lifted the glass and set it onto the floor then cradled her soul in his strong hands and walked back to his lifeless Queen. His eyes filled with tears as he said a prayer to God above then placed the Queen's soul at her chest and pushed it in with the white magic taught to him by the priests that schooled him long ago when he was but a boy. The Queen laid there and began to breath as her eyes came back to life and she moved out of her trance the Wizard placed her under and then she smiled up at her King.
"Where am I," she spoke in her soft voice,
"YOU my Queen are safe now Armatilado is DEAD and turned to DUST and we can now reign in peace and love once more,"
King Akoni reached out and took the Queen's hand into his and helped her up then swept her off her feet cradling her in his arms walking her out of the Castle which now had turned to red, the color of love. He placed her on his mighty horse and covered her body with his long black coat, she leaned down and kissed him softly, whispering through her kiss she loved him as she sighed. King Akoni walked the horse through the woods which was now filled with the light of the Lord and even the trees began to sprout leaves once more.
"Akoni,my Anthony there is the Blue Rose I came for!" It was hidden in the dark right at the mouth of the trail all along!"
She squealed in delight and the King reached down and picked it at its base then climbed onto the back of the horse and they rode off to the Castle of Rubies for the grand ball and the night of conception. You see in life we all have our Castles and we all have our Blue Roses, we all have our Wizards to fight and demons to bring to their knees, we all have our seven veils of love and we all have our dreams of yet to be. Dreams DO come true its always this way but the circle of life goes on and now its your time to find the veils to save the Queen from a repeat attack of evil, because evil seldom dies, yet everlasting love is forever.~
*~Dalton Anthony~*


*~King Akoni~*

So it was for King Akoni and his Queen Kalia~