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Contact details:
(011) 406 6422 
082 491 9844

P.O Box 785189, 
Sandton 2146

Martin Simpson began his love affair with the bass at the tail end of 1972 with the acquisition of a Columbus J.bass copy and a Wilson Rapier bass. He formed the covers band Blue Dust (later to become Muffle Gruffle) with guitarist cousins Kenny and Gordon Martin, which lasted for around eighteen months. 

Later on he got together with Eddie Lagan and joined up with his old schoolmate Ozzy Orzell and Ozzy’s neighbourhood buddy/music partner, Donny Burke to re-form Ozzy’s band Sounder. Martin and Eddie left the band along with drummer Ray McKnight, around nine months later and formed the glam rock band, Metropolis (later to become Night stalker) with Eddie Kulac (later of Aztec Camera) and Bob Alexander which gigged extensively in and around London. Martin, however, played only one gig with the band as Night stalker and joined a band in Kent called Contact. 

By this time Martin had acquired a Hagstrom H8 eight string bass, a Fender P.bass, and a Gibson Thunderbird bass. Contact didn’t really get off the ground and Martin left the band along with vocalist Toad and guitarist Ron Neary to form the band Mistreated. By this time, Martin had acquired a B.C. Rich Mocking bird bass and an Ibanez eight string bass. Mistreated recruited Swiss born Drummer Pete Leman and went into the recording studio in May 1979 - before they had even done a gig and put a four track demo together but broke up immediately after this, due to friction that had been building up between Toad and Ron. 

In July 1982 Martin left England’s shores to immigrate to South Africa with the master tape of this recording session, acquired an Ibanez Musician bass, a Peavy 300 combo and soon found himself backing Durban born, blues/jazz guitarist/singer Linda McGregor. 

In 1985 Martin acquired a fretless Ibanez Musician bass and was invited to join a band that was being put together by guitarist/singer Paul Otten. It was in this band that he met Scottish born axe man Iaan Hearfield and together they departed to form the band Humaniax. Due to the band being only a three-piece outfit, Martin started doubling on keyboards. Unfortunately, the band didn’t last very long and Martin teamed up with Iaan’s younger brother, Dave, to form the two piece band, Night Beat (later to become The Simfield Project). 

During this time, Martin had started to put together demos of his own material and after a short stint trying to put a band together with John Paul Destefani, decided that his future course should be as a solo artist and he put together a demo solo album called Take Me Back To The Balcony, an album called Skin Deep, with his Simfield Project partner Dave and an album called Take Two with his friend, multi-instrumentalist, Ray Mavundla. 

By this time, Martin had begun designing the sleeves of his solo and collaborative albums. In 1995 Martin started trading as Sympsonic Creations, converted the Mistreated master tape into digital format and released the disc with the title Crystaline Mayhem (a reference to the time of year and location of the recording which took place in Crystal Palace, London). 

In 1992, he traded in his Ibanez Musician bass for a Warwick Streamer bass and shortly after this, Phil Culham persuaded Martin to assist him in re-forming his band Wicked Willie but the band only played a handful of gigs and so Martin went into B# Studios in 1997 to start work on the album Bass To Bass with John Paul Destefani. Martin eventually finished the album and came out with four cd’s: - Space Rock, a four-track single. Lost In Space, a five track single, Bass To Bass, a twelve-track album and The Bass Remains The Same, an eight-track album. During this extensive recording period, Martin acquired a Cort five string Artisan bass which he tunes E through C. 

At Present, Martin is working on follow-ups to The Bass Remains The Same (with Colin Heaney) and Bass To Bass. Most of Martin’s spare time nowadays, is spent running the South African Bass Player Collective that he co-founded with Concord Nkabinde, Kai Horsthemke and Graeme Currie in 2002.

click the thumbnail for the bigger picture

Track Listings

Title: Crystalline Mayhem
Artist: Mistreated
Musicians: Martin Simpson, Ron Neary, Toad Peter Leman
Description: 4 track Demo Single
Length: 18:34
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Just Wait And See
2. Picture
3. This Universe Aint Big Enough For The Both Of Us
4. You’re So Glad

Title: Take Me Back To The Balcony
Artist: Martin Simpson
Musicians: Martin Simpson, Ivo Nonswagaz
Description: 8 track Demo Album
Length: 41:42
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Get Lost
2. Space Rock
3. My Country
4. T.B.R.T.S. (Two Years Later)
5. Punk Funk
6. Tuesday Morning
7. T.B.R.T.S. (A Day Off)
8. Something From Nothing

Title: Skin Deep
Artist: The Simfield Project
Musicians: Martin Simpson, Dave Hearfield
Description: 10 track demo album
Length: 30:28
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Scarlet
2. Why?
3. Skin Deep
4. Stagecoach
5. Nonsense Game
6. Her Darkest Hour
7. Does It Have To Be Goodbye
8. My Country
9. And Be Lonely
10. What I Say Today

Title: The Mandalay Sessions
Artist: The Simfield Project
Musicians: Martin Simpson, Dave Hearfield
Description: 17 track demo album
Length: 50:59
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Scarlet
2. Why?
3. Skin Deep
4. Full of Dreams Again
5. Stagecoach
6. What Can I Say
7. Nonsense Game
8. Love’s On Your Side
9. Her Darkest Hour
10. Just A Dream
11. Does It Have To Be Goodbye 
12. Qualified
13. My Country
14. And It’s Now
15. And Be Lonely
16. Hometown
17. What I Say Today

Title: Take 2
Artist: Ray Mavundla & Martin Simpson
Musicians: Ray Mavundla, Martin Simpson & The Mystery Girls
Description: 7 track Demo Album
Length: 30 + Minutes
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Raise One
2. Basimane
3. I Need You Baby
4. Ouch
5. Still In Love With You
6. Oh Yeah?
7. I Love You Mama

Title: Space Rock
Artist: Martin Simpson
Musicians: Martin Simpson, John Paul Destefani, Dave Sharp, Judy Marshall, Garth McLeod, Peter Burger, Dianne X
Description: 4 track Single
Length: 18:09
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Space Rock
2. Werewolf By Night
3. Tuesday Morning (Around Breakfast time)
4. Oh Yeah!

Title: Lost In Space
Artist: Martin Simpson
Musicians: Martin Simpson, John Paul, Destefani Dave Sharp Judy Marshall,  Mauritz Lotz,  Heinz Schrader Annerine Tomlinson,  Larry Rose, Anthony Ive
Description: 5 track Single
Length: 23:51
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Space Rock (Lift Off)
2. The Quarterican
3. Get Lost
4. Orbit
5. Space Rock (Splash Down)

Title: Bass To Bass
Artist: Martin Simpson
Musicians: Martin Simpson, John Paul Destefani, Dave Sharp, Mauritz Lotz, Judy Marshall, Garth McLeod, Heinz Schrader, Anthony Ive, Vinnie Henrico, Annerine Tomlinson, Andy Thomas, Craig MACKMAN Mackinnon, Peter Burger, Larry Rose, Dianne X
Description: 12 track album
Length: 59:45
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Space Rock (Lift Off)
2. T.B.R.T.S. (Sax Appeal)
3. Werewolf By Night
4. The Quinterican
5. Get Lost
6. Orbit
7. T.B.R.T.S. (Bass To Bass)
8. The Death March Boogie
9. Tuesday Morning (Brunch)
10. Oh Yeah!
11. T.B.R.T.S. (Blow By Blow) 
12. Space Rock (Splash Down)

Title: The Bass Remains The Same
Artist: Martin Simpson
Musicians: Martin Simpson, John Paul Destefani, Dave Sharp, Judy Marshall, Andy Thomas, Mauritz Lotz, Heinz Schrader, Annerine Tomlinson 
Description: 8 track Album
Length: 37:58
Format: CD
Titles of Tracks 

1. Just Jazz
2. Blow By Blow
3. Keys To Ascension
4. Almost Unplugged
5. Hamm(ond)ing It Up
6. Sax Appeal
7. Bass To Bass 
8. Axe Attack

Title: Bass In Your Face
Artist: Various  
South African Bassists Featured: Martin Simpson Bert Askes
Description: 15 track Compilation album
Length: 67:57
Format: CD
Title: Bass In Your Face
Artist: Various  
South African Bassists Featured: Martin Simpson Bert Askes Kai Horthemke & Gito Baloi
Description: 31 track Double Disc Compilation album
Length: Disc 1 - 79:09 Disc 2 - 78:16
Format: CD

Title Bass In Your Face Too
Artist Various  
South African Bassists Featured: Martin Simpson
Description: 15 track Compilation album
Length: 72:02
Format: CD

Title: Bass In Your Face Too
Artist: Various  
South African Bassists Featured: Martin Simpson Kai Horsthemke & Gito Baloi
Description: 32 track Double Disc Compilation album
Length: Disc 1 - 77:41 Disc 2 - 76:42
Format: CD

Title: Bass In Your Face 3
Artist: Various  
South African Bassists Featured: Martin Simpson Kai Horsthemke & Gito Baloi
Description: 16 track Compilation album
Length: 73:25 
Format: CD
