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Adri^ans Music REVIEWS
TriplejDe Stijl//tripl3j
Penny Arcade
White Ninja
Movie Comics
Mini Discs
Best Page
Region 4
Strong Bad
CD Tracker
Ken Park
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
trois couleurs rouge (1994/kieslowski)
zemlya (1930/dovzhenko)
sauve qui peut (la vie) (1980/godard)
profession: reporter (1975/antonioni)
zerkalo (1974/tarkovsky)
celine et julie vont en bateau (1974/rivette)
pickpocket (1959/bresson)
orphee (1950/cocteau)
la dolce vita (1960/fellini)
c'era una volta il west (1968/leone)
seven samurai (1954/kurosawa)
sayat nova [the colour of pomegranates] (1969/paradjanov)
persona (1966/bergman)
la nuit americaine (1973/truffaut)
ivan the terrible (1944-46/eisenstein)
chevolek s kinoapparatom (1929/vertov)
barry lyndon (1975/kubrick)
sans soleil (1983/marker)
la regle du jeu (1939/renoir)
oedipus rex (1967/pasolini)
el angel exterminador (1962/bunuel)
bigger than life (1956/n.ray)
die bitteren tranen der petra von kant (1972/fassbinder)
bad timing (1980/roeg)
sweet movie (1974/makavajev)
goto, l'ile de l'amour (1968/borowczyk)
the birds (1963/hitchcock)
l'annee derniere a marienbad (1961/resnais)
eraserhead (1976/lynch)
prospero's books (1991/greenaway)
once upon a time in america (1984/leone)
germain, anno zero (1947/rossellini)
weekend (1967/godard)
the wild bunch (1969/peckinpah)
il casanova di federico fellini (1976/fellini)
the red and the white (1967/jancso)
letter from an unknown woman (1948/ophuls)
il conformista (1970/bertolucci)
the wind (1928/sjostrom)
stalker (1979/tarkovsky)
krotki film o zabijaniu (1988/kieslowski)
a la verticale de l'ete (2000/hung)
l'avventura (1960/antonioni)
la belle noiseuse (1991/rivette)
short cuts (1993/altman)
andrei rublev (1966/tarkovsky)
die nibelungen (1924/lang)
NEKROMANTIK 2 (Barrel Entertainment) 1991. Horror/Romance
Aphex Twin
Sigur Ros
The Beatles
Nick Cave
The Super Furry Animals
Pink Floyd
The Smiths
New Order
The Postal Service
Djali Zwan

Björk: Wow and Flutter (book)

Kingsely Amis, JG Ballard, Haruki Murakami, Oe, Titian, Oscar Wilde, FR Leavis, Tennyson, Northrop Frye, George Steiner, Evelyn Waugh, William Empson, HL Mencken, Fowler, Pei, Dante and Homer.