HoMez PaG£z~
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II ß.ß.HoMez PaG£z

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My perfect woman (Physically): I want a girl with a cute, baby face with little or no make-up, and a body I can put my arms around. I love a great smile =) and beautiful eyes. got to have beautiful smile, yup beautiful smile, very very beautiful smile! I love to draw the girls I`m interested in or do weird things.
My perfect woman (Personality): I look for a girl that is sweet and smart, mature in personality but knows how to have fun. The most important thing I want in a girl is the ability to trust her. There aren`t very many girls I can trust. I don`t like smokers or drinkers. I`ve never done it, (YES I NEVER DONE IT..DON'T TrIp)so I know there are girls that have never done it too. I want a girl I can bring a single rose to on a rainy day, just to tell her she`s my everything, and know that I`m hers forever too.
How I know when I`m in LOV£: I know when I`m in love when I wake up in the morning and all I can think about is if she is awake yet so I can call to tell her good morning. I know when I`m in love when all through the day, everyone and everything reminds me of her. I know when I`m in love when I constantly think of things I want to do for her and then go try to do them. I know when I`m in love when at night before I sleep, I say a prayer for her, thanking God for letting her be in my life, and wishing that I could be with her every second of every day.also what in reality i know i wont ever understand. the only thing that make sense to me is me n her.. the feeling we had is real n the memory we share is real.. n that is enough for the rest of my life... AND! when everything doesnt make n e sense except for me and her but in the other hand, GIRL WE JUST KNOW
If I could have one person right at this moment to share my life with, it would be: AAaA she too good to be true anyway.
Favorite Food: BuN MaY n what ever ThaT TasTe GoOdz....ha gow SiL mi hon ga chon hahahaha
One place I think I hang out too much at is: At home in front of my computer.Jk KicK baCk wItH my friends ,HOmeboyz,god sis,HGz n go places.BUT BEST OF ALL JUST KICK BACK!!
The one sport I enjoy most: Basketball, even though I suck at it.
My favorite song(s): All kiNd of SOngz that Movez M£.. n i will only like this song if i get a chance to slow dance with u
My favorite thing to do: Draw, B BaLL,taG, HuGGiNg, CuddliNg... (well, at least I wish I can do)
Favorite brand of clothing:PHat assr TyPe CLoth but im gOOd n i`m CLeaN aiight.
What I think the point of life is: Enjoy all the experiences you can get, and help others while doing that, because if you live life for yourself, you will be forgotten when you die, help others and your memory will live forever. one more thing which is that " GIrl life to me is chasing u thats right u aint gonna get away", but sometime there is no point in life without that person you care so much for. you know?
What is one thing I HATE: Peoples who lie because all that means is that they are ashamed of who they really are.
What is one thing I like: To feel appreciated.
What kind of person do I think I am: I try too much to make other people happy, sometimes I forget about myself. Other than that shid i had No cLUe it for u to judge ..
My advice aboutReLaTiOnShIp: My advice is really simple, don`t be with someone unless you truly want to be. Having someone is the greatest gift in the world, never give up if you think you have found the right person for you, and always take the chance to tell them you love them, because every little thing matters. OTHER THAN THAT HAHAH KICKKKK BACKKK
My Personal Quotes: "Love is nothing but a dream, a dream that I wish I would never wake from." "I`d rather be a fool with a broken heart, then to have never been a part of you." "If kisses could be sent with words.. you would be reading my every word with your lips." "KISS ME OR I JUMP U"
DescriBe UrseLf:WeLL i"m 5`7n i`m CLEAN...DOn'T DrUG.. that all i know BouT myseLf, othEr thinGz is FoR ya To judGe. Aiight.
TaKe KaRe all of Ya,thanx FOr VisItinG my PaGe,i apreciated that,MucH LuV n RespEct,DoN`T 4GeT to TaG up (_V)__)y Guest booK so We cAN hOOk iT up, LaTEz ß.ß.
•ShOUtZ OuTz•
SuP jUst WaNNa ShouT oUt to ALL mY hOmIe N hOmEgUrL OUt ThEre, HopINg Ya KeeP it ReaL n n Be KoOL ,.FeEL FrEe To CaLL On ME , I gIvE mY besT to Be THeRE fOR YA.No MaTtA wHaT Up i`ll Be ThEre By Ur siDe aLL the WaYz. Ya ALwaYz HaVE me,WheN thEre is NoONe eLes=) LiSa TraN (My JuLiEt N My G- SIsTa),James van (My CLOse hOmeboyz), JOn LA(tigHT homeboyz),TOny V(homie ever sinCE) AnN DiN (GoD sIs), SaLLy(BesT FriEnDz),LiSa(CLoSe HoMeGURL), SuSaN EaR(CLoSE HoMeGUrL),ELaiNe(GaNgBaNNEr HomEGurL),CAThy DAm(DreaMGurLz),Alan(my hOmebOYz),Leo(my Dia Lo),SuMMeRz,WiLLiaM(my Tru Cuz),
HoM£GuRL:, To Ann DiN(BesT KnoWn GoD SIS i Have sinCe 5th grAde, Im LuCky to HaVe Her, Babe Thanx For alwayz there By My siDe whenever i Need Or don't nEed u to be, U GOt ALL mY LovEz AlwaYZ,NotHinG wiLL cHanGe wHAt We havE,U caN alWAy CALL On ME wHen U neeD A friEndz), AND To MY BabySisTA LiSA TraN (My FionEst SIsta yea right jk, This dedicated to u, MiSs You alWayz n Ur alwayz in my heart), Melody,lily La,kiTty,JanE,KeLLy, SeaWin THe PIckY onE, JadE,NiNa(Jenny COusiNG), JUdy(JenNY SIsTA),HeLen(JeNNy siSTA),NiKi(JenNY gODsis), AngELa LuC (HAHA),JuLLy, StAcEy,KaTiE,KeLLy,NaNcY,LiNda V.,SaNdY T. RiNda,FreDa,JaNeT,JaNiCe,ToY,JaNe,ThUy,SiN,LeN,DOrAtHy, Ha,MaBeL,KiU,PaM,pANh, MaI,LuaN,LiSa Ngo, qi Wei,PhAn su,MaRy tAng,MaRy HaNg,ChonG,H.,Ann T.LeeSa(calvin Gf), SopHy,SopHea HAng,jenniFer,DeBBiE,ChriStiNa,Mei,BunThoeN,LieN LiU, LieN PaNg,SaNDra,LiLy, LinDA A.,LinDa G.,aShLey,AnniE,My T.,PhuaNg,sUsiaNNa, NgoC,PaTTi,EliSa T.,BraNdY,LinH s.,LorAnE U.,TrinH V.,JeNNy H.,AnniE L., MiKe Ton(MicKy),Thai,chAn T.,aNH,VaNNiE,ChrisTinA T.,AmY,ChoRRy,LauRa, MarY(DBM),StefaNi(604),ViViaN T.SabRinA,ELLen,amie,roseMaRy,Lisa NgO, Gen,Sandy,christina,Ngan,Yan,Christina Trang,KeLLyJeNNy TraN(Ex-GF) , WenDy(EL MOnte)maBeL,JennIfer,CaRrIes, RothA,LinDA,MinH,TiffaNy,Stefany, aNNiE,PhuaNG,Thoa,tiNa,traCy, TriNh, Maria, Dawn, TRuCI, SaNg,weNdy,NoEL, MaRy HanG,CHonG HAng,HeaVen,GoOfY,ChriStinE,aMMiEz,MiMi, faBLe,KiM,KaThy,YeN,sUssY,Lisa Ngo, Lisa TraN, KimBerLy,Jef,J, A, C,HeLen, fAy,Anne,CaTh,Di,LiLy L.,LieN,ChaNDy,Caty,saN,sin,WaN,PhAn,pAnh,giN,gen,lian, Luan,LinDa,qUn,dOminiqu,Yun,daIsy, Soon(LynDsy), evalen,flora,finny,angel,angie,heather,heidi,michelle,tan,DOpY,SopHiA,joaN, YAn.xynDy,kannie. IRiS. TiffANy Vu, JAnet, KAte, ViDeoz,RadiO,JudY,dAm,THaT GiRL KIM (BAbyLuvAbLe),Fai, LindA L, BiNh, lauran, Xyndy H.,Dee, CinDY, TrUCi, LiNda(JuDy GoDSiSta), MAry(JuDy Di Je HG),NaNcy(JudY Hg),Tu(TonY ChiCkX) ,KIM-KUruPT- LeaH, HELEN, julie,sue
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HoM£ßOyZHiNg Di:ToNyz(CLoSe Hom£ßOyz),JAmes Van(homie ever since),Jon LA( WASSUP)ALaN(CLOsEst one),Chi NgO(CLOsE), SLopPy,SteVen,Max,JoHnNy,TaY, QuOc, SHoa SteVen,SinH,SaM,KuO,ClaVin,PhiLip,aLaN,ChaU,TeRRy,PeTeR,DaViD,Vi, ERiC, JhAY, JohnSOn, ,Rhonal,Kevin,Justin,David,Sam,Jon,Sammy,bruce, EdMAr, DAvId(KAren Bf), sAm (LIsa Date),
HoM£ßOyZ:MiCheaL,MiKe,VaNn(CLoSe),LeRoY,KeViN,KeviN V.,vaN,Fu,JaMEs,JaMez,SteVeN,StefaN, Kon Chi,PhiLip,PeTer Li,QuoC,DougLas,JaMes(WiLLie`sHßz), EddiE,HoA,SaMSon,MinH,HarVeY,LuoNg,LonG,PhU,DaviD T., PeaNuT,RobERt H., RobERt,KeLLy,LeaPer ,eddie,aNthonY,JasOn,Ken,DaviD,PhiL,BriaN (Jenny Bro),SaMsoN, TonY(yummy),BiLLy,JasOn,GreG, RobErt,Larry, WiLLie,Kelly, Peter,Peter C.,Sinh,Tony Tran, Monirith
ßOyz:JorDaN,JiMMy,Mu,RaSmeY,WinsTon,Jon,DaNy,Jimmy(twin) and Tommy (twin)QuaN,WayNe(My MasTEr), ScoUt,tuan,SopHaL,WiLLie,HeNRy D.,JaSon,biLLy,winStoN,NeLsoN,TonY(Lisa's HomeBoyz) ,daVid(La pUente),Peter(Lisa bf),mon, LincoLn(SeaWIng BF), & ThE ResT of Ya`LL , too LaZy to NaME thEm ALL.MucH LuV PeaCe! AzN R£pR£s£Nt....


PoEm FroM my HeaRt to OnE GiRL wHO TooK mY HeaRt AwaY:
-BaCk Off YALL!!.. She My BabE ..No Not UrZ-
WhiLe Time Pass By
Like so many grain of sAnD
Look to Me
whEn you need a Helping hand
when a miracle needs
to be Pulled Out
You can CounT on me
Without a Doubt
I`ll be there From the begining to the End
that how you know i`m A trUe Friend
Everthing you SaiD Was Too Good To be TruE,
In reality, Nobody want to be no foolz
fooLz can get played, dUmped,mess, and screw,
i Don`t kare what u did to me
and the foolz i`ll be
all it matter to me is YOU
Its hard for me to let go of You,
think bout u every night and at school,
when u fall in love with someone eles,
that kool,
beside i will too,
but in the way i feel like a fool,
knowing my heart will alwayz belong to you
Up in the hiLL staring at the star,
i said to you, Look how beautiful they are,
the star Up above will alwayz remind me of u,
because without u , i dunno what to do,
when u there for me,
i feel free,
when you not there for me,
i went lost and can`t see,
look how much ur meant to me
life sometime ain`t fair,
its like the world don;`t seen to kare,
its very rare,
fuck yo, im growing white hairs
JusT Because i flirt,
dosen`t mean my wordz are all dirt,
i keep what i said,
or eles i be dead,
i`ll treat u like a rose,
even though we are not close,
don`t think i`ll change on u,
i be a fool if i do
Never say "I love You",
If you really don`t care.
Never talk about my feelings,
If they`re not really there
Never hold my hand,
If your gonna break my heart
Never say your going to,
If you don`t plan to start
Never look into my eyes,
If all you do is lie
Never say "hello",
If you really mean "good-bye"
If you really mean "forever",
Then say "I will try"
Never say" forever",
Because forever makes me cry...
-ßy OnE oF My HomeGurLz
you Know i will alwayz treat u right,
i want nothing from u,
but just to hold u tight,
i know my heart are true,
this becuase i love only u
-* i dunno wat you do to make meeh feel diz way... but babie since da day i met you.... u juzz steal my heart away.... i wanna let u know juzz how i feel.... i wanna show u rite now that my luv iz real...*Every lil thingz dat i do alwayz seemz to bring memoriez of you.... like da time when u held meeh close.... and whisper sweet wordz in my earz.... da wordz dat ive been waitin so long to hear....*ur the one who alwayz dere for meeh.... show meeh dat u care for meeh.... u alwayz have respect for me*
*i juzz wanna let u know no matter where u are and wat u do... i alwayz got mad luvz for you*
i Love You*
TaGgErz BooK Of LovEz

AIM: BBB0yZ - E-mail: BBboYz718@hotmail.com

Not My FauLt hehe I tRy AIight

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