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Like a lot of my friends, I lost my web site on Talk City. I had almost a year put into my site. I'm trying to get another going now.

My Little Buddy
A Little About Me

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The Real News

Below are a few of my thoughts. These are only my thoughts from watching this world we live in get further and further from God. "I'm an American!" and I like being free. I don't agree with everything this country does but, it's my country. I've been handed the short end of the stick a few times let me tell ya! But I'd still rather live here than any other country. The world is becoming more filled every day of people that just don't respect life at all! Thinking we are no more than over grown bugs, or fungus that crawled out of the sea, may have something to do with it.

On Sept. 11th, an ancient fight-to-the-death conflict exploded on the shores of the U.S. Though most Americans didn't realize it, we were already involved in this struggle that is driven by a hatred that goes back 4000 years. In the aftermath of 9/11 most Americans are asking:

Why do most Muslims hate Jews?
Why do Islamic Fundamentalists hate the United States and call it "the great Satan?"
Why did Islamic terrorists sacrifice their own lives to kill Americans?
Do Islamic Fundamentalists have access to weapons of mass destruction?
Could Islamic terrorists imperil the survival of the United States?
What light does Bible prophecy shed on this?
Does the Koran call for violence and conquest?
Are the Islamic fundamentalists an aberration of the Muslim religion, or are they - as they claim - the "true followers of Mohammad?"

Islamic Fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the Judeo-Christian world order with an Islamic world order. Every American needs to understand the enormity of this threat we face and why! It amazes me how easily these days people fall for lies they are told. The case in most of the Islamic world is, they tell their children at an early age that the very nation that has fed them for years is the "Great Satan". Broken down, they have been breeding an "army of hatred!"

Please remember these words (I) took from the Koran; Mohammad's words "War is deception. Negotiate peace with your enemy until you are strong enough to annihilate him."


New Things Are Coming!

I think this picture speaks for itself!
Any doubt that hatred is taught?

The United States must not fall into the trap of trying to run a war that pleases a hostile world media. It is becoming increasingly obvious that no matter what we do right, the media will focus on the few accidents that always happen in a war.