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1st Anniversary


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To My Love:

You are my life, my love, for eternity.

You make me smile every time I think of you,

talk to you, or hear from you.

You have my heart and soul, 

they were given freely to you on our wedding day.

I look forward to our future together, 

one that will last a lifetime.

A future filled with happiness and joy, love and laughter.

I am looking forward to being with you,

having you there to protect me, to care for me, 

to keep me warm on cold nights,

loving me as I love you.

On this special day,

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you

and cherish all our time together.

                                                                -written by LadyOnFire


I love you Rick.


Forever Yours,



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Dedicated to my love, Rick, on our 1 month anniversary (10-28-02).