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June 2004

The Atomizer
06/25/04 - 9:12PM

Ughh... So damn busy... I've been watching the dog all week, and it's taken quite a toll on my sleep. And it won't get any better on the weekend, cause I have to go out to the cottage (hence there will be no update) and babysit my cousins while all the adults go to some stupid wedding. I mean why can't us kids come? Particularly me. It's not like I care about the ceremony or anything, but it's a free buffet and cake afterward! Those wedding cakes are great! Ah well. And then to top it off, Monday is Graduation day, and with the partying all night, Tuesday is going to be a pain. The aftermath of all this leaves me with a heavy desire to be alone and sleeping, so I'm hibernating from Wendesday to Friday. And all this to say that there probably won't be another update until the 3rd, at the earliest.

Other than that, I'm having some reconsiderations about the site, and finding that it's not really what I wanted it to be. So, I'm thinking that once I learn a bit more HTML and possibly add a little Javascript into the mess, I'm going to have to do a complete rehaul of the site. And not just aesthetically, either. If I do make this huge change, the site is going to work very differently, and no longer be an article-based affair. It might even verge on becoming one of those half-blogs. Wow. Becoming what I detest the most. Oh well. I guess it's just in the cards. So, uh, that's what I have to say for today. I'll see you in July.

~Ryan out.

Iron Demon
06/22/04 - 3:11PM

Well, it's late, but it's (mostly) not my fault this time. Turns out Sunday was Father's Day, and that's probably the second biggest part of why I wasn't done on time. The biggest reason, is this guy here...

Yeah, we got a new puppy... again. After that last little incident, I was kinda hoping that we'd be a non-pet family, or at least until I move out. But no. Puppy it is, and puppysitter I am. Again. Sigh. This one's name is Gizmo, and you'd be surprised at how much he looks like a mogwai when his ears are up. But in any case, that's what caused the late (though renting Custom Robo might have had something to do with it too...). But it's done now, and the previous forecast of getting things done during the week has gone to the dogs. Err, dog. I'm not sure what's going to happen now that my delicate balance of napping and slacking off has been disrupted...

~Ryan out.

The Final Summoning
06/19/04 - 12:29AM

As of 2:50 yesterday, I am officially a free man. School is over and done with, and now I have all the time in the world to devote to the site. Unfortunately, much of that time will have to go to finding a job and working, or pursuing a post-secondary education. But whatever, I'm going to enjoy the freedom while it lasts. That'll be about two weeks or so, then it's back to the job hunting for ol' Ryan. So yeah, the weekend will be busy, so I'll try to get the article done by tonight. Probablility is high, so I'm hoping to be done by Sunday at the very latest. Since the week is empty, I'll be able to get some other stuff done too. If I'm really feeling into it, I might even get the entire rest of the Disney World crap done during the week. Might. Only four to go, so it's not an entirely impossible task. We'll see.

~Ryan out.

Red Time
06/14/04 - 9:34PM

I can explain, really. I was sick all Sunday (and still am), and I have do do the big chemistry exam on Friday, so I have to cram like Hell for that one. It's not that I'm not confident in my chemistry knowledge, it's that if I do manage to blow it, I won't pass school, and then everyone I know will hate me (particularly my mom), so there's a lot riding on this. So, probably next weekend will be the next update. And there's even a possibility of that final Chat Radio coming soon too. Speaking of coming soon, check this out, and be revolted. I was.

~Ryan out.

L'oiseau de Bonheur
06/09/04 - 4:45PM

It's not really related to my site in any way, but Planet MegaMan is now offering downloads of the entire RockMan Zero 2 remastered soundtrack. You may not be interested at all, but as a fan of both the MegaMan Zero series and video game music in general, I was pretty happy. It's good stuff, and even if you don't intend to burn it to CDs (like I did) you should listen to a couple tracks. Particularly 1-03, 1-12, 1-20 and 2-17. Well, all is said and done for now, so I'll seeya later.

~Ryan out.

06/07/04 - 5:52PM

Yay! I did it! I said it would be up by Monday and I came through. What a surprise. And it's not like I said Monday morning or afternoon, so we're cool. Evening is alright. There was a lot trying to get in my way, but I prevailed. So, not much else on the agenda, but after that one (close to 4000 words), I have to urge to do any more typing for the next little while. I'll try to get the next one up by the weekend, but you know that my promises aren't worth much, so I won't promise anything.

As a fun little featurette, here's a list of works in progress: Disney World Adventure parts 4-7, Florida trip purchases, 3-Foot 6-Pak part 2, Prince of Persia GC mini-review, ever more art, and Chat Radio 12. Just because I say they're "in progress" doesn't mean that I'm actively working on them, it just means they're on my to do list. Though some are already started...

~Ryan out.

Duck and Cover
06/03/04 - 3:00PM

Sorry I haven't been updating at all lately. In all honesty, I haven't touched the computer since Sunday other than to see if my joystick would work on it. I've been totally absorbed in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life and I've also started replaying Final Fantasy 8. So I'll probably have the third Disney World thing done by Sunday. Of course, it often takes an extra day, so you should be expecting Monday. I'll even start it now to soften the blow come the day I decide to finish and post it. Other than that, I really don't have much else to say. And so ends another news post.

~Ryan out.