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October 2003

Save Me
10/27/03 - 5:12PM
The time change was nice, I got an extra hour of sleep, which could have been used to work on two huge assignments due Wednesday and Thursday that I have no time to work on now. Like I said, it'll be a busy week, and I've just been looking over some of my old stuff, and noticed that (if counting all Chat Radios separately, guides as one, and the gallery as one) I have 30 unique things to read/look at on the site. Getting close to that 50. Someday.

Aside from that fact that ripping pics from .jpgs in MS Paint is incredibly slow and annoying, I'm doing pretty well with the next article. Remember, it'll be twice as long as usual, so it'll be worth it in the long run. I hope everyone enjoyed the OliverBot chat. I've read through it like 5 times and find it funny every time, so I assume others will enjoy it as well. And I redid the gallery, and made thumbnails so it should take less time to load.

Last thing I want to mention, is that I've written a small review of one of the movies I watched this weekend, I might do one for the other if I feel that it's absolutely necessary, or if I've got time to waste, or homework to do. So check that out under the new category on the Articles page. That's about it for now. Adios.

~Ryan out.

Losing My Grip
10/25/03 - 10:46PM
Remember that week-long thing I was yapping about last news post? Well, it's gonna be pushed back until the first week of November, as I haven't done it this week, and I'm very busy every day next week. The MegaMan themed article is written out, and now I have to splice pics without Photoshop. That will be my excuse as to why they look crappy and why it's taking so long. In other news, I'm bored. I miss F-Zero GX.

~Ryan out.

Foot in Your Mouth
10/18/03 - 2:02AM
It's not the one I've been raving about lately, but I did take the time to post a new article. It was really a spur-of-the-moment type thing. I've been wanting to do it for a while, but it was low on the priority list. Perhaps the extreme boredom that is the middle of the night compelled me to do it. Maybe it was just me going on autopilot and letting my body finish up a few loose ends that I'd been meaning to do. Next week, I'm gonna be starting a week-long review. A new thing each day. Kinda like Matt's Halloween countdown, but not. I think that's all I needed to say for now. I'm going to bed.

~Ryan out.

Taking Care of Business
10/16/03 - 10:00PM
I never really realized how long my new article is until I started page 2. Not only am I gonna take a long time to complete it (as usual), but I'm gonna pay in disk space for all the pics that I'm gonna have to insert. Unless... Ha! I've got an idea that might just work.

So, uh, you may have noticed the "new" symbol on the home page. I just thought it a nice, subtle way to celebrate getting 300 hits. 400 will be a little less special, but 500 will be good reason for a bigger celebration-type thingy. Oh, and that new pseudo-article might be a little harder on my disk space than I wanted it to be, because it'll be all in graphics, kinda like the gallery, but not. You'll see. You'll all see!! Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!

~Ryan out.

I Want Your Girlfriend to be my Girlfriend Too
10/15/03 - 12:11AM
If the picture below is not one of the funniest and most true things you've ever seen, you're gay, or a chick who isn't. Sorry to be so blunt, but you know deep down that I'm right.

I thought it my duty to share this with everyone I can before he changes it to something different. On a totally unrelated topic, I'm half done my next article and it's going to be about twice as long as usual, so that means it'll be in two different pages! I'm one step away from a frickin' novel here. Now if only I could do something like this for English homework, I'd be set. That's really all I have to share today. Oh, and while I'm at it, don't forget to check out Gorilla Mask. It's got some dirty stuff, but also hosts Rejected and the other insane Hertzefeldt(sp?) toons. I'll be adding it to the links section sometime in th future. Maybe now. Enjoy!

~Ryan out.

Sonic Drive
10/06/03 - 12:29AM
Gotta go fast, gotta go fast, gotta go faster faster fasterfasterfaster! Woah! The Sonic X theme song is just so energizing! I didn't think the theme song to any (american/dubbed) TV show could be so great, but here I am and there it is. Well, I'm not sure why I decided that it merited a news post, but now that I'm posting, I may as well relate to other news as well.

Most importantly, Viewtiful Joe comes out tomorrow! Tomorrow! It's gonna be the happiest day of the month, at least. And that's competing with Halloween, so it's a huge thing. Say what you will Steve, but Joe already has a gigantic following, so it's gotta be pretty damn good.

As for site-related news, the next article I'm gonna write won't be a real review, but I can say that it'll be MegaMan themed. Unless I do the second part of the 3Foot-6Pak review first, which I most likely won't. I might do a review of Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge sometime soon, if ever. I don't know about FFTA or MMBN3 either. I might also review an episode of Shaman King, my new favorite anime, if I can get my paws on an episode. Shouldn't be too hard, it seems to be pretty big in Japan. I suppose that that's all I really have to say for now. Adios amigos!

~Ryan out.

Everything Sucks
10/04/03 - 3:03AM
As I stated, there has been an addition to the Chat Radio archives. Now, I just need to get m'self a scanner so I can start my web comic. :D Just kidding. I might put up a few strips and some stuff I've done for school work, but nothing regular like Penny Arcade. Hell, this whole site is based on me haphazardly gaining enough interest in something to write about it. So don't expect a web comic. I was kidding. Go away. I wanna sleep but I can't. I feel sick... At least the forums are bustling, with all three members...

~Ryan out.

The Boys Are Back in Town
10/04/03 - 12:28AM
After all that stallin' (Ha! Stalin!) I finally got around to writing that article. As a bonus, I've even got a new Chat Radio to upload! Chat Radio! We all thought it was dead, but we're gonna do up to twelve at least. I might push for fifteen, because when we don't do it very often, it's kinda fun.

So now that that's out of the way, I can move on to 3F6P part 2, and a couple other secret projects I've been wanting to do. One will add to the pseudo-articles, and there are at lest 2 real articles manifesting in my head. So make sure to check in next whenever, same bat-time, same bat-channel! :D

~Ryan out.