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September 2003

The Edge of Soul
09/26/03 - 4:54PM
Sorry I haven't done that article yet. My brothers have been hogging the computer all week, and yesterday I had a job interview and I bought Soul Calibur II. I was going to wait and just get it for Christmas, but then it hit me that Christmas is still 3 months away. So now I've made a pact with myself not to buy any new games (bar Viewtiful Joe) until 2004. Unless I get the job, of course. Then I'll have money to spend freely, unlike now, where my income is limited to begging my parents. So I'll do it sometime this weekend. Not tonight, becuase I'm gonna be at my brother's hockey tryout thing. I really miss playing...

~Ryan out.

09/22/03 - 12:01AM
After much fooling around on my message boards, I decided I'd add my MegaMan X4 FAQ to the Guides section. I guess it's a consolation prize since I didn't do the article today. I just didn't feel up to doing anything today. I just layed in bed all day. And it's not the muscle pain that kept me down, it's mostly gone. Strange. So yeah. I hate the French language and it's damn verbs. Bye.

~Ryan out.

Are You Ready for Some Football?
09/21/03 - 2:00AM
As this is slowly becoming more bloggy as time goes by, I guess I should state why I haven't completed that new article yet. Well, Friday was our school's outside fun day. After enduring more activity in one day than I've had the rest of my life, my body was incredibly sore. It still is. I can barely move, never mind get out of bed.

Yesterday I managed to get out to the Bombers game. We had tickets to the VIP Blue & Gold room, so I couldn't not go. So we got there, I ate a lot and met this really nice girl. We knew little more than each other's names, but we got along famously. Only since I don't know the proper protocol to liking a girl, I never thought to ask for a way to get in touch with her. So now I'll probably never see her again. Oh well. The game was good, except for the fact that the Bombers stunk up the place and managed to lose a game that they could have won so easily. It was 26-20 with a minute left, and they threw the damn ball 3 times, when running it would have been the obvious solution. So after a long day, I still hurt and plopped right into bed. I wasn't sleepy, but I almost literally couldn't get up, so I laid there until about 9. Then I got up(and I use the term "up" loosely), watched Identity, which sucks, except for Amanda Peet is in it. And now I'm writing this. Now I've got a whole Sunday ahead of me. After a quick nap, if nobody's on the PC, I'll get right to work. Later dudes.

~Ryan out.

Drawing Board
09/18/03 - 11:47AM
Two things to report today, first being that I've taken all the necessary pictures for my next article and now it's just the writing part. No problemo. My next topic relates to this -

See this? It's a fake X-Box controller. It's also the most comfortable X-Box controller I've ever used. It's almost as comfortable as the GameCube controller, and much moreso than the PS2's controller. The best part about it is that you don't have to dislocate your thumb to reach the Black and White buttons. This just goes to show that Microsoft obviously had no idea what they were doing when they made the X-Box, since I've never held a 3rd party controller that was better than the original before this.

But now, I have to go back to school. I might do the article today, maybe tomorrow. I just have one thing to say. USE THE DAMN FORUMS!

~Ryan out.

09/15/03 - 12:42AM
I'll admit, when it comes to written humour, I've become pretty jaded. Only standup and sitcoms have real effect on me at this point. I don't even laugh at X-E that much anymore, even when I know the stuff is funny. But this really got me ROTFLing. Heh heh. Laughinging. Just check it out. You'll see.

Curious as to what I got for my birthday? You'll know soon enough. Sure it won't have mystery chocolate like the Easter article, but it's something to add to the archives. My favorite gift? I'll give you a hint. It's green and goes "RAAAAAAARRRR!!!".

~Ryan out.

Pretty Fly
09/09/03 - 7:30PM
Ha! I've got a huuuuuge update! The Page of Death now has it's own forums!!! WAHOO! I'm a little more excited than I should be, but I think it's really cool. Make sure that you join right away! See ya there!

~Ryan out.

Happy Birthday to me!
09/09/03 - 4:29PM
Yup. I've mentioned other birthdays, so I really can't skip my own. I usually don't like to make a big deal out of it, but I noted somethign while browsing ye olde internet. It's also Google's birthday! Coincidence or what?! Well, with that said, I'm off to do normal, not birthday stuff. Might put up an article next week, and I really need a scanner. Some drawings I've done really need to go into the gallery.

~Ryan out.

09/04/03 - 8:56PM
I've noticed a small problem with the banner ads. There should be one small one near the top of the screen, and a bigger one at the bottom. Sometimes the bottom one covers any links I have on the bottom of the page, and sometimes it appears over top of the small one. I've only noted these errors with the Opera browser, everything seems to be in order when using Internet Explorer though. I'm clueless about other browsers, but I'm pretty sure that it's not my fault this is happening. Just thought I'd point that out. ;p

And for anyone who cares, MegaMan NT Warrior and the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles premiere tomorrow on Teletoon. 8:00PM my time.

~Ryan out.

I'll remember you
09/02/03 - 10:52PM
Would you look at that, I did it! I got all three promised articles done by September 2nd! And that means only 2 more days until I get to watch MegaMan NT Warrior! Everything's coming up Milhouse... errr, Ryan!

In other news, it feels kinda good to be back at school. Classes seem easy enough, and I've been able to talk to a lot of people I hadn't seen all summer (though I should have...). And if today was any indication of what's to come, it's gonna be a good year.

~Ryan out

Boys of summer
09/01/03 - 10:52PM
Well, that's the end of my last summer vacation. Sure there will be summers between college/university years, but I doubt they'll be the same. I'll probably actually do stuff. Though I can't say that I feel I've wasted the summer. I've done a lot of the stuff I wanted to do; hang out at the cottage, write some articles, finish a few old games, etc, etc. But now it's time to go back to the grind. And who knows, I might learn something this year. And if you haven't guessed, no article. It's not my fault though.

~Ryan out.

When love and hate collide
09/01/03 - 7:58AM
Today I've got good news, bad news, very good news, and very bad news. I'll start with the very good.

Yesterday I got my new computer! Ooh I'm so very happy about it. I'm even getting used to Windows XP. As soon as we get a hub or whatever, I'll be able to write from my room so that other people can use the main PC. The only downside is that it has no burner or webcam. Oh well, it's got tons of RAM, so it's balanced out.

The good news is that with a little help, I got the articles pages to work properly! No more overlapping tables for me. Thanks again, Carnal Spirit.

The bad news, on the other hand, is that all of my music and video files have been deleted. I don't know who yet, but it's not so important as why they did it. I guess in the end it's just karma paying me back for all the stolen media. I'm still very sad about it. It took me forever to get some of that stuff. But it's not as bad as when I lost about 20 eps of Rockman.EXE. That really killed me.

And the very bad news is that unless God comes down and stops time, I'm probably not gonna get that third article done before next weekend, nevermind tomorrow. Ah well, you did get the original two that I promised, and I have 4 topics lined up to be done by the end of the month (at the latest) so it'll all work out in the end. and that all I have to say for today. Unless I do finish the 3rd article. But I probably won't.

~Ryan out