Hello Everybody!
Diz page iz for horoscopez.
Sum of da Horoscpez r not on here.Rilly sorrie 'bout dat!I'll try n find sum more.

Keynotes to Aquarius
You belong to the Air element,so: you're chatty and socible.
You're also idealistic,particularly about people.Beauty is important to you.

Your talents and interests lie in: scientific
subjects,art,computer,charity work and many more

The Aquarian Personality
Aquarians are what known as progreeive thinkers.Those on their wave length will understand them and realize
what a trulyoriginal mind they possess. Those who aren't,will simply
think they're spaced out, weird or plain batty-dpending on what generation they belong to!

Aquarius in Love

Your ideal partner:is someone who is clever, generous and open-mided.Someone with lots of hobbies
so they can keep you interseted and on your toes.Someone who will encourage you to talk about your
feelings but will,at the same time ,respect your need for privicy. You like people who are a bit alternative or way-out.

You belong to the fire element,so: you're enthusiastic,warm open, generous and friendly.
You're noisy and extroverated.
Your talents and intersets lie in: working with animals, sports, travel,the legal profession,nursing.
You work by: puttin everything off , then have to work like blazes in the last minute.

You hate: being tied down.

The Sagittarian Personality:

Sagittarian are the freewheelers of the zodizc,happy,easy-going,laid-baack people with a verry casual attitude to everything they do.
perhaps it's their cheerfulness,or their take-it-or-leave-it approach to things,or the fact that thry're extraordinarily lucky.
Whatever it is,they just don't get fazed like other people.
Sagittarius in love

Your ideal partner is someone who is easy-going like you and shares your love of the outdiir life. Someone who won't insist you to dress up all the time and who won't complain about the mud you walk throubh the house. or who doesn't mind about camping in the rain and actually prefers wearing jeans and sneakers most of the time. And who 's mad about picnics-even in the dead of winter.

You belong to the water element o you'resensitive,emotionaly
intense and your heart often rules your head.Your enjoy being near water.
You talents and interests lie in:
detedtive work, crosswods,puzzles,
uncovering mysteries,criminal detection,and other spooky things.
The Scorpio Personality
If you a thing or two about a scorpions,you'll know that they're dangerous creatures. They're okay so long as they're left alon, but if you stir them up,poke them around or disturb them when they don't want to be disturbed,They're whip theirtails round and jab you with their poisinous sting. When it comes to their enemy, they show no mercy.They're vicious and ruthless, and they attack to kill.
Just like the personality of a scorpio.if you get it mad it will get you back real bad.
Your ideal partner:must be as emotional and passionate as you. someone one who is willin to stand by you all the time no matter what.He/She will be flattered with your undivided attention and would never dream of flirtting with anyone but you!

You belong to the Earth Element so you're practical,logical Down-to-Earth.You woek hard. Your're good with your hands.You have green thumbs.
Your interests and talents lie in: art,design,music,dancing,drama,fashiooon,money managment and craftwork.
The Taurean Personality
Taurean are laid-back,affectionate and cuddly people. They're good-natured and kind. And, of course belongin to the Earth element means they're sensible,leveled-headed individuals whose feet are firmly plonked on the ground.
Tarus in Love
Your ideal partner:
Is someone dependable,someone you're sure can trust and rely on completely.It's got to be solid,sensible,down-to-earth person like yourself and She'he is practical and good at making things, then even better. You can be a bit of a snob when it comes to pinking out who you want to go out with because you like to be with a poppular partner by your side.

You belong to the fire element so you're anthusiastic, warm,open, generous and friendly.You're noisy and extroverted.
Your talents and interests lie in: sports,games, fashion desgin.The martial arts.Engineering.and lots more daring exploits
The Aries Personality
Because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac,they like to take the lead,heading the pack and being first.For a start They are really fast.They don't know how to slow down.That's why most Aries become explorers.and inventers.
Aries in Love
Your ideal partner is:someone who is strong but not bossy,loving but not to clingy.it must be someone who is energetic and outgoing yeet prepared to let you take the lead.But, because you can get restless and becauseyou like to do the chasing,in order to keep up your attention,this partner will definitel to give you a good run fore your money!

You belong to the earth elment so you're:Practical,logical,And down-to-Earth.You work hard and you are good with hands.You have green thumbs.
The Capricorn Personality
Complete straners walk up to Capricorns and say things like "Cheer up buddy" or Never mind, That will never happen." Why? because Capricorns have a habit of looking sad when Their not.They may be filled with springs of joy and yet people will take one look at them and say "Keep your chin up, man." This has to be because for a Capricorn life is A seriuos business and this serious atiitude tends to be reflected in their faces.
Capricorn in love
Your ideal partner: Is someone who is as strong and dependable as yourself. Someone who will work hard.be loyal and true and who will back you ione hundred percent in achieving your ambitions.A touch of sparkle, and a good sense of humor to pull you out of a slump when neccssary, would happily complete the picture.

Your a Leo so you're enthusiastic,warm,open,generous and friendly.You"re noisy and extroverted.
The Leo personality
The Personality of a Leo is very much like a cat.They love to be the center of attention all the tome.If they get ignored, they can be sulky and disgrunted just like an old lion with thorn in his paw.When their not they are soft and cuddly.Just like the Personality of a Leo!
Leos in Love
Your ideal partner: is someone with drop-dead good looks,who turns heads everywhere you go. Someone you can see others would give their eye theeth for.At the same time ,to be an ideal partner,this person must be someone who loves and adores you (whatever the faults may be), who puts you on pedestal and who would never,whatever the circimstances, try to outshine you.A pretty tall order,huh?

You belooong to the water element so you're sensitive emotionally intense and your heart often rules your head.You enjoy being near water
Belonging to the water element means that the Pisceans are ruled by their emotion.Feelings play a huge part in their lives. They are able to tune in to others feelings too. For insrance,If someone is inhappy or das, then the Piscean will instanty feel unhappy and sad. if someone is happy then the Piscean will automatically respond by cheering up.If someone is feeling sad, no-one will understand the pain more than his/her Piscean friend.Even a little bit of violence will make them physically ill.
Pisceans in Love
Your ideal partner has to be someone who is romantic and who sweeps you off your feet. You need someone who is gentle and understanding and who wont put you down,but at the same time who is strong and suppotive,and a calming,reassuring influence on your turbulent emotions.Above all,it must be someone who can make you laugh.

You belong to the Earth element so you're practical,logical,and Down-To-Earth.You work hard. You're good with your hands.You have green thumbs.
The Virgo Personality
Being rules by Mercurry means that Virgos have razorsharp brain and pick things up in a instant.With their refined eye for detail and sense of discrimination,they notice mistakes and flaws that other people wouldn't spot a month of Sundays.
Virgos in Love
Your Ideal partner is someone who's brainy but also practical. Someone who's emotionally solid,stable and laid back.Who'll make you feel relaxed enough to let your hair down and give you sppace to let off team now and agian.

More will be cumin soon!
