supsup ppl???
diz pg iz on meeh!!!
hope ya lyke it.....
it is still under construction ...
so diz is all I got so far....
so yeah..........

nickname~ angie
sign~ saggitirius
fav. color~ blue,black n silver
fav. fast song~?>??not sure
fav slow song~...hmmm...iono so much good songs!
luvs to be near~ water
B-day~ November 26
fav grd(s)~ 6&7
fav movie~Princess Diaries
fav mem of grd 7~ going to camp
hobbies~spending time wit mah fewendz(no duh.....),SHOPPIN!!!!
mah Fav animal~doggie
wut makes meeh maddest~......
Nationality~100% chinese

how do you like mah new
layout??? well...atleast it'z better dan
da one i had last time....
i'm still working on
on it.... Bais!
