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late (new orleans) nights

i've been writing a lot more than usual this summer... thought it might be somewhat useful if i put a few of these together and attempted to remember how to do a crappy website. comments are more than welcome (no, you don't have to be nice).

disclaimer(s): 1. this is not meant to be poetry, specifically. it's just the way i write... the way i think... broken thoughts, that is. also, as a rule, the later the date, the more i like what i wrote (so don't give up on me too soon)
2. i may not be held accountable for anything i've written more than 5 days ago. i'm moody. deal with it. not to mention, some of this stuff is straight out of my claire fantasy-world, so don't laugh at me just because i'm a nutcase. -grin-
3. sorry about the pop-ups.

oh, and... all materials Copyright 2002 Claire Hassig (and all that fun stuff)
except this nifty angel background - can't remember for the life of me where it came from...

5-3-02 morning
5-25-02 dream
6-14-02 (calm yourself)
6-16-02 happy father's day
6-19-02 moment
6-22-02 mon ami
6-26-02 moods
6-26-02 (occasionally)
7-9-02 late night
7-11-02 6am
7-20-02 4am
7-28-02 Omaha airport
8-12-02 the end
8-20-02 nyc
8-21-02 random
8-26-02 and back again...
9-2-02 concentration (or lack thereof)
11-4-02 pasting time
11-8-02 (leaving so soon?)
11-16-02 high school english
1-24-03 about that mixing bowl...
2-5-03 3am
2-5-03 sue quote