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Afghan Women in the Peace Process

On this website, I'm going to explore the past efforts towards peacebuilding and nation building made by Afghan women.

Finding information on these groups has been very difficult. Often, even typing the name of a group into an internet search engine returns no results. Many of these organizations are virtually unknown. This is either because under the Taliban (and, to some extent, under Muslim law) they were illegal. In addition, as a result of living under the Taliban, Afghan women may be uncomfortable in the public sphere, and wary of talking to journalists. It could simply be for the same reason that other women’s organizations are not seen in the news; women are still somewhat invisible in our society. Another reason for these omissions could be that this kind of image of an Afghan woman does not fit our ideas of what we want to see. We rely on an idea of “us” and “them.” If we can continue to see Afghan women as the objects of other peoples’ actions, as bodies that are acted upon, that dehumanizes them. Once we dehumanize them, we don’t have to feel as guilty about the atrocities they encounter daily.

Information on this site:

Challenges to this peace process
Case studies
What's been going on?
Recommendations for including Afghan women in the peace process
Bibliography and Useful Links
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