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Another normal, boring day.


Yep, today was a normal day. Nothing too exciting, though I've realized how embarrasing the trash dump (a.k.a. my room) is. To tell the truth, it doesn't bother me all that much. It does, however, bother my mom, and I don't fully understand how my room being a mess affects her in any way. Please, if you have an idea, share with the world. I'm tired. When I'm tired, I tend to become random. Heh, mullet, flies, gnat, guh-nat, nat... See? What the hell is that about?


Well, this is my second day using this whole Angelfire deal, and I must say, I have no idea what I'm doing. All I wanted was a webpage, and now I've got crazy nothingness. Whatever. Anyway, I saw "A Walk to Remember" yesterday. Dispite the fact that I find Mandy Moore repulsive, it actually wasn't that bad. Infact, it was rather good. Tragic, but good. And let the record state that I almost cried (read: tears welled up, but didn't fall). Everyone around me was crying, which leads me to believe that I have a heart made of stone. I'll have to work on that...


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