A Knight with the Viper Chapter 9 Garth Knight's men lead Michael from his prison to the ship-loading zone. Garth was waiting with the rest of his men. He turned when he heard Michael approaching. "Welcome my brother," he said, "You're just in time to witness my final triumph. Never again will the memory of my late father haunt me." "How about the memory of 'mother dear'," Michael said, "I suppose you haven't lost any sleep over her death." Garth walked over to Michael and struck him across the face. "You are NEVER to speak of my mother again," Garth said. Michael smiled to himself. If that was the last time he would ever get to irk Garth, that was good enough for him. There it was, the ship was arriving. It had no markings on it. No way for Michael to identify it's origin. If somehow he lived through this, how could he tell anyone where the ship was from or where it was going? It docked and Garth's men assisted the crew with mooring the ship. When the gangplank was lowered, a group of men debarked. They all had uzis. Garth's men stood ready for a fight but a gesture from Garth told them to remain at ease. After the gunmen were clear, two men in suits emerged from the ship. One was carrying a briefcase. No doubt carrying Garth's payment. All the men wore ski masks. "Welcome my friends," Garth said, "I do not remember anything about an armed escort in our negotiations." "Just a precaution Mr. Knight," one man said, "I'm sure you understand." "I do not like surprises sir," Garth said, "But luckily I am of an understanding sort." "Of course," the man said, "Who is this man?" He pointed to Michael. Garth laughed, "No one of consequence." "I see, shall we proceed with the purchase?" Garth raised his arm and spoke into his comlink, "KARR, come on out and bring your friend with you." "Yes sir," came a voice from the comlink. "This way gentlemen," Garth said. Everyone walked over to the building that had its doors opening up. The sound of two turbines started up and two black cars emerged. KARR had already informed KITT where to drive too. KITT did not dare disobey. He saw Michael, still handcuffed with a guard by his side. There was nothing to be done. "There you are my friends," Garth said, "the work of my late father's misguided genius. The Knight Industries Two Thousand and the Knight Automated Roving Robot." "They are very pretty American vehicles Mr. Knight," the other suited man said, "But what about their capabilities." "KARR," Garth said, "Proceed with your demonstration program." "As you wish," KARR said. KARR backed away and in a squeal of tires was off. "Pay attention gentlemen, he moves rather quickly." At that exact moment, one of Garth's men was at the guard booth. He was counting out a rather large sum of money for the guard. Just as he was finishing he looked up and saw a silver car approaching. "Oh damn," the man said. The guard looked and saw the car too. "Who's that?" "Listen," Garth's man said, "You stop that car and I'll double your money." "Really?" the guard asked surprised. "Yeah, really," The man said and ran off. The guard ran into his booth and grabbed a high powered rifle. No doubt provided to him by Garth Knight Cole and Westlake saw the man running away from the booth. "Hundred bucks says he's one of Garth's men," Westlake said. "No argument here," Cole said as he slowed down the Defender's approach. "How are we going to justify searching the yards without a search warrant?" Westlake asked. At that exact moment, a bullet ricoched off the Defender's windshield. "That's good enough for me, call in the Calvary," Cole said and accelerated. The guard could not believe it. The bullet bounced off the car. He fired some more, but the result was the same. He ducked back into his booth and the Defender crashed through the gate. KARR was just finishing up his demonstration. The men in suits applauded. "An impressive display Mr. Knight," the first one said, "And this other car can do all that too?" "That it can sir," Garth said, "I'm sure you will find these vehicles..." "BOSS!" Garth turned around annoyed. He saw one of his men running around the corner. "WE GOT COMPANY!" The Defender turned the same corner and screeched to a halt. Michael saw them and felt some relief. 'Good work buddy' he said to himself. He knew that KITT would contact the others somehow. "Mr. Knight!" Suit number two said, "Who the hell are they?" "Annoyances," Garth said, "KARR, destroy them." "Yes sir!" "Gentlemen, it seems you will be getting to see your new merchandise in action before purchase." At Viper complex, the others were watching the action. Bonnie was monitoring the Defender's shell and Allie was making sure the weapon's system was ready for the battle. Frankie and Devon just watched. Frankie sat leaning forward in his chair saying a silent prayer. Devon stood behind him rubbing his hands together, a sure sign that he was worried. "How we doing Bonnie?" Allie asked. "Just fine," Bonnie replied, "The shell is holding." The tone of resentment that was in the two women's voices was now gone. Their little squabble was unimportant. Only the rescue mission mattered. "How's everything look over there?" "Just perfect," Allie said, "We're ready to rumble." KARR made the first attack. He charged at the Defender and fired his laser dead on at the engine. The beam deflected and struck the nearest building. KARR turned and drove away when he realized what was happening. Garth saw it too and was surprised. So was Michael, KITT, and all the men in the area. "KARR," Garth yelled into his comlink, "What's happening?" "This vehicle is coated with the same invulnerability shell as me and my twin," KARR said. Garth looked at Michael with rage in his eyes. Michael had a sly grin on his face. Garth was nervous and Michael knew it. "Don't look at me," Michael said, "It's not my fault you underestimated my friends." "Continue your attack KARR," Garth shouted. This time the Defender was on the move. Its machine guns were blaring away. Cole knew that the guns would have no effect on KARR, but the distraction was needed. Hopefully this new improved Defender confused KARR. A few shots of electro-pulses made sure of that. KARR's logic circuits deduced that the Defender was now a serious threat to himself, but also to Garth Knight. If Garth Knight is destroyed then I am helpless, his logic told him. Therefore, the silver car had to be destroyed to protect Garth Knight. With that logic in his mind, KARR continued his attack. Because of his computerized mind, it soon became easier for KARR to anticipate and avoid the Defender's attacks. KITT could see this happening too. Soon KARR would be able to make easy strikes against the Defender. It soon occurred to KITT that the Defender was surviving KARR's laser attacks. KARR even tried to ram the Defender but it survived those too. KITT turned his scanners on the Defender. If he didn't know that his sensors were perfectly calibrated, he would have sworn they were wrong. The Defender had the Molecular Bonded Shell. KITT recognized Bonnie's handiwork immediately. Maybe there was a chance. The two suited men were starting to get a little worried. "Mr. Knight, this is not what we were expecting." "Patience gentlemen," Garth tried to reassure his customers, "KARR will have this little matter solved soon." Three bullets hit the ground in front of where they were standing. "Perhaps we should move to a safer location until this is finished," Garth suggested. No one argued with Garth. Everyone began to move toward the nearest building. KITT was not to far away from where everyone was standing. Michael quickly looked around and decided to make his move. He turned towards KITT and began to run as fast as he could. Garth was the first to notice Michael run away. He turned to the man who should have been watching Michael but had become to engrossed in the battle. "STOP HIM YOU FOOL!!" Garth yelled. The man realizing he had royally screwed up turned to fire at Michael. KITT saw Michael run to him. He also saw the man with the gun prepare to shoot. A quick calculation and KITT fired his laser at the feet of the gunman. The gunman jumped in surprise and ran away to the building. Some of Garth's other men and some of the suited men's gunmen turned to fire. KITT quickly shot one laser blast at the feet of each gunman. KITT opened the driver's door and started his engine. As Michael was diving into KITT, Garth's men began to shoot again. Bullets harmlessly bounced off KITT as he drove away. "Can you do something about these handcuffs buddy?" Michael asked. On KITT's screen was Michael's restrained hands. A quick shot from the Micro-jammer and Michael was free. "Thanks KITT," Michael said, pressing the NORMAL CRUISE button and taking control, "Let's pour it on! Patch me through to the Defender." "Go ahead Michael." "Cole!" "Welcome back Michael," Cole said, "Glad you could join the party." "And I see you've brought the surprises." "Bonnie applied your protective finish to the Defender," Westlake said, "We're just as strong as KARR now." Michael jumped as more bullets began bouncing off of KITT. Everyone who had a gun was shooting at KITT and the Defender. "We'll worry about the gunman later," Michael said, "Right now we need to stop KARR." "We've called reinforcements for the gunmen," Cole said. "Good. KITT any sign of Garth?" "He's hiding in that building near where you were standing. So are the two masked men in suits." "Okay keep an eye on him. After we deal with KARR we get him." The battle was intense. Bullets, lasers, and electric discharges flew everywhere. It almost looked like a science fiction movie. No car was doing damage to any other. It seemed that this fight could rage on forever. Or until one car ran out of power. "This is crazy," Frankie said, "every car is indestructable. How the hell can either side win?" As if to answer Frankie's question, a warning chime began to eminate from one of the computer's. Both Bonnie and Allie began to check their respective machines to see who it was. "On no," Bonnie said. "What? What's wrong?" Devon asked. "Something's wrong with the shell on the Defender," she said. Everyone looked at Bonnie's screen. It showed a Defender skematic that represented the shell. The left rear quater was flashing. "What's happening to it?" Frankie asked. Bonnie double checked what the computer was telling her. "The shell is breaking up on the left rear quarter panel of the Defender. Allie checked the shell status next. What she realized caused her eyes to widen. "It's worse then that," she said, "The shell is reacting with the defender's skin and destablizing it. In a few minutes, it'll be as useless as tin foil." "The shell's never reacted that way before," Bonnie said surprised. "If you had told me what the shell was maybe i could've told you that!" "If you had told me what the Defender was made of maybe I could have adjusted the MBS formula to compensate!!" "Ladies please," Devon said, "Now is not the time to argue." Devon was right of course. Both ladies did thier best to repress their anger for the moment. "Can anything be done to stop the destablization?" "Not from here it can't," Bonnie said. "I've got to warn them," Allie said. She quickly made contact with the Defender. "Cole, Westlake, this is Allie." "Good news Allie," Westlake replied, "Michael is back with KITT, Garth and his men are hiding, and we've got KARR surrounded." "That's great, but I'm afraid we've got bad news. The shell on the Defender is breaking up. In a few minutes you're going to be completely helpless." "Bonnie, it's Michael," Michael chimed in, "Is that true?" "I'm afriad it is Michael," Bonnie said, "The MBS and the Defender skin are reacting in a way I've never seen before." The Defender shell skematic began to beep again. Now the the driver side door was exposed. "And in a few minutes the Defender is going to be totally unprotected." "Okay KITT you heard her," Michael said, "We've got to take KARR out now. Transfer as much power as you can into your laser and aim dead center at KARR's scanner." "If I do that I'll burn out my laser," KITT said. "No choice buddy. KARR has to be stopped before the Defender becomes helpless. You've got full control of your laser now KITT. Fire when ready." "No pressure. Right Michael?" KITT replied. Michael got the joke but didn't laugh. It really wasn't the time for humor. "Cole," Michael said, "Try to lure KARR past us. KITT's gonna try to take him out." "As I heard in a movie once, 'Try not, Do or do not.'" The Defender began it's manuvers. Cole piloted the car with a skill few could match. By this time the Defender's entire rear was vulnerable to attack. Michael drove away from the battle a ways and turned to begin the approach. KARR pulled behind the Defender just as Michael had hoped. KARR targeted the Defender and fired. The laser grazed the Defender's trunk area. And there was visible damage. KARR quickly scanned the Defender and realized that the shell was destablizing and the metal was weakening. "I have you now," KARR said. As KARR prepared to fire his sensors detected a laser targeting system attempting to lock on to him. He detected KITT approaching from ahead. He scanned KITT's approach and quickly calculated what was happening. The Defender was luring him into an attack. KARR calculated at what point KITT would fire. When he reached that point, KARR turned. KITT's laser stuck KARR's right fender. "DAMMIT!" Michael said. "I'm sorry Michael," KITT said, "KARR must have figured out what we were planning." "It's not your fault pal," Michael said, "What's the condition of your laser?" "As I feard Michael. It's been completely burned out." "A valient effort my twin," KARR's voice spoke through KITT's speakers, "But all in vain. Now witness the final victory of the truly superior." Michael felt the color leave his face. What did KARR mean? He looked for the Defender. He saw the Defender behind him and saw KARR approaching on it's right. "COLE LOOK OUT!!" Michael shouted. But it was too late. KARR actiated his TURBO BOOST. He launched into the air. He was at just the right hight. KARR's wheels ripped the roof off of the Defender. The shell had deteriorated beyond the the middle of the car. Cole and Westlake were in total shock. They were also completely exposed to all the gunmen. Garth saw this and was thrilled. "There you are gentlemen," he said to his guests, "The final triumph against my hated rival and his friends." "We are happy for you Mr. Knight," suit one said, but he wasn't at all happy, "Now if you don't mind we'd like to finish or business and be on our way." "Momentarily gentlemen, but there is something i must do first." Garth spoke in his comlink, "KARR, stand down. PAtch me into your speakers." "Go ahead sir." "Listen to me my brother," Garth's voice boomed from KARR, "You have lost. My men's weapons are trained on your friends. Surrender KITT now or watch them get gunned down." "Michael," KITT said. "I know pal," he replied, "I'm sorry." Michael got out of KITT and placed his hands behind his head. "NO MICHAEL!" Westake shouted. Michael looked in their direction but said nothing. Cole sat quiet. If the roles had been reversed, he would have surrendered too. Garth's men ran to Michael and took him back by Garth. KITT follwed behind them. Some of Garth's men stood by the Defender and waited for orders. The smile on Garth's face could have been described as the widest smile in history. Never had he felt more satisfaction in anyones defeat. "KARR," Garth finally said, "Jam the signals from KITT and that other car." "Now what?" Frankie said when everything went fuzzy. "Someone's jammed the signals," Allie said. "Probably KARR," Bonnie said. "We're completly cut off from them." "Can anything be done?" Devon asked. No one answered. Michael, KITT, Cole and Westlake were on their own. "Can we finish our business NOW Mr. Knight," suit two said annoyed. "Of course, all we need to do is...," Garth was cut off by the sound of sirens. "What is this?" suit one said. "Relax gentlemen," Garth said and turned to one of his men, "Deal with that." "Yes sir," replied Garth's man. He and most of Garth's men ran off to deal with the police. "If there are no other concerns gentlemen?" Garth said. Suit one called oin of his men over and said something to him in Russian. The man replied in the same language and run onto the ship. "What did he mean by that?" KARR said demandingly. "What?" Garth asked. "He said to tell the scientists to prepare labratories for the dismantling process!" Garth was worried, "You must have been mistaken KARR." "I am never mistaken," KARR said, "Why am I to be dismantled!?" "How else can we determine how to operate you," suit one said. He was so annoyed at what had been happening he ignored Garth's gestures to keep quiet, "You'd think it was afraid of dieing or something, "he said to his partner. KARR's turbine came to life. "You will not dismantle me! Have I waited this long to be freed from the Foundation threat that I know must endure another!?" "KARR wait," Garth sound liek he was pleading. "BE SILENT!" KARR shouted, "I thought you were my friend. I thought we needed each other to survive." "KARR!" Garth said. "What the hell is happening Mr. Knight?" Suit two demanded. Michael stood and watched. That's it, he thought, reason it out KARR. "What's happening over there?" Westlake asked. She and Cole still sat in the Defender. "I don't know," Cole said. "SHUT UP!" a gunman said. "I see know that all you told me was a lie!" KARR said. He drove straight at Garth. Garth was just barly able to avoid KARR's attack. He ducked behind some boxes. The suited men had seen enough. They shouted out commands in Russian and all the masked gunmen returned to the ship. Garth's men heard everything KARR had said and relized what was happening. KARR intened to escape and he would kill anyone who got in his way. Without thinking they fired at KARR. Even though KARR could not be harmed by the guns, he avoided the weapons. It was as if he was acting on an animalistic survival instinct. "KITT go!" Michael said. KITT drove off after KARR and Michael went for Garth. "You're going down for good this time Garth," Michael said. "You'll have to kill me first," Garth said. He pulled a knife from his back pocket and attacked Michael. KITT did his best to keep KARR from escaping. The boxes surrounding KARR were not enough to stop him. KARR could easily smash throguyh and escape. KITT determined that KARR's logic systems had been overloaded by the events that took place. All it knew now was survival, but it couldn't remember how invulnerable it was. The men gaurding Cole and Westlake left the Defender and joined their comrades. "What do we do?" Westlake said. Cole looked around and decided, "We go over there." Coel drove the Defender and blocked off the only escape KARR had. He facedf the Defender inwwards so all the weapons faced the direction KARR had to come. Michael and Garth fought fearcly. Both men had been trained in the Martial Arts. Garth took repeated swipes with the knife. Michael was able to fend off those attacks. Finally he made his move. He grabbed Garth's wrist and made him drop the knife. The with a quick punch and an even quicker kick to the head, Michael was able to knock out Garth Knight. Garth's men had taken up position among the various boxes. The Defender sat at the entrance way. KITT directly opposite and KARR in the middle. KITT had no weapon, the Defender had no defence, and KARR had very little reasoning powers. Michael ran over to KITT and stood by him. "What's happening buddy?" "We have KARR trapped Michael." "Trapped?" Michael said, "Shouldn't KARR be able to smash through these boxes like paper?" "I believe that his logic sytems have been burned out by his recent experiences. He's more like a wild animal now." "Terrific," Michael said. "Michael, the ship," KITT said. Michael tunred and saw the ship had just started to leave. "Call the Coast Guard, KITT," Michael instruced. The sirens that were heard before could be heard again. Garth's men were about to run but it was to late. Metro City's swat teams had surround Garth's men. The gave up without a strugle and were led away. Some had picked up Garth and tok him away. Now only KARR was left. Some of KARR's curcuit board fizzled. What was left of his reasoning capability he now tried to muster. He appeared trapped. He was able to analyze his opponets: KITT; has invulnerability shell. attack impossible. escape impossible. Silver Car: weapons, minimul; protection, NONE. The logic curcuits had decided. Attack the Silver car. His wheels spun and kicked up dirt. KARR turned towards the Defender. "Oh no," Westlake said.. "I think we're in trouble," Cole said. Michael saw this too. He opened KITT's door and pressed the com button on the dash. "COLE! THE SCANNER!" Michael shouted. The message came through on the Defender's speakers. He presed one button. The weapon pod opened. KARR was closing. Cole aimed as quickly as possible. KARR was closer. He pressed another button. The discharge erupted from the elctro pulse guns. KARR kept coming. ON the inside of KARR, the static charge had taken it's effect. Curcuit boards melted. Diodes exploded. "no... No... NO!" KARR shouted. KARR slowed down. The power began to die out. Cole had to move the Defender out of KARR's way. KARR rolled for a bit and eventually stopped. Michael and KITT came up by KARR. Michael cautiously apporached KARR. "KITT?" KITT did a quick scan of KARR. "There is almost no energy emmiting from KARR." "What still has powers?" "The CPU, Michael," KITT said. Michael opened KARR's door. He reached under the dashboard and began to rip out panel and curcuit boards. Cole and Westlake just watched. When Michael found what he was looking for he stood up. He had a black box in his hand. "What's that?" Westalke asked Michael. "KARR's CPU," he said, "Cole can I borrow your gun?" Cole thought for a second then handed over his weapon. Michael dropped the CPU on the ground. He took two steps back, pointed the gun at the box, and pulled the trigger. It was over. KARR was dead. Michael looked over at the police taking Garth away. Garth was going away forever now too. The nightmare was over. Michael gave Cole his gun back. He and Westlake were speachless. "Let's get the hell out of here," Michael said. Back at the enterance to Viper Complex, Michael and Cole told Devon everything that had happened. Bonnie, Allie, and Frankie listened intently. "I almost can't believe it's finally over," Devon said, "Hopefully Wilton Knight will be able to rest easier now that Garth is gone for good. I hate to be a party pooper, but we must return to the Foundation." "Who were all those guys in ski masks?" Frankie asked. "My friends in the state department say they might belong to the New Russian Mafia," Devon said, "So far they're being very tight lipped, but I'm told they will be put away for quite some time." Devon walked over to Cole, "Goodbye Mr. Cole. You have an excellent group of people here. Perhaps we could work together agin in the future. Coel shook Devon's ,"Thanks. Your people are pretty good too." They both smiled. Devon said his goodbyes to the other and went inside the semi. The others said their farewells as well. "Sorry I was such a bitch," Allie said to Bonnie. "No, it was my fault. I was sticking my nose where it didn't belong. Friends! Friends! They shook hands. Frankie approached Bonnie next. "If your ever in town again maybe you and I could..." he was cut off by Allie's elbow in his ribs. "OW!" Cole went up to Michael. They shook hands. "That was a hell of time wasn't it," Cole said. "Yeah it was," Michael laughed. "Where do you go next?" Westlake asked. "No idea," Michael said, "I go where Devon says me and KITT are needed." "Well yuo take care of yourself," Cole said. "You too," Michael said, "Catch you all later." "Goodbye," Allie said. "Take it easy," Frankie said. Michael walked to KITT and got in. "Michael," KITT said, "About when you shot KARR's CPU?" "Yeah buddy, look I'm sorry you had to see that," Michael said, "I didn't even think about how it would affect you." "Actually Michael I wanted to thank you. With the deactivation of KARR I no longer have to worry." "What about?" "Now everytime i see a Trans Am i won't panic and think KARR's returne." Michael laughed, "You're one in a million pal." "And, truely, one of kind." Michael started KITT and drove away. He looked in the mirror and saw the Viper Team wave the final goodbye. The black car sped, almost silently, down the desert highway. The lone occupant sat silently and stared at the roadway ahead. He contemplated his life and where it was taking him. In his mind, he heard the dieing words of his mentor, "One man can make a difference, Michael." Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world. The world, of the Knight Rider.