A Knight with the Viper Chapter 5 All was quiet at the Viper Complex. Allie was working at her computers as usual. Westlake was on the phone, and Frankie paced about the complex because there was nothing for him to do. "Man, I hate waiting like this," he finally said, "There's a psycho with a super-car out there and here we are sitting on our tails." Westlake finished her call and joined Frankie. "Hey I don't like it either, but we can't do anything until Cole contacts Michael Knight." "Do you think he'll help us?" Allie asked from her consoles. "I hope so," Westlake said, "I don't know how we're gonna beat this without him." Frankie heard the sound of the Viper coming up the one of the tunnels leading out of the complex. "It's about time," Frankie said, "Now maybe we can see some action." All three watched the Viper enter and drive up to the rotating platform like it always did. But they never in a million years would have expected to see a Black Trans Am following the Viper in. "What the?" Westlake said. She was not pleased that Cole had just brought an outsider into the complex. "This is it," Cole said to Michael, "Viper complex. This is where we coordinate our strategies." Michael looked around at the Complex. He was amazed at the mechanical equipment and the computer setup. "Wow," He said, "Bonnie would love to take a look in here." He noticed the layout of the complex. "This looks like a subway station." "It is," Cole said, "The city never finished it and no one ever comes around here so it's perfect for us." Cole motioned to his partners. "Let me introduce you to Frankie Waters, he's our mechanic. He keeps the Viper on the road." Michael shook Frankie's hand. "Hey." "How ya doin'?" Frankie said, "That's some set of wheels you got there." "Thanks," Michael said. "And this is Dr. Allie Farrow, our resident genius. She maintains the Defenders systems. "Pleasure," Allie said. She still couldn't believe that Cole had brought Michael here. "And this is Detective Cameron Westlake, our Metro Police representative. You two have already met." "Not formally though," Michael said, extending his hand, "Glad to finally get to meet you." "Like wise," She said. "Guys," Cole said to his partners, "this is Michael Knight. He's agreed to help us. Oh, yeah I almost forgot. Everyone, meet KITT." Cole pointed to the Trans Am while making the introduction. "KITT?" Frankie said almost laughing, "Not exactly a name I'd expect for a supercar like that." "My name may not be as aggressive sounding as 'Defender', but it IS my name and I rather like it, thank you very much," KITT said. "I don't believe it," Frankie said. "Incredible," Allie said, "An artificial intelligence program for a car." "Uh, Cole," Westlake said, "could I talk to you for a minute?" "Yeah sure," Cole said, then turned to Michael, "Excuse us." While Frankie and Allie spoke to Michael about KITT, Westlake and Cole went over to the corner. Cole knew what Westlake was going to say. "Are you crazy?" she said to Cole, "No one is supposed to know where the Complex is." "Normally I would agree," Cole began, "but this situation is different. If we're going to beat this maniac and his car, we're going to need to work as one unit." "I still don't like it," Westlake said. "I know you don't. But we don't have many other options." Westlake reluctantly agreed and they rejoined to the others. "Everything okay?" Frankie asked. "Everything's straightened out," Westlake said. "Great," Frankie said, "what do we do now?" "Well first," Michael began, "I should tell you the whole story about what it is we're dealing with." Sitting down at the table, Michael began telling the Viper team about his mentor, Wilton Knight, and the Knight Foundation. He told them about the Knight Automated Roving Robot, The prototype to the Knight Industries Two Thousand. He told them about how KARR had been reactivated by two bums, which then went on a crime spree before KARR turned on his rescuers and was thought to have been destroyed. Michael then told them the story about how KARR came back for revenge and how he and KITT had destroyed the vehicle but the CPU survived and was placed in storage. Next Michael told the story of Wilton Knight's only son Garth. About how Garth had been arrested in Africa and escaped from an African prison, only to return to the states to destroy his father's dream, The Foundation for Law and Government, with the help of his mother, Elizabeth Knight. Then, Michael told them about Garth's truck Goliath, a super truck that incorporated the same protective shell that was on KITT. And finally, Michael told them about how it was believed that Garth Knight had somehow stolen the KARR CPU and was now using it for reasons that have not been determined. There was a long silence as the Viper team absorbed all that they had been told. "That's one hell of a story," Frankie finally said, "One thing I don't get, how did this Garth survive the fall into the ocean after you last fought him?" "We don't know," Michael said, "they were never able to find any bodies when they pulled up the truck. The currents in the area we're strong so everyone assumed that the bodies of Garth and his partner, Adrienne Margeaux, we're pulled out to sea." "What about Garth's mother?" Westlake asked, "Is she involved in all this?" "Devon's trying to locate her. She hasn't been seen or heard from in years," Michael said. "So all this Garth Knight is after is revenge?" Westlake asked. "Not necessarily," Michael said, "Garth always had some kind of incredible scheme. His plans were always done on a grand scale to make sure people noticed him. In the process, he's always tried to defeat me just to prove to the world that he's the better man, and I'm just a copy. If anyone gets in his way, they're removed." "Sounds like a man with a lot of deep psychological problems," Frankie said. "What are KARR's capabilities?" Allie asked. "KARR was the prototype for KITT," Michael explained, "Everything KITT can do KARR can do. Except for KITT's programming to protect human life, they're virtually identical." "But you and KITT have been able to beat both Garth and KARR in the past," Allie said. "True," Michael said, "But that was when they were separate threats. Now we have a criminal mastermind equipped with one of the most destructive vehicles ever created." "So what's the best way to attack?" Cole asked. "KARR's primary function is, or at least was, survival at all costs. In the past we've been able to use this to force KARR to make a mistake and stop himself," Michael explained, "If we can convince KARR that his existence is threatened and get him to abandon Garth, we can easily catch Garth. Capturing KARR will be more difficult. However we have no idea what kind of changes Garth may have made to the programming." "So assuming the old programming is still there, how do we make KARR screw up?" Frankie asked. There was a brief silence when KITT spoke up. "Michael." "What is it KITT?" Michael asked. "Devon is calling." Michael and the Viper team walked over to KITT. Michael sat in the driver's seat and the others looked through the open window as Devon's image appeared on the monitor. "Michael, I have some new information for you," Devon said. "What's up?" "Bonnie has determined, that the components Garth has stolen, will enable him to construct a very powerful laser. One that's powerful enough to possibly puncture KITT's molecular bonded shell." "Does Garth have that kind of technical know how?" Cole asked. "With KARR's assistance, even an inexperienced person can construct the most complex devices," Devon said. "Terrific," Michael said, "What did you find on Elizabeth Knight?" "Elizabeth Knight was killed 3 years ago in a car crash. The brakes failed on a high mountain road, and the car plummeted to the bottom," Devon said, "And can you guess, who received all her money after her death?" "Gee, let me guess," Michael said, "I doubt she was into charity." "You can say that again," Devon replied, "Garth Knight has obtained a very sizable fortune. The exact amount is not known. But Elizabeth Knight did have many valuable stocks, as well as Swiss bank accounts." "How much would Garth need to rebuild KARR?" Frankie asked. "A minimum of seven to ten million dollars," Michael said. Frankie just whistled. The things he could do with 10 million dollars he thought. "So if he has all this money, why did he rob a jewelry store?" Westlake asked, "He only took about 5 thousand in jewels." "Probably a test run," Allie said. "Just to check out the system and work out the bugs." Michael turned back to Devon's image, "Any ideas as to what Garth may be planning to do with KARR?" "None I'm afraid. There are many government installations in the area. Garth could be planning to hit any one of them. We're trying to find out what is at these installations in the hopes of narrowing down Garth's possible targets." Westlake's cellular telephone rang. "Westlake," she said. "What... Where?" She closed the phone. "What's up?" Frankie asked. "KARR's been sighted. They've got him cornered at the junkyard. Half the force and the SWAT team are there." "Cornered at the junkyard?" Michael repeated, "That's not likely." "You're thinking it's a trick?" Cole asked. "With Garth, everything is a trick. Devon, we're gonna go check this out. I'll get back to you." "Be careful, Michael," Devon said. The screen shut down. "Okay, let's go," Cole said. He and Westlake got into the Viper. They sped off down one of the tunnels with Michael and KITT behind them. Allie and Frankie went back to the terminals to monitor. Michael watched as the Viper morphed into the Defender. "Wow! That's pretty amazing huh KITT?" Michael asked. "I suppose," KITT said, "If your still into Transformers." "If I didn't know better I'd think you were jealous." "Really Michael. Jealousy is a human trait that I do not possess." "Whatever you say buddy," Michael said with a grin. The two cars arrived at the junkyard. The Knight 2000 and the Defender pulled up to the outer perimeter of the action. All passengers got out of their respective vehicles and went to the nearest patrol car. Inside the junkyard was the Camaro, The Knight Automated Roving Robot. It was driving inside a wide-open area of the junkyard. All officers at the scene fired at the car in a vain effort to stop it. Bullets bounced off the surface the vehicle. Occasionally a bullet would strike a patrol vehicle, indicating to the officers firing that they had to be careful at what angled they fired. Suddenly, KARR stopped his wild maneuvers and faced the direction of Michael, Cole, and Westlake. Michael knew what this meant. "He knows we're here," he said. "How can he know that?" Westlake asked. "KARR knows KITT's near from the CPU signature," Michael explained, "get your people to cease fire." Westlake told this to the officer in charge and the order was given. All the guns stopped firing. There was an eerie silence until a voice came from the car. "We meet again my brother," Garth's voice boomed over KARR's PA system, "it's been a long time." "Not long enough for me Garth," Michael shouted back, "What do you want?" "Why, you of course," Garth replied, "In the past you had the advantage. Your Knight 2000 with it's artificial intelligence was more then a match for my Goliath. Two minds against one. I had underestimated you both. But now the odds are more even. I now have my own smart car as you can see." "Well, I'm not alone this time," Michael said, "I've made some new friends in this town, and they're not to happy with you." "Your friends and their so called supercar are not a concern to me," Garth said, "If they were a threat, they wouldn't need the Foundation's help." Michael glanced over to Cole. Cole was obviously insulted by Garth's remark. "Now shall we see who has the superior vehicle brother?" Garth said, "Feel free to bring your little friends along." "We're not here to play games Garth!" Westlake shouted. Beep Beep. "Michael!" KITT's voice came over Michael's comlink. "What is it KITT?" "I am detecting a targeting lock. KARR is targeting one of the patrol cars." "Since you will not indulge me," Garth said, "I shall have to find some other ways to amuse myself." Before Michael could say anything, a laser beam shot out from KARR's scanner. The beam went through one of the patrol cars. The officers behind it ran away as fast as they could. A second shot from KARR caused the patrol car to explode. All the officers resumed shooting at KARR. KARR fired again, this time causing a pile of cars that was behind some officers to come crashing down on their car. The officers barely managed to get out of the way in time. The officer in charge shouted and the firing stopped. "What do we do now?" Westlake asked. "We play his game for now," Michael said turning to Cole. "I agree," Cole said, "But how do we stop him? The Defender's weapons don't have any effect on that thing." "If you can run interference, maybe KITT can use his laser to get a clear shot at KARR's." "Okay, let's do it," Cole said then turned to Westlake, "You stay here." Before Westlake could say anything, Michael and Cole were getting into their cars. Two patrol cars made room for KITT and the Defender to pass. The battle had begun. "I'm glad you decided to play," Garth said. KARR went in reverse as KITT and the Defender charged in. To everyone observing from the perimeter, it almost looked like a ground-based dogfight. The three cars sped past each other barely missing at each pass. Lasers shot out from KITT and KARR, and the Defender tried to distract KARR with it's machine guns and Electro pulses. KARR appeared to ignore the Defender like it was some insignificant insect. "Michael, this is ridiculous," KITT said, "How long are we going to play this game?" "As long as we need to KITT," Michael said, "Patch me into the Defender." A moment later KITT had established the link. "How ya doin' over there Cole?" Michael asked. "I'm still trying to figure out who's chasing who here," Cole said, "How are you doing on KARR's laser." "I am unable to get a clear shot at it," KITT said, "Michael, KARR is locking onto us!" Michael tried to maneuver out of KARR's sites, but he was too late. KARR fired a dead on shot at KITT's rear window. Michael turned around. There was a huge crack going across the rear hatch. "Are you alright?" Michael asked KITT. "KARR has broken through part of my molecular bonded shell. One more shot at my rear glass and it will shatter." "Why can't we get a shot at KARR?" "KARR can sense my targeting lock just as I can detect his. His quick response time suggests that Garth is not controlling KARR." That last sentence echoed in Michael's head. "KITT, is Garth inside KARR?" KITT scanned the interior of KARR. No life signs. "No Michael," KITT replied. "Then where the hell is Garth?" Cole asked from the Defender. Westlake watched the skirmish from the side. With all the dust being raised by the cars it was hard to see what was happening. There was no way to tell if anyone was winning. Westlake was so engrossed in the display that she failed to see the officer approaching from the side. That is, until he put his arm around her neck and pointed a gun to her head. "Good day Detective Westlake. Garth Knight at your service," Garth said. The other officers noticed Garth and pointed their guns at him. "I don't think any of you wish to attempt heroism," Garth said, "I suggest that everyone lower their weapons." The officers slowly lowered their guns. "If you're here, "Westlake said, "who's driving your car." "We have my late father to thank for that," Garth said, "His vehicle auto pilot is a work of genius." "You seem to have a high admiration for a man whose dream you've tried to destroy," Westlake said. "My father was a sentimental old fool." Garth slowly moved his left wrist up and spoke into his comlink. "KARR, come pick us up." KARR sped towards the patrol cars that circled him. He turbo boosted over them and joined his master and captive. "Where's he going?" Cole asked. "Michael," KITT said, "Detective Westlake." Michael looked over at where Westlake was standing. There was Garth, holding a gun to Westlake's head. KARR was joining them. "Oh no," Michael said. KARR pulled up next to Garth and Westlake. The passenger door opened. "Come my dear," Garth said, "our chariot awaits." Garth got into the back seat, still pointing the gun at Westlake. She climbed into the passenger seat and the door shut. KITT and the Defender pulled up behind KARR. "If you wish to see the woman alive again, do not attempt to follow me!" KARR said loudly. KARR sped off. Michael and Cole got out of their cars. Cole joined Michael who was standing next to KITT. "What do we do now?" He asked Michael. Michael watched KARR speed away. "We'll get her back." To be continued...