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gOd bLeSs aMeriCa

i was at work on 9/11/01.. i worked for a billing office.. and that day we were locked out.. the key didn't work.. or it wasn't the key.. i forget which.. it was five of us girls...i think.. it was a bit chilly.. or i don't remember the reason why but we got into one of the girls' cars and sat there waiting for someone to open the door for us. one of the girls who was talking to someone on her cell was told about it at first.. she told us and we turned the radio on.. at first we thought it was a joke.. it couldn't be.. i heard people laughing on the radio.. so it couldn't be true.. but then it got eerie.. the news were getting worst and worst.. then the first tower fell.. we heard it thru the radio.. we were just shocked.. then someone opened the door for us.. and we ran to the tv set.. then we saw it and we were all very sad.. we were silent.. and mad.. and sad.. it was so sad i can't remember anything that has put me in that state ever.. i was so scared.. i thought it was the beginning of the end.. i was so heart broke whenever i saw those people on tv crying.. after the second tower fell and the pentagon was hit.. we began to hear stories about other planes hitting other locations.. someone said a hospital in ny was gonna be hit.. then i remembered my husband worked in ny... somehow, through all the madness and sadness of the moment.. i had forgotten he worked at st vincent's hospital.. i called him at work.. no calls were going thru.. i beeped him.. no answer.. at this moment.. i just simply lost it.. i cried hysterically. i couldn't stay at work anymore.. a girl drove me to my mom's.. while on the way to pick up her son.. we saw the smoke from where we live here in jersey.. i waited at my mom's cuz i felt safe there.. after a while, i went home.. i sat in front of our tv set and cried.. then my husband called me.. it was past 3pm... he was okay.. he had seen the second plane hit.. the people jump to their deaths.. he was crying and running from the smoke.. i was relieved to hear his voice.. he didn't come home until 7pm.. and i was so glad to see him... he told me what he'd just gone thru.. amtrak had given him and those with him rides from ny to nj.. he thought he had no choice but to sleep in a park there.. cuz he thought he wasn't gonna be able to come home that day.. he gave someone some money so they could get back home.. i was just glad he was finally home with me.. the weeks that followed it was just the two of us in front of the tv.. crying along with those people who lost their loved ones.. we were so mad.. so sad.. the remembrance of it all still makes us cry.. we see programs on tv.. memories of this.. and all we do is cry.. we have a 96 picture of the towers behind us... and we have that picture in our living room now.. we were up in one of the towers once.. years ago.. and the memory of it stayed with us.. we are so thankful now for what we have around us.. we count our blessings....
¿wHeRe wErE u?
iN a pErFecT wOrLd
eCuAdOr is behind U 100%
nEw jErZeY is pRouD
2 oUr fiRemEn
2 oUr pOLiCeMen
"mOmmY nEvEr cAmE hOmE"
liTe a cAndLe
tHe biNcH
cAnDLe 4 tHe LoSt
2 OuR hErOeZ
e-MaiL pReSiDeNt bUsH
miDi iS aMeriCan mEdLey