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CrossedEyes 12 2: i have a question
VampireSnnr: yeah
CrossedEyes 12 2: were u all in on that thing last night?
VampireSnnr: yea
CrossedEyes 12 2: what was the pourpose of doing that? Did it have a reason other than hate for me>
CrossedEyes 12 2: ?*
CrossedEyes 12 2: or revenge
VampireSnnr: well i don't know...i just knew that it was being done
CrossedEyes 12 2: i dont know. Did u guys plan it at the party?
VampireSnnr: wait...what are you talking about?
VampireSnnr: the party was AFTER it was being already done
CrossedEyes 12 2: are we talking about the same thing?
CrossedEyes 12 2: I am talking about the whole convo with scott last night, where it was actually moe, and she was yelling at me and calling me everything from A-Z
CrossedEyes 12 2: that went until like 11:30
VampireSnnr: uh huh....
CrossedEyes 12 2: but how late did the party go?
VampireSnnr: like 9...
VampireSnnr: but we didn't say anything about you or anything that had to do with you...
CrossedEyes 12 2: ok
CrossedEyes 12 2: well, I still want to know what reasoning you guys had for last night
CrossedEyes 12 2: and by the way, that was far worse than ANYTHING ive done to you
CrossedEyes 12 2: menaing you guys
CrossedEyes 12 2: plural
VampireSnnr: you wouldn't know that now would you
CrossedEyes 12 2: o yes I would
VampireSnnr: you don't know how we feel...
CrossedEyes 12 2: you have no idea what she said, or do you?
CrossedEyes 12 2: and you dont know how I feel either
VampireSnnr: well then if you don't know how we feel...then why are you comparing it?
CrossedEyes 12 2: you all think that was a game I bet, you thouight it was funny
CrossedEyes 12 2: because mine probably stretches deeper than yours. God and religion goes about as deep as it gets, and it affects me so, so much
CrossedEyes 12 2: its all I am
VampireSnnr: and you think that being bi isn't what we are?
VampireSnnr: being bi isn't just liking both sexes...its a part of us and our choices that we make...and who we are
CrossedEyes 12 2: its not all of what you are. You are other things too. But religion is ALL of what I am, it consimes me
CrossedEyes 12 2: its the most important thing in my life
CrossedEyes 12 2: is being bisexual the most imfortant thing in your life?
VampireSnnr: so are you saying that you don't think for think and act and feel the way that the bible tells you to?
CrossedEyes 12 2: I think for myself, but I do what the bible tells me. I choose to do it becuase I want to
CrossedEyes 12 2: and that when I became a christian, I understood that there were some things that I had to follow as a part of being a chrisitan
CrossedEyes 12 2: and u guys took it to a really, really, far extent
CrossedEyes 12 2: have I ever gone flat out and attacked with a vengence what you believe is true? Yelled at you full out and said that what you believed is wrong, in such an extreme manner?
VampireSnnr: well you haven't done it to me...and i wasn't there if you i wouldn't know
CrossedEyes 12 2: and I never have
CrossedEyes 12 2: but you guys seem to do it all the time, with andrew and moe
CrossedEyes 12 2: i hurt you and then you attack with all your claws and whips and crap (figures of speech)
VampireSnnr: but i do know that you pretty much told renee that she is going to burn in hell for being jewish...and you told someone else that's jewish in our group that juddism is not a real religion...only christian is....and all that
CrossedEyes 12 2: I have NEVER said that
CrossedEyes 12 2: ever
CrossedEyes 12 2: that is far from true
CrossedEyes 12 2: I would NEVER EVER say that to anyone
CrossedEyes 12 2: cause jews are amazing people, and the origional religion of jesus
CrossedEyes 12 2: I respect and admire them
VampireSnnr: u said something like.... in my religion...if your not christian....then you burn in hell and don't go to heaven
CrossedEyes 12 2: very much
CrossedEyes 12 2: *sigh
CrossedEyes 12 2: you twisted my words
VampireSnnr: no renee took it that way
CrossedEyes 12 2: by christian, I mean that if you dont believe in jesus, that he was the christ, and is the messiah, and the only way to heaven, then you wont go to hell. She cant help being jewish, its her blood line. But is she does what I just said, then yes, she will go to heaven. But she believes something differently than I do about heaven, so im just expressing what I believe, and she can believe what she wished
VampireSnnr: do you understand that you are saying exactly what you said you wouldn't do?
VampireSnnr: your not only expressing what you believe in...
VampireSnnr: your putting us down because we don't have the same belief
VampireSnnr: do you understand what im saying?
VampireSnnr: its ur choice of words....
CrossedEyes 12 2: if she had told me that was the way she had taken it, then I would have worded it differently
CrossedEyes 12 2: but no, she didnt
CrossedEyes 12 2: and so I didnt know to word it differently
VampireSnnr: but if you actually reread what you just will see that your saying....unless you become a christian...then in my will go to hell
VampireSnnr: ur saying that she can't help it....but then your saying but if she does do what you said...then she will not go to hell
VampireSnnr: so your saying for her to go against her blood line and become christian
CrossedEyes 12 2: why are we arguing this? It was a long time ago that this happened, and Ill talk to reene about it, ok?
CrossedEyes 12 2: and thats not what I meany
CrossedEyes 12 2: meant*
CrossedEyes 12 2: and you know it now
CrossedEyes 12 2: so stop pressing
VampireSnnr: in my opinion....whenever you express your belief or opinion or whatever....its that convo all over again....and what i just said