An Adult Webmasters Blog

First I would like to welcome all people who troubled themselves to find this page!
I have no idea why you did that but I don't care either, its your time your wasting reading my bu!!s#!t.

This page will include my experience as an adult webmaster
As an introduction I thought it would be best to describe the layout of this page
First this is the only page on my site so don't bother looking for links into this site. It may change
in the future, but I guess not in the near future.

At each time that I will add an entry into that page I will push the date downwards which means that you need
to start reading from the bottom of the page and go up until you'll reach this point.

If you are interested in following my stupid blog I suggest you to bookmark this page now.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2004

Susprise, Suprise! I made 3 sells.
Call it luck if you want that's what I'm doing
No way I could sell so fast but I did, don't expect it happend to you to
I'm luckier.

I don't have time today and I didn't had non in that last few as you can see so I'll keep it short
A few things for you to investgate on...
1. $$$$ = Sponsor
2. Webmaster need to know HTML
3. Link Lists <= Free Sites
4. Top Lists <= Free Sites
5. TGP's <= Galleries
6. Search Engines

Let me add a few words here for you to digest everything a little faster.
1. You want to become a WebMaster to make $$$ and the web hold many opportunities.
2. As a WebMaster you build sites and you need HTML for.
3. You can learn HTML in 3 days
4. Using HTML you build free sites
5. Those free sites hold advertisements to your sponsor which surfers clicks
6. You submit free sites to top lists and link lists
7. you get trafic from link list and tgp into your free sites
8. submit your free site to search engines and get more trafic to your site
9. After you got all the above in your tool belt you go make Galleries
10. Submit galleries to TGP's get more alternative trafic to your site

The name of the game is Trafic and you know how much does trafic worth?

Now how much trafic can one site make?

How much trafic do you want?

Reapet the whole process endlessly and you got it!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

My nick is WonderBoy, and I'm in the business for 3 months, so far with not much of a progress.
You are probably wondering why I started this stupid page for, well I'll tell you this I did it to check if it could
maybe rank me higher at SE and then I came to another idea I can use this page to pass my knowledge to other
people sitting at home looking for a way to earn some cash.

Yeah you heard me right! make some bucks, cash, money or whatever you call those stupid papers no one can
live without those days.

If you know me better you would have known that I'm a brain fu!@er which means I can talk and talk without
shutting my mouth for a long time and that could happened to me hear as well, so if you are smart enough you'll
know when to ignore me and when to pay attention to what I say. compared!

My experience is the computer industry is pretty damn good, I'm a very well experienced programmer and
in my past I managed a development groups which consisted of 20 persons, and developed
many application starting from servers and clients of known e-mail applications that I will not
state their names because I don't fell like.

If you are asking yourself if you need experience to get into the adult industry then I can tell you HELL NO!
If you are a programmer then you probably know too much! And it will be harder for you to go back
leave your stupid ego at home and start working hard!! Yeah programmers are lazy fu#!ers that always
looking for shortcuts.

There are no shortcuts in that business! To make money you need to work hard and in the adult business
you need to work ever harder.

But hard is not the only thing, when I got into the adult business I had a reason. My reason was to work
for myself and not be dependant on anyone to provide me with money even in the hardest days.
You probably know that our world is driven by money and yeah I said it already, I just wanted to refresh your
minds before I continue. So if you want to be somebody you got to own those dimes. My opinion that this is a
stupid system which caused the situation we are living in today. 10% of the world popularity has it, and 90%
don't which makes us pretty much like slaves without the beating stuff. Yeah guys wake up you are not living
your own lives. Other people manipulate it and dictate it using there power bucks, flags and borders.

My first reason was to built a system that will make money for me ever when I'm not working!
No more days off which costs you and makes you afraid to skip a day of work.

I wanted to continue my studies and had no money to do so, this way I can go for my second degree without
working only concentrating on my studies. and who can afford that those days? well only those 10% fu!@er
who gives s!@t only about themselves and don't share it even with the most needing people. yeah well f#!k them.
I today make no money yet and still ready to help people in needs.

My vision was to build a pay site, make some money out of memberships and I still have this vision but
I had to postpone it a bit. I'll explain, the internet business is about traffic, which means moving surfers from
one place to another. Traffic is the most hardest and most expensive factor in the equation.

As for today 2,000,000 banner impressions costs about 2000$ per month and that depends on the
business you are into. If you are in the adult business that can cost a lot more and up to a multiple of 6
of that number.

Which means that I couldn't afford building a pay site, I had no advertisement funds and I don't want
to continue any deeper to that subject now cause I put it aside.

I thought to myself I need to find a way to create free traffic into my future premium site, and the answer was
to build a free site. Ok that's going to be easy I thought and invested 2 months of my life for nothing. At that
time I've already built a monstrous directory with advertisement capabilities for me to add any sponsor
exists in no time. Something really fancy and good looking and etc....

All for vain? maybe not, but that will be found in the future to come.

Today I'm a newbie webmaster! learning the ways of the adult industry which I want to share with you.
What I did so far it not much in doing but a lot in learning.
Let me give you some examples of my latest work, now I have to warn you first!
Those site contain adult material and are not to be viewed by children, which means that you have to
be over 18 to be in the adult business and to go into those site.
The adult business is not about breaking the laws, its about making money! Period.

Terms Of Service

If you are under 18 or porn is illegal where you are, EXIT HERE

Here's links to my work
First my domain name is Woman Passion and it contains the A Thru Z Of Porn at this moment
My Free Sites Are:
Pink Panties
Naked Asian Woman
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot
Sex and my best friend's sister Tina Ebony
Doctor Agonize - Medical Fetish Site
Naive College Babes
Gay Sex With Kyle

My Doorways pages:
Blonde Bimbo
HTTP - Horney Tony Top Porn
The Best Adult Connection For Your Desires
Ebony Babes, Cheek Ebony, Ebony nfatu8tions
Free Voyeur Links, Topless Voyeur, Voyeur Hidden Cam
Idea Playing Role Sexual, Sexual Fantasy Role Playing, Sexual Role Playing Game

My Mirror Pages:
Pink Panties#1
Pink Panties#2
Pink Panties#3
Pink Panties#4
Pink Panties#5
Naked Asian Woman#1
Naked Asian Woman#2
Naked Asian Woman#3
Naked Asian Woman#4
Naked Asian Woman#5
Naked Asian Woman#6
Naked Asian Woman#7
Naked Asian Woman#8
Naked Asian Woman#9
Naked Asian Woman#10
Naked Asian Woman#11

Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#1
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#2
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#3
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#4
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#5
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#6
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#7
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#8
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#9
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#10
Blonde Bimbo Babe Facial Cumshot#11
Sex and my best friend's sister Tina Ebony#1
Sex and my best friend's sister Tina Ebony#2
Sex and my best friend's sister Tina Ebony#3
Sex and my best friend's sister Tina Ebony#4
Sex and my best friend's sister Tina Ebony#5
Doctor Agonize - Medical Fetish Site#1
Doctor Agonize - Medical Fetish Site#2
Doctor Agonize - Medical Fetish Site#3
Doctor Agonize - Medical Fetish Site#4
Doctor Agonize - Medical Fetish Site#5
Naive College Babes#1
Naive College Babes#2
Naive College Babes#3
Naive College Babes#4
Naive College Babes#5
Naive College Babes#6
Naive College Babes#7
Naive College Babes#8
Naive College Babes#9
Naive College Babes#10
Naive College Babes#11
Gay Sex With Kyle#1
Gay Sex With Kyle#2
Gay Sex With Kyle#3
Gay Sex With Kyle#4
Gay Sex With Kyle#5
Gay Sex With Kyle#6
Gay Sex With Kyle#7
Gay Sex With Kyle#8
Gay Sex With Kyle#9
Gay Sex With Kyle#10
Gay Sex With Kyle#11

As you can see from the list above I was not sitting around holding hands or scratching my balls.
I was working full time and extra. Those pages was submitted to hundreds of link lists and had
a good acceptance ration (about that in the future so don't scratch your head because you can figure out
what I just said).

Well if you got to this point that I congratulate you, you'll probably make it in this business because you
1. Jump right to the end and didn't read a word I said till here which means you are smart OR
2. Read all the way through which means you are stupid but at least you got patient and you are eager and of course
you have learned something those smart asses didn't.
Both are good qualities, you don't have to be embraced :)

Sorry guy 'N gals, end of day 1 let me just drop some links to some special places I recommend
First I will not link to but you can google it here search for 'VNWR newbie board' and my thanks to the people
on that board.

The following are the affiliate programs I'm into (I don't recommenced them but I'm participating look for
more notes of the subject in the future).
Maximum Cash
LinkShare Referral Prg
Get Cyber Cash
Cash Quest2
NewAPC[Affiliate Instructions]