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Survivors, All
We Still Fly
Tuesday, 13 September 2005
I Found It!!!
Mood:  don't ask
I found the blog! I found the blog! lol

Talking about abuse is a difficult thing... I'm not sure that I am ready to do that - not because it will be a challenge mentally or emotionally, but because I am still not comfortable with the part I played in the whole mess. I've come to terms with the things that were his problem - coming to terms with my own problems is a bit more difficult.

I am trying to make the effort to be more open and to let this stuff out... my problem with that is facing that I have a been a person that I have no respect for. It was so much easier when there was only him to blame.

But... with the help of understanding friends, perhaps I'll finally be able to lay these old ghosts to rest and truly move on.

Thanks for being there, guys.


Posted by blog2/westillfly at 11:56 AM EDT
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Sunday, 28 August 2005
Just a hi
Mood:  not sure
Glad this is up.. I guess I am the first to post. Boyfriend is in the other room working on something. I am taking a brake from my Cross stitch. The color changes are driving me NUTS. Its a Thanksgiving pattern. A sun, corn stalk, a few pumpkins and some fall flowers. Im working on the Corn Stalk. SIGH. LOL Should have picked an easier pattern

Posted by blog2/westillfly at 9:13 PM EDT
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We Still Fly
Topic: Survivors, All
Hello, and welcome to the blogsite dedicated to the subject of abuse survivors. We have news for all of you who believe that women are good for nothing but brood mares, and that God gave you permission to beat and verbally abuse your mate, whether you be gay, straight, or bisexual...we can get away. We live. We grow strong. Other people DO love us, just the way we are. You are nothing to us anymore.
On this site, you will hear the voices of those who have survived every kind of abuse imaginable, from parental, to spousal, to rape, to societal, to religious...every kind of abuse you can imagine, we have survived. And as the song says...we may have a broken wing, but by the Gods, we can still fly. And you can't stop us.
I am the host for this blog. My name is WolfWoman. If you have a comment, send it to me...a link is available at the bottom of every entry. If you're an abuser who has a comment, by all means, send it...I'm not afraid of your nastiness. People far more powerful and meaner than you have tried all of my life to stop me from telling what goes on in an abusive home, and they have all failed. As will you.
My friends will speak. They will have their say. They will tell you horror stories, perhaps. Things you never imagined. But we all lived, and we have gone on. And we love and support one another, despite everything. I have created thins so that they could speak out. If you are in an abusive situation, and need help, go to That's my abuse survivor group. we have links and information there that can be of help to you...and we will listen. We care.
That's it. I'm out. Wolfie

Posted by blog2/westillfly at 8:35 PM EDT
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