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Saturday, 11 September 2004
Dream on
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Dream on

Do you have dreams? No, not the ones that happen while you're asleep - the ones that inspire your life. How are these dreams doing? I mean the ones you had as a kid or as a young adult, the ones you have now - dreams that inspire you and give a sense of passion and purpose to your life.
Erma Bombeck once said, "There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say 'Yes, I've got dreams - of course I do!' Then they put the box away, bring it out once in a while to look inside and, yep, they're still in there. These are great dreams, but they never get out of the box."
I saw something yesterday on the BBC website that sparked my imagination in regards to having 'dream boxes'.
I must admit that I haven't really given much thought to all of this for a long time - somehow real life has a habit of taking over and dreams are put in the 'on hold' bay, with the intention of taking them out to look at 'someday' soon!
So deciding to take a peek inside my 'dream' box the other day, all I found there was a pile of tatty memories, outgrown goals and half baked ideas. Goals I wanted to achieve five years ago were now either not relevant or my ideas about what I really want out of life have changed too. Decision time means - time to take an inventory, revamp and refresh!
Have you seen those sites which list - 50 things to do before I die? I suppose the dream box is just another version. The BBC site mentioned some great holiday destination ideas, and sparked some fresh ideas on what I would still like to do! One of them thats going straight into my dream box is 'tree peeping in Fall' - sounding like a naughty voyeurs dream I totally assure you its nothing more than watching trees change into their fall colours in the lovely Massachussets(?) (the spelling gets me everytime!)Coming myself as I do from the Berkshires of England there would be nothing nicer than visitng the Berkshire counterpart of New England USA and seeing the wonderful seasonal changes.
Also into the dream box go...... a course in flamenco dancing in spain, a cooking course in Tuscany, another medditerraenen cruise, art gallery hopping in Cornwall, Amish visiting in Lancaster county USA, The Bridges of Madison County, and ....and ....oops the lid of my dream box won't close! Full to the brim. Better stop dreaming and start living some of those dreams!

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 12:01 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 12 September 2004 12:02 AM NZT
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Friday, 10 September 2004
Look whats for supper!
Mood:  hungry
Cabbage Rolls

I've been busier than I have been for a long time - making these cabbage rolls for dinner. I haven't made them for a long time, and once made, they can be re heated for supper once again tomorrow night, when I probably feel least like cooking after a teaching session at school. In the top photo is the pile of 'hot' leaves as they peel off the head after being par boiled for 5 mins. They fall off quite easliy, only I always have to be extra careful at this point not to burn myself with the hot water.

Phew! finished at last!
They ONLY took about 3 hours all up to prepare, and using two cabbage heads I made about 26 rolls. We'll probably eat half of those over the next few days and I've frozen the rest for more easy peasy suppers. I lurve to be organised!
I am very disspointed that I can't seem to make the background of this blog a little more colourful. I experimented with my frontpage programmme - by making a coloured table to put the contents of todays entry in, and the whole thing side scewed all over the page, so I had to remove it. I'm going to work on doing this and making the page look a little brighter. I am also limited by this service provider as to the backgrounds and images I can have on the page! If I don't have much luck, I may even move this blog to another home. I will keep you all posted.

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 5:06 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 10 September 2004 5:35 PM NZT
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Wednesday, 8 September 2004
Ikea - you're a part of my life
Mood:  spacey

Life is full of disappointments this week.

Spring is not springing quickly enough for me this year. Its still cold and wet. This morning it was misty, and did I mention cold?
It's supposed to be warming up for the weekend, but I'll believe that it when it happens!

The domino effect of all this rain is that the laundry has piled ceiling high, my wire clothes drying racks are all full, with DD's clothes all drying too.

The 'bug' I've been plagued with over the three weeks has left me with not only low energy levels but also a feeling of "I don't care about anything "mood.

The antibiotics are frying my brains,the ear drops are making my ears itch, the eyes drops are making the computer screen fuzzzzzzzy.....

Ikea? We had a catalogue drop off in the middle of the night.
For some unfathomable reason, catalogues and junk mail is usually delivered here by cover of darkness, as if it were some covert operation. But my dog knows when they are coming, and he lets the WHOLE suburb know!!

This morning I found a tatty Ikea catalogue stuffed into my mail box, looking much worse for wear. I was going to have a look through it later on. Maybe I should wait till all the dominos have finished falling?

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 5:38 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 September 2004 5:40 PM NZT
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Sunday, 5 September 2004
What could be better?
Mood:  celebratory
When Father's Day starts with this:

and ends with this?

Happy Fathers day to all the Aussie dads out there!

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 3:27 PM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 5 September 2004 3:32 PM NZT
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Thursday, 2 September 2004
I love to be organised
Mood:  bright
In the last few years I have simplified and organised my life to the absolute nth degree, and tweaking the finer points is all I have to do these days to maintain the lifestyle that we created. I shall be writing a bit more about simplifying in a later post sometime.

Simplifying was one heck of a journey, and the twists and forks in the road made it one interesting ride.

I guess its all about problem solving really. I was never good at it at school. Give me a problem back then, and I would give up and toss in the the 'can't be bothered basket'. Now I relish hard to tackle places. Finding a solution is dessert for me - the equivalent of chocolate cake - with icing!

Latest thrill was organising my troubled corridor. With my ever decreasing space at home due to empty nests being filled again, we seem to have accumulated more than our fair share of "stuff". The computer has had more homes than me, and wheeeling it around the place was just not good for the machine itself, and for my poor back! Finally on a trip to the computer store to look at laptops, I discovered the workstation concept. WOW!! was it impressive.

And this is what it looks like in situ:

I bought one immidiately and have had it installed in the corridor. Its not in the ideal place, but it has wheels - so it can be moved - now just waiting for an empty spot in the nest!!

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 12:01 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 2 September 2004 5:41 PM NZT
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Wednesday, 1 September 2004
The cooking 'nerve' (or should that be nervous?) centre

This is where it ALL happens.

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 11:03 PM NZT
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Bon Apetite - pie download
Mood:  hungry
all the way down the little red tunnel!

I must be on a roll in the cooking department this week, as we've had three super krissie meals three days in a row I'll have you all know. Could that be a personal record?

and finally the finished product


Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 6:03 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 2 September 2004 1:54 AM NZT
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Patriotism at the doctors surgery
Made myself an appointment to "see" (well barely can actually) the doctor, but you know what I mean, and took myself there for the consult. The tv is always on for the patients to watch whilst waiting. I didn't have to wait long which was a pleasant change from the mandatory hour on most ocassions.

There was a news programme reporting on the Olympians being welcomed home after arriving back to Australia from Athens. They were all wearing their team and country colours, and the Australian anthem was playing loudly, to a hugely participating audience. Now I am not normally interested in sport, or the Olympics - guess I was just born like that! But suddenly I got this lump in my throat as the words of the Anthem hit home...'cos we are young and free'...etc and just quickly thinking about some of the trouble hot spots in the world, we are truly fortunate to be 'free' in this country.

My eyes filled up momenterally, but I'm sure the eye drops will take care of that!

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 6:00 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2004 10:39 PM NZT
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Oh and I forgot to add
Mood:  happy
a pinch and a punch for the start of a month - and for us down under - a new season. Officially spring starts TODAY! almost summer??(I wish)

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 5:35 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2004 6:01 PM NZT
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This morning
I woke up (sounds like the start of THAT david cassidy record - 'this morning I woke up with this feeling'...etc)

anyways back to the story....thinking that I'd either gone blind during the night or it was incredibly dark this morning at 7 am. I slowly realised that my eyes were glued together, and took a while to prise open.

At this point, Dr. Krissie did a quick self diagnosis and came to the remarkable conclusion that I have conjunctivitis as part and parcel of this horrible virus that still seems to be lingering on.

I won't go into any more gory details on this topic as I don't want to put myself off dinner tonight and the little treat I've downloaded for you to enjoy. So please forget I mentioned my eyes, sit at the table chez Krissie, feel free to pour yourself a little of what you fancy ...and enjoy the meal.

Posted by blog2/twnkrissie at 5:29 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2004 6:02 PM NZT
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