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Sunday, 17 March 2019

Media bias is nothing new

- - Tuesday, March 19, 2019


The American press has always been biased, misleading and in some cases prone to exaggeration to push its political agenda and increase its audience. During America’s Revolutionary War, newspapers used propaganda tactics of “name calling, fear mongering, demonizing the enemy,” and selective editing of battles to influence the public. In the 1890s, this type of exaggerating, misleading reporting was called “yellow journalism.” This sensationalist reporting on Cuba’s conditions in the 1890s helped induce a war between Spain and and United States.

Today, the media continues its bias, spinning stories to hurt President Trump. The media criticized Covington teens in Washington, D.C., then spun it to include Mr. Trump without waiting for the facts. Also, most mass shootings are spun to include an attack on Mr. Trump. On MSNBC, Harvard professor Laurence Tribe, who has promoted unreliable sources and conspiracy theories about Mr. Trump, invoked yellow journalism and made this outrageous prediction: President Trump “may fabricate another national emergency to remain in power after 2020.” Why is he still teaching?

Former President Carter confirmed media bias against Mr. Trump: “I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I’ve known about. I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.”

Pew Research Center, studying the early days of Trump presidency, found that 62 percent of the coverage was negative and only 5 percent was positive. President Obama’s coverage in early 2009 was 42 percent positive and 20 percent negative. Pew said coverage of Mr. Trump was mainly on “character and leadership” versus policy, ignoring the positives of the Trump administration.

According to a recent Gallup poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe news outlet owners attempt to influence the way stories are reported, that there is too much bias in the reporting of news, and news outlets are being too dramatic or too sensational.

Some “news” outlets are shocked when they are called “biased,” “liberal propaganda” or “fake news.” But the above should leave little doubt about why the media is mistrusted. 



Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:19 PM EDT
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Monday, 24 September 2018

McCain was no saint

- - Thursday, September 6, 2018


Let’s provide an accurate portrayal of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain — the good, the bad and the ugly, and not create a myth. Yes, he was a war hero, tortured beyond belief; he became a senator, but he had faults, including adultery, accepting questionable donations/gifts (see the Keating scandal), advocating war and having an explosive personality.

NPR, for its part, struggled to find legislation written by McCain that became law. Most media have mentioned the McCain-Feingold Finance Act, which is correctly called Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act — but they forget to mention that McCain was funded in 2008 with $4.2 million from a super PAC funded by casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson. McCain was a war hawk who believed in firing first and asking question later. He not only supported the immoral Vietnam War, he was also the chief supporter of President George W. Bush’s unethical invasion of Iraq. He supported President Clinton’s bombing of Kosovo, pushing for an American invasion there, too. And he was in favor of military intervention in Libya, Nigeria, Bosnia, Yemen and Syria.

McCain could also be very crude and rude. “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” he asked guests at a 1998 fund raiser. “Because her father is Janet Reno.”

McCain was no saint or a man of peace. Does he really represent the good in America, as portrayed by the press?


Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:08 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Drop 'objective' charade

- - Wednesday, June 28, 2017


When President Trump complained repeatedly that the media was biased and reported fake news, it sent repercussions throughout the press. Of course, not all news is fake news, as Mr. Trumps says, but there is extreme bias within the mainstream press, which distorts accurate reporting and sometimes leads to lies.

For example, remember Mr. Trump’s hat toss at the White House Easter-egg hunt? Media outlets from CNN, to NBC News, to Politico screeched that the president, after signing a boy’s hat, tossed it carelessly into the crowd. Some media members even said the boy began to cry. All false. As can be seen in online videos, Mr. Trump actually tossed the hat playfully back to the boy. Biased media outlets just wanted to mock Mr. Trump by reporting falsehoods.

In another recent example, multiple CNN journalists, including Gloria Borger, Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper, falsely and repeatedly reported that prior to his Senate testimony, former FBI Director James Comey said “he never assured Donald Trump that he was not under investigation, that it would have been improper for him to do … ” As we learned, however, Mr. Comey did tell the president he was not under investigation.

Last year, Wikileaks released documents confirming that numerous “reporters” were biased and left-wing, and that some had inappropriate, unethical contact with the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. This, as Wikileaks reported, corrupted their “objective” reporting, causing them to unfairly attack Mr. Trump.

Sadly, media will always contain biases. This will never change and is only getting worse. Reporters and others in the media should add under their byline their political leanings so all can see their influences.

As Thomas Sowell stated: “If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly.” 


Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:42 PM EDT
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Monday, 17 July 2017

No unbiased news available

- - Wednesday, July 19, 2017
I have searched for an honest, nonbiased media source and found none. CNN, MSNBC, ABCnews, CBS News, NBC News, Fox News, Breitbart, etc. all have biases. Studies have shown that during the 2016 election there was an overwhelming liberal bias, and Wikileaks exposed numerous liberal reporters for unethical contact with the Clinton campaign.

Many media pundits back the political ideology that their company endorses even at the expense of accurate reporting. For example, Alisyn Camerota condemned then President Obama while employed at Fox News, but changed her tune when CNN hired her. Now Ms. Camerota bashes President Trump and embraces Hillary Clinton. Instead of reporting news, Ms. Camerota even childishly mocked Trump’s handshake.

Freelancer Celisa Calacal wrote in a piece that 69 percent of blacks killed by police had been unarmed or posed no threat at the time of their death. This is false. In 2016 police used fatal force on 16 unarmed black males and one unarmed black female. Of the total people killed by police in 2016, five percent were unarmed. Most had guns or knives.

Fox News‘ Jesse Watters falsely claimed former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s email password had been “password.” 

 Newt Gingrich falsely said murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich “apparently was assassinated at four in the morning, having given WikiLeaks something like 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments.”

Biased and fake news pollute the world and sadly are accepted by many as truth. Many of the media pundits seldom correct their mistakes, even when confronted with facts. Consequently, it’s extremely difficult for any neutral, independent person to find an unbiased, truthful news source. One is best off doing extensive research for the truth.

Christian Gatsby 

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:51 PM EDT
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Saturday, 8 April 2017

Question presidents' words

- - Monday, April 10, 2017


This year is the 100-year anniversary of U.S. entry into World War I. We must never forget this war. As war ravaged Europe, President Woodrow Wilson publicly adopted neutrality — while secretly supplying Great Britain with weapons. Wilson knew the Lusitania was hauling weapons to Great Britain and using civilians as cover. The Germans were aware, too, that the United States was secretly arming the Allies, and thus targeted U.S. ships, leading to America’s involvement in the war.

Time and time again, U.S. presidents have lied to Americans. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who supplied allies with weapons prior to U.S. entry into World War II, violating U.S. neutrality, also sent U.S. ships into Japanese waters prior to Pearl Harbor to provoke a Japanese response. President Lyndon B. Johnson fabricated the Gulf of Tonkin incident to elicit U.S. ground troops in Vietnam. President George W. Bush invaded a sovereign nation, Iraq, on totally fabricated weapons-of-mass-destruction charges, murdering over a million Iraqis (of which nearly 200,000 were civilians).

Now President Trump has attacked Syria for emotional reasons, as he claims (viewing pictures of Syrians killed in a chemical attack). War action should never decided by emotions.

Americans and the press must question all U.S. war decisions and neutrality claims because as history has shown us, all presidents lie, some more than others. We must demand facts, not hyperbole.  

Christian Gatsby 

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:46 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 26 September 2012
YOUR VIEW: President Obama forfeited chance to meet world leaders

War is on the horizon between Israel and Iran. American interests in Egypt and Libya were recently attacked, and an American ambassador was murdered. Yet, President Barack Obama, forfeiting a golden opportunity to sit down personally with Middle East leaders at the United Nations (he could have met the new Egyptian president for the first time and the Israelis, who requested a meeting but were rebuffed), chose instead to speak quickly and run away. Obama believed his celebrity appearance on the tabloid show "The View" was more important than world events.

It was not wise of Obama to give world leaders, especially allies, a cold shoulder. The U.N. secretary general joked at Obama for leaving in such a hurry at a luncheon. This is the first time an American president did not attend any meetings with world leaders at the annual U.N. meeting.

America needs a 24/7 president who is capable of dealing with world events and the economy. America does not need an egotistical man who is more concerned with his celebrity status and taking long and expansive vacations at taxpayers' expense.

Christian Gatsby

(published in The Birmingham News)


Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:40 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 22 March 2019 11:56 AM EDT
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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Obama, in a 2008 interview state that he believed that marriage is "between a man and a woman" and that he is "not in favor of gay marriage.”  Now flip flopping, Obama stated that after talking with his children, he is now in favor of gay marriage.  (He probably is taking advice from his children on the economy, too.  That explains the high inflation, high unemployment, and the largest deficit in American history.)

Obama, who claimed to be a Christian, is not.  A Christian by definition Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity and thus the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and the letters of the New Testament.   The Bible is quite clear on condemnation of homosexuality.  In the Old Testament, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination” (Leviticus 18:22) and in the New Testament:  “ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (homosexuals)…shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:8-10).

Obama must stop be a cafeteria Christian, picking and choosing what he likes in the Bible while discarding the rest and must stop listening to children when making decisions that affect the morality of this great nation.

BY Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:59 PM EDT
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Friday, 30 March 2012

Most Americans are in an uproar over the senseless killing of Trayvon Martin (who by the way had scrapes with the law: received suspensions from school for truancy, graffiti, and marijuana possession and later was found in possession of 12 items of women's jewelry) by George Zimmerman.

Now, we have the New Black Panthers, a group which in itself is racist (the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights consider the New Black Panthers to be a hate group), issuing a bounty for Zimmerman. Why this is not a crime is beyond imagination. Also, Spike Lee tweeted repeatedly Zimmerman’s address (which by the way was the wrong address, placing an elderly couple in danger). One can only deduce that Lee intended to place Zimmerman in harm’s way. America has no room for unlawful vigilantes like the before mentioned. Two wrongs do not make it right.

There are more practical, civil, and lawful ways to condemn policy. Spike Lee and others need to take lessons from Gandhi who encouraged non-violent protests to achieve desired results. By condoning or encouraging violence, one only alienates oneself and their cause.

BY Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 1:46 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 June 2012 1:47 PM EDT
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Monday, 28 March 2011
Mr. Obama presented a letter to Congress that he invoked The War Powers Resolution to justify his intervention in the Libyan civil war.  Mr Obama obviously never read the War Powers Resolution.  It states the president can use the military only by authorization of Congress (which Obama failed to solicit)   or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces"  (there was no attack).  Mr Obama is in complete violation of the resolution.

He and some of his staff  state that Libya is a ”vital interest” to America.  Obama’s own secretary of defense disputed this by exclaiming on March 27th that Libya is ” not a vital national interest."

Obama stated that humanitarian reasons was also a concern for involvement in Libya.  Well, Syria, Yemen, and Jordan are all experiencing popular uprisings in which their country leaders are killing innocent protestors.   Syria is more of a vital interest to America than Libya.  Should  Mr. Obama be consistent and intervene here, too?

During his presidential campaign, Obama condemned the war in Iraq and stated that he would always pursue peace and would never drag the U.S. into another unprovoked war. Well  Mr. Obama, you are a liar!

Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:01 AM EDT
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Sunday, 13 March 2011
The tsunami that hit Japan has saddened the world.  The country is facing its largest disaster since World War II.  Yet, the Japanese citizens remain calm and strong

Let’s compare the flooding in Japan with the New Orleans’s flooding in 2005.   Although the tsunami that struck Japan was hundreds of times more destructive than what happened as a result of Katrina in New Orleans, the Japanese remain resilient and composed.  In New Orleans during the Katrina flooding, some citizens looted businesses and homes, committed murders and rapes, and refused to heed and evacuation order.  The Japanese on the other hand, did not loot or commit any violent crimes, and lined up orderly for water and other rations. The Japanese for the most part have complained very little.

One can only admire the Japanese for facing  one of the largest disasters since World War II with such self-control.  American citizens could learn a  lesson from the Japanese on how to behave in a disaster.

Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:01 AM EST
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Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Some in the Obama administration are considering a no-fly zone over Libya,  involving the U.S. in yet another unprovoked war.  Secretary of Defense Gates has stated that imposing a no-fly zone is “an act of war’ and is opposed to the idea.

Libya’s war is a Civil War, and the US should avoid interference at all costs.  If the US does become entangled in Libya‘s Civil War, it might result in loss of life and could have a backlash effect on America resulting in terrorist attacks.  Also, any American involvement would cost taxpayers billions of dollars, increasing our large national deficit and straining the resources of our over deployed military.

The U.S. has not been elected the moral authority of the world nor its international police chief.  We must stop interfering in other nations’ wars and political shortfalls.

During our Civil War, America frowned upon attempts by England to aid the Southern cause.  Then President Lincoln believed America's war was internal and of no concern to European powers.   Likewise, we should not become engulfed in Libya’s Civil War.

Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:01 AM EST
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Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Much has been said about the Tucson, AZ tragic shootings and Sheriff Dupnik’s outspoken, careless remarks. Sheriff, Dupnik, disregarding an age old police axiom to just state the facts, chose to prejudice the Tucson shooting case by stating irresponsibly that the reason for the shootings was political rhetoric. He said, "…the country have become very divided by a lot of the rhetoric… particularly over the radio waves and some TV air, which is designed… to inflame the public against public officials…." Most stations, especially CNN, have chosen to display only Republican/conservatives past comments on “targeting congressional” districts.

Most media outlets have ignored Mr. Obama’s irresponsible comments. In a June, 2008 speech in Philadelphia, PA, Mr. Obama proclaimed, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun, because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl.”

Politicians have been bickering since the creation of this great country.

Quelling our basic freedom of speech and not criticizing politicians as Sheriff Dupnik condones, runs counter to what our Founding Fathers supported. Thomas Jefferson stated: “The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.”

Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, 25 July 2010
Recently, the media was chastised for the reporting Shirley Sherrod‘s comments, who is now doing the same thing her detractors had done, calling people (Fox news) racist without any proof.
Granted nearly every media outlet misconstrued this story. However, the liberal media quickly condemned Fox news and conservatives, while they themselves were at fault, too for their reporting of Ms. Sherrod.
The liberal media is no stranger to bias and inflammatory reporting. The liberal media, including reporters from TIME, THE NATION, THE GUARDIAN, and pundits created an off-the-record discussion site. Some of these e-mails from what was called Journolist illustrate that liberals were formulating "stories" that would be most effective against the Republicans in 2008.
These so-called reporters and pundits were preparing to smear conservatives. For instance, Spencer Ackerman of "The Washington Independent" wrote, "If the right forces us all to either defend Wright (Obama’s former racist minister) or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they put upon us. Instead, take one them, Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares, and call them racists."
When Sarah Palin was picked as VP nominee, Jeff Toobin of CNN said on this list, "What a joke. I always thought some part of McCain doesn't want to be president. This choice proves my point."
Nearly all reporters are not neutral. Like politicians, all reporters have an agenda which influences their reporting.
There’s a fine line between tabloids and mainstream news organization, and it’s becoming increasingly blurred.
Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:01 AM EDT
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Monday, 14 June 2010
Mr. Obama’s handling of the Gulf Oil disaster has illustrated his inexperience as President and his inability to lead and handle a major disaster.

Remember this: A month before the oil rig explosion, Obama, supporting his judgment in March to open up extra offshore areas to drilling, insisted that advancements in technology have made drilling less hazardous. Days before the explosion in the gulf , Obama said: "It turns out, by the way, that oil rigs today generally don't cause spills. They are technologically very advanced." Obama was way off mark with his reasoning.

Obama stated that we are at war regarding the oil spill. Council Chairman John Young of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana responded best to Obama’s war statement: “If this was a war, as everyone said -- and even the President said last night that we're under siege -- if this was a war, we would be occupied territory by now.”

Obama, who stated that he has been in control of the oil spill since day one, has been slow in responding and inadequate in sending supplies and manpower to the affected areas. Why hasn’t Obama placed the military in charge of the oil disaster or called up the national guard?

Since the initial explosion, scientist have cautioned Obama that BP was not honest with the amount of oil escaping and BP’s efforts to contain the spill, yet Obama remained silent and inanimate. Now, with his polls numbers declining, Obama has finally awaken to the oil tragedy.

Obama. prone to fancy rhetoric, must learn to lead, take immediate and decisive action, demanding results immediately and not wavering in his decisions.

Christian Gatsby

Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:01 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2010
In her new book, “ Spoken From the Heart,” Ms. Laura Bush attempts to rationalize her and her husband’s behavior and actions.

Throughout the book, Ms. Bush condemns her husband’s political adversaries for “calling him names.” Was it alright for her husband, political propagandist Karl Rove, and herself to smear former Texas Governor Ann Richard’s name? In George Bush’s first run as Texas governor, he aired a bogus message that Richards had welcomed homosexuals, appointed them to prominent political positions, and had them in her office and on her campaign staff. Bush and company suggested that, Richards, being a divorced woman with four children, might be a lesbian.

What about her husband dirty campaign tricks in the 2000 Presidential primary. Bush and Rove concocted a fictitious claim for his campaign workers to distribute using a phony poll. Voters were asked, "Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain...if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?" McCain was campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh and not an illegitimate child.

Finally, Ms. Bush rationalizes her vehicular homicide in 1963 by blaming the car that she struck as being inferior and that her car was “…much larger and heavier Chevy Impala.” She ignores the facts that she was talking while driving, speeding, and ran a stop sign.

Ms. Bush, like her husband, is a hypocrite. Throughout her book Ms. Bush tries to be self righteous and demands pity while ignoring all the harm her and her husband caused others and this great country.

Christian Gatsby



Posted by blog2/thetruth at 12:25 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 12:16 PM EDT
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