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Rock Bottom
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Captain's log.. just kidding
Mood:  mischievious
Ok, so I created a Blog page. Very new to this type of webpage. The topic? Relationships...moan and groan all you want, but I'm still going to go there. Will anyone read it? Maybe, I don't give a damn, I just want to vent about shit. Personally I think everyone should. Why? I like to complain that's why, now shut up. Ok, the topic for today isn't relationships. It's "My Mood" and probably twenty other things as they run through my head. Moods are so great that way. One minute your happy, then you spill your hot coffee on the cat and all hell breaks loose. As her claws reduce your feet to sliced beef, you scream and curse, jump up and down. The mood has definitely changed. Unfortunately there are waaaay too many instant mood changers to list them all, and your so happy I won't I can tell.

Posted by blog2/terminallysingle at 5:24 AM
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