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Santiago's E- Book of shadows Santiago Ferreira, santiago, santiagos book of shadows, magic
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Cleaning, Resting the Apt
Money Angel
Yemaya of the Sea
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Santiago's E- Book of shadows
Friday, 15 September 2006
New Year 06 September wind
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: how high
My Song Party MonsterMy Song Party Monster

Posted by blog2/santiago at 1:03 AM EDT
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Saturday, 29 October 2005

Mood:  quizzical

Posted by blog2/santiago at 11:27 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 24 March 2006 10:03 PM EST
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Tuesday, 25 October 2005

Mood:  special

Yemaya is the Orisha of the oceans (all salt water). In modern times she is identified with Mary, Our Lady of Regla, and Mary, Star of the Sea.

"I am the daughter of the deep blue sea, I am the daughter of the pounding waves, I am the daughter of the bright ocean foam. Oh, my mother Yemaya, queen of the great salt sea, Oh, my mother, Yemaya, descend and counsel me.
December 31st is her feast day. Her color is sky blue and white. Her metal is silver. She likes anything that shines. Her special day is on September the 7th. She loves watermelon, sugar cane syrup, she-goats, ducks, and hens.

Saturday is her day and her number is 7. Her colors are blue and white. She loves crystal, silver, shorebirds, cockroaches, conch shells, gourd rattles, cornmeal, molasses, and watermelon, To call out to her in greeting, : " Omio Yemaya" She is associated with the full moon and Neptune. her places in the homes are the bedrooms, children's rooms, and the bathroom.

Click Here For Yemayas Photo Website

Posted by blog2/santiago at 8:28 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 October 2005 9:28 AM EDT
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Monday, 24 October 2005
Mr .Michael Haas Reseting the Circle.
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: General Hosiptial

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MOVIE:A Must see Movie I highly suggest "The latter day saints". This movie is about those "other religions" that are way off to the left the scale, th ones with the strict-ed of policys for the homo lifestyle. and at the same time a movie of true love and magic that only real love can have. a example when between colors and whites a true love can mix!Not just another example of when "Love " takes the form of the same sex, can be, blessed be!
Click On Link:
Photos of Sea World 2005
Click On this following link for one of my fav. gay artists:

Artist Paintigs by Gladstone
Click On The following link to view some of the world most famous oil paintngs of Gods & Goddesses these Painings are inspiring to look at:

Gods & Goddesses
My Gift to you ! Down load The Song My pic of the day, this song always toches my soul & i cry every time. Enjoy!
This womans Work By Kate Bush

Posted by blog2/santiago at 3:09 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 October 2005 7:59 AM EDT
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Saturday, 22 October 2005
Thank you to the powers that be!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: The Guardians of the Quarters

Isnt it funny how erveythig happens for a reason!
and works out for the best!

The Words
I now invite the guardians of the quarters and the Gods alike, to attend this magickal rite. I honor you and ask you to witness this work upon this eve
O Gracious Lord Jesus and Lady Father and Mother of all life, Guard us and guide me within this magickal circle and without it. In all things.

So Mote It Be.

Here I cast the boundary of my Circle of Power.

Naught but love shall enter it. Naught but love shall emerge from within.

Charge this Circle by your powers.

O Gracious Jesus & God and Goddess .
With The Athame-Draw a Circle in a clockwise (Deosil) motion with you as the center. Do this three (3) times. Do this SLOWLY!

Posted by blog2/santiago at 5:55 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 22 October 2005 6:41 PM EDT
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Friday, 21 October 2005
Opening the Circle
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: My Immortal - Evanescence ,
Topic: Money Angel

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Evanescence - My Immortal

Todays Song ( Since you been gone)

Opening Of The Circle.

Find 'Magnetic NORTH' using a compass.
1. Compass
2. Besom.
3. Holy Water.
Begin in the South, and with your Besom, sweep side to side in a clock wise - Deosil- spiral to the center of the Ritual Area.


Sweep, Sweep. I cleanse this space,

By the powers of the sacred Besom, I cleanse this space.

To purify, to sanctify, I cleanse this place.... ...So Mote It Be


Now take the Holy Water and start from the center of the spiral that you just completed, start from this point and spiral outwards counter clockwise - Widdershines- and scantly sprinkle the water over the entire ritual area.


Water is Life, from which we came and to which we will return. By this, the Water of the Gods, shall I sanctify this space and cleanse this place. To ready it for magick and ritual by the Lord and Lady's Grace. To ready it for Gods and Witches alike. To honor and invoke, to cast and to celebrate.

Powers of the Divine, Consecrate this space!

...So Mote It Be
Begin Casting the Circle from it's center facing EAST!

Posted by blog2/santiago at 10:56 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 October 2005 8:53 AM EDT
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