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Rising From The Ashes
an ftm's journey

Testosterone Journal

My FTM T-shirt store!

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4/25/04 Update-Boyfriend and Guestbook

Yeah, this doesn't really have much to do with my transition, but hey, I'm just so excited that I wanted to put this here. I finally got up the *ahem* balls to ask out someone that I've really liked for a while. I'll leave the name out until I find out whether he minds having his name here or not. He's a really great guy- smart, funny, supportive, pagan... Oh yeah, and he's really hot, too ^_^; So yeah, there's my irrelevant part of the update.

Here's a more important part. I now have a guestbook. It's on the navigation bar. PLEASE SIGN IT!!! Um.... hehehe, yeah... Well, that's about it.

Until next time,

4/23/04 Update-Laramie Project

I went to see my college's production of "The Laramie Project" yesterday. It was so moving. It gave me hope about being who I am in the world today. I was actually crying as I came out of the theater to greet my friends and the actors/actresses. Then we all went to IHOP to have some dinner/conversation. I met a very cool person, who hung out with me and a few other friends after IHOP. She identifies as Butch/Dyke, and actually could pass better than me. I think I'll be taking some tips from her when it comes to binding and using false facial hair. Anyways, hopefully I can get some pics taken and have a picture page up pretty soon.

Till next time,

4/22/04 Update-Testosterone Start Date and New Additions

I found out that I won't be able to start Testosterone as soon as I would like, because the first available appointment my endocrinologist had open was for May 17th. The receptionist did say to call back though, in case an earlier appointment opens up.

Check out the new link though! I had fun designing some shirts, and I think they're pretty damn cool! Buy one now and show off your FTM pride, as well as being a walking advertisement for my website, lol!

In other news, some of my friends from my college and I participated in the National Day of Silence today, in which we all took a day-long vow of silence in symbolic protest of the silence faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual and *ahem* transgendered people and their allies due to harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. We broke silence at 6:15 by shouting "Equality" as loud as we could! It was a very moving experience for me. And we were covered by one of the local news channels! I got to see myself on TV!

Oh yeah, and check out down at the bottom - I put a nifty little counter in there that says how many days until I start on T.

Until next time,

4/19/04 Site Up!

Well, this is my first real attempt at a website of any kind of importance. My name (as of now) is Kenji, but it's subject to change, since I'm not really concrete on it yet. In my former incarnation, I was known as Kori, a funloving, yet often melancholy tomboy with an affinity for anything japanese.

I am what is known as "FTM Transgendered", Female to Male. I was born a female, yet I feel disconnected from my body. I can't identify with it. When I dream, or envision the "ideal me ", or even draw myself, I am male.

The transition will be a long, hard journey, but I feel ready. Excited. I will be starting on Testosterone injections hopefully within the week. I am creating this site to document the transition as a resource to others like me, as well as their friends, family, and significant others. While I was learning about being Transgendered, and the options that were open to me, I found very few sites that provide what I wanted to know about most: the experience of transitioning. Therefore, that is what I am going to center the content of this site around.

I will be posting weekly pictures, journal segments, and a variety of resource links for FTM's. Just bear with me as I get used to this HTML thing.

Blessed Be,

Days until I start Testosterone