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PiNk DrEaMZ Memberz Blog Page

Why this is a good thing

Hello! Welcome to the PiNk DrEaMz member blog page! This is where ANY MEMBER can blog whatever they want to say to the guild! HOW DO I GET MY OWN BLOG? You can just neomail me what you want to say in your personal blog and you can chose what you want your blog to look like at or at ny other site with blogs)Then tell what page of blogs it is on and what number,going down the page it is. NOTE:You must choose one of the small blogs like on page 1 or 2 of blogs to use.Next,you can neomail me you want telling me what you want to say in your blog and which blog you want. NOTE: When you neomail me what you want to say in your blog and which blog you want,make the subject "blog". ~Thank you for reading!Neomail me soon for your own personal blog
neopets username-moopiesaregreen888

AIM-penguin fan588

- premade layout by -

Lauren-I made my first userlookup!! YAY!!! LoL It was pretty hard!!!

OMG Jules! I'm going to miss you soo much!!Get a laptop!

Check out my xanga site: It is even bigger and better than a blog!

p.s please E-mail,aim,or neomail me to change your blog content

sn0w_flake-hey everybody, snow here,yes, i FINNALY updated my blog! i got AIM yesterday,(lol, thx lisa 4 helping me ;))my s/n name is sn0w Angel giRl and my msn name is, i'd luv 2 chat w/ ya so be sure 2 add me!good luck 2 all the ppl in survivor ;) i kno this is a long blog but i think i''m done boring u guyz, now u can go read the more interesting blogs, lol, c yall l8er! bubi*muah*

flipturngirl- I wanted it to say: HEy everyone I am a goddess again! Yippie! I hope that Rebecca does good at her ice skating good luck! Next year I am going to washington dc and disneyland for school! i am so excited! neomail me when you get a chance people!

sonygirl600- Hey everyone! Neopets is kinda weird right now. There are stuff happening that are kind of sad. They haven't been updating every day on my lookup for some reason. LOL. Well, besides that, everything on neopets is great! I'm looking forward to see the new people running for council! See ya'll later! Buh-bye!
Nikki-hi eveyrone! Im soo happy i got council. thanks everyone for support. ok my auditions went well, wish me luck!!!!! omg, i'm only 40,000 more until 100,000! i need more np lol ok! i got to go! bye


fairy_helper2-hi every1!!i get out of skeewl on june 18th!!!YAY!!im glad we reached 300 members!!and 10000 messages!!!were ding great!!!my goal is 4 me 2 get 10000 messages!!lol..well i guess ill go now!!bye!!and ill try 2 blog a lot..bye!

mzmelanie-Hey everyone its Mel OMG I got my report cards back and.... I got ... good and got ... THE HONOR ROLL!!! And survivor is already starting!

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