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Wednesday, 25 July 2007

To: tswawwassen first nation

July 14, 2007

My name is Sylvia Stephens-58 year old grandmother of 4 and 4th year University student-obtaining Minor Degree in Political Science and BA in First Nations Studies spring 2008.
I am very uneasy on your visit to the Nass this month as the BC Government is treating your nation like a bunch of puppets who can be swayed by monies being thrown your way.  What about your future?  We are only on this earth for so long and you must do the right thing by not signing Yes to the vote as I did not but somehow, it was passed.  There is alot of information that I wish to pass on to you and I will make sure that I at least hand over these crucial documents to you in person when you are here.  Please make a point of talking to the average citizen as the display is on to hide all the evidences of corruption and theft of monies, etc. etc.  One elected represented was caught stealing $169,000 and Nisga'a government will not lay charges as he is the President's brother in law.  To day, he still draws his $4,500 monthly per diem even though he is banned from the office.  Is this justice?  Out own people are starving on $185.00 per month while the Executive act like monies grow on trees.  Too much is at stake and trust me, I know the truth and the BC Government should be so embarrased on what they are trying to pull.  Do the right thing, say No.  I pray for your people and please don't make the same mistakes our leaders did.  God Bless.  Please makes copies of this document for the following:
Chief Kim Baird
Councilor Laura Cassidy
Councilor Andrea Jacobs 
Councilor Andrew Bak
Councilor Remo Williams
Sylvia Stephens
ATTACH:  Where and when will we see the truth - show and tell doc.

Posted by blog2/nisgga at 5:48 AM
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