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Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Clarification to our Nisga'a Nation
From:"Rose Doolan"

June 5, 2007

Hi Nelson 
We apologize  to you and your family for not been there for Uncle Art Leeson's stone moving feast but because of the injustice we continually face,we were unable to attend, but we said a prayer for you and your family.
As you will remember , in our conversation on September 18 2006 outside the court room in Vancouver.I asked you "Why did the Nisga'aLisims Government get on board themselves when the  Chief Mountain court challenge was against the Federal and Provincial Government  and the Nisga'a Treaty" and your response was that the Lawyer was prejudice and against treaties.
I asked you at the time to clarify to our Nisga'a Nation that Chief Mountain and Nisibilada and Wilp Git Gingolx  did not file a law suit against our nation,just the treaty because this treaty took away  to much from our people.Especially those from Gingolx.
I also asked you why our people from Gingolx was not hired as promised from this treaty for Kitsult and you replied that "maybe they didn't pass the drug test."
The reason I am asking you this, is because I have not seen in any news letter where this has been cleared up ,I have seen agendas written by the Council of Elders ,and we addressed this at their meeting and  they were suppose to apologize for the article that was improperly written about  our brother Sganisim Sim' augit Sagaw'een.
This  article was presented to our Elders in Prince Rupert which needs to be addressed and corrected .
My answer to their statement is from your own Nisga'a Constitution. Which clearly tells us that we have a right to make political choices ,which seems to not apply to certain nisga'a people.
This was in the Council of Elders agenda book for their meeting:
Discussion on Chief Mountain Anties


Chair: This person broke Ayuukl Nisga’a. He did not have the authority nor the backing of his wilp when he took legal action against his own people, the Nisga’a. In his appeal the court papers state that he is representing all of these people in his house.


"Chapter 2 Rights The Constitution of the Nisga’a Nation:

(Pg.9) Every Nisga’a Citizen has the right to make political choices, to participate in political activities, and to express a view on any public issue."

  (5) Nisga’a Traditional Territory

"2:Nisga’a individuals and families have a deep spiritual attachment to the land and natural resources, which together with our culture, language and ancient traditions, define what it means to be Nisga’a."

"(3) In the same way that attachment to the land is central to the identity of every Nisga’a ,the connection of families and communities to their traditional land has always been the basis of traditional authority within our nation.


It is incumbent upon this council to take him to task now.

 He is still against the nisga’a treaty .The Treaty is already enshrined in law. They’ll never win; the Judge will throw it out.

Mr. Robinson is open to a lawsuit himself for wasting peoples time and money.


Chair: Next meeting I will bring all the information on the code of behavior for a Simoogit .If you approve of it I will show it to our Lawyer for her opinion. I will show how this simoogit breached the codes of  behavior.


Our family is in full support and we do not see this court case as breaching any code of conduct , as we remermber our Respected Elders and Chief's came forward and asked our brother to defend our Ancesteral Lands and Aboriginal titles that were been signed away in this treaty.James  was also told by our Elders that as a Heretidtary Chief, this is your duty,.

According to your Nisga'a constitution that tells us the land is central to the identity of  what it means to be a nisga'a ,the connection of families and communities to their traditional land has always been the basis of traditional authority within our nation.

So what does this mean to our nation today?Without the Ancesteral lands we have no identity  or authority.So there are no Hereditary Chief's.


We pray that you ,as our respected  President  of the Nisga'a Nation  will correct this statement as there is a big difference between "the Nisga'a Treaty" and the Nisga'a Nation.As you know Nelson, politics should never be personal and should never be brought into our cultural activies and yet ,it is like that against our family.


Thank you


Rose (Fred) Doolan

Posted by blog2/nisgga at 4:44 AM
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