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Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Sylvia J. Stephens

May 9, 2007

Nisga’a Lisims Government

PO Box 200

New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0

Attention:  Mr. Nelson Leeson, President

                  Mr. Edmond Wright, Secretary Treasurer

                  Mr. Fred Tolmie, Interim Chief Executive Officer

Dear Sirs:

The purpose of this document is to direct you to an issue that I feel is directly in “conflict of interest:  in regards to WSN elected leader and the elected Council of Elders representative.   Please read the following document that spells out my allegation:

 Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. - Appointment of Advisory Committee     Stock Symbol: CNQ - NVGL     VANCOUVER, May 8 /CNW/ - Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. (the "Company") is pleased to announce that Messrs. Nelson Andrew Clayton, Willard Martin and Chester Moore have agreed to join the Company's Advisory Board. These new additions to the Advisory Board are hereditary Chiefs of the Nisga'a Lax Gibuu Tribe, Nisga'a Gisk'aast Tribe, and Nisga'a Ganada Tribe respectively.    Mr. Clayton was the past Vice President for the Prince Rupert/Port Edward  Nisga'a Tribal Council from 1997 until 1999 and from November 2000 until November 2004 was the Chief Councilor for Gingolx Village Government. Both positions require involvement as a committee for the Nisga'a Tribal council and the Nisga'a Lisims Government. As Chief Councillor, Mr. Clayton was the representative on the Nisga'a Lisims Executive Board for the community of Gingolx. Mr. Martin is the head chieftain of a Wilp (Lodge) of the Killerwhale Clan (Giskaast) and is currently the chief councilor of the Laxgalts'ap Village Government under the Nisga'a Treaty. He is also currently a member of the AFN Chiefs Health Committee and a founding board member of the First Nations Health Council of British Columbia. He is a director of the Skeena Native Development Society and was a member of the Board of Directors for the Tribal Resources Investment Corporation (Tricorp), past President of the Kemode Friendship Society and was a board member of the Vancouver Indian Centre for six years. Mr. Martin's previous experience includes working as a civil servant with Indian & Northern Affairs Canada and as Assistant Secretary-Treasurer of School District 92 in British Columbia. He has also served as the Director of Finance for the Nisga'a Valley Health Board and has been employed by various First Nations communities as a Band Manager and an Economic Development Officer. Besides serving his community, he has also been actively involved with the Kinsmen, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Elks, Lions Club as well as many aboriginal organizations.   Mr. Chester Moore is hereditary Chief of the Nisga'a "Ganada Tribe" and a designated Nisga'a Master Carver. Mr. Moore was an officer of an operating village company and is now the Chairman of the Nisga'a Counsel of Elders.     The Company is also pleased to announce that it has granted a total of 45,000 stock options at an exercise price of $0.31 per share for a term of five years to the Advisory Board members.  Nass Valley Gateway values the participation of all advisory board Members to the decision making process in all important areas of the Company's Development. 


           As you can ignore the grammar errors in the posted article that I have extracted of the Internet, I would advise the author to enroll in some courses to learn how to spell and write in a fashion where the entire world of users can understand.

 Members’ Code of Conduct:  Part II-Conduct of Members-2. (3) Members are responsible to make reasonable efforts, from time to time, to
(a)   make themselves available to hear their constituents opinions and questions on matters of public interest
 Part III – Conflict of Interest:
 10.Avoiding conflicts of interest (2) A member must not use their office to make, participate in the making of, influence or attempt to influence a decision on a matter in respect of which the member has a conflict of interest.
Part V-Complaints and Penalties
11.Complaints:  (1) A Nisga’a citizen may, in the prescribed form, submit a written complaint to the Speaker that a member has contravened a Rule.  
At this time, I would like for you as the President of the Nisga’a Nation to deal with this conflict of interest with the elected persons who are selected to sit as Advisory Board Members for Nass Valley Gateway.  I feel the need to ask for complaint forms that deal with this issue and I know that it has a lot of merit and justification to follow up.  Please mail the forms to the above address. Either they ask to be removed from their elected positions and enjoy their Advisory Board capacity or vice-versa.  
 I look forward to a timely response.
 Sylvia Stephens  

Posted by blog2/nisgga at 9:21 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 9:37 AM
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