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Monday, 23 July 2007

March 19, 2007

Mr. Wilf Blonde, CEO Nisga'a Commercial Group. Dr> Joe Gosnell, BOD NCG,  Hon. Mike Harcourt, BOD NCG,  Mr. Milton K Wong, BOD NCG,  Dr. Brent Mainprize, BOD NCG,  Mr. Chris McNeil Jr., BOD NCG, Mr. Jean LaRose, BOD NCG

Dear Sirs:

 RE:  Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. Listing Statement March 6, 2007

 Mr. Blonde reported to the May 2006 Nisga'a assembly that there was going to be a Nisga'a Commercial Group board established to over see the Nisga'a Corporations and other opportunities - the board of which you are members.

 Mr. Blonde's report also included  the forming of the Board of Directors for the corporations - he stated "in the past, most board members were employees of Nisga'a Lisims Government.  The new board will have no Nisga'a Lisims Government employees and will come from the business community with a mixture of skills, education, and backgrounds."   He also reported that the Chief Operating Officers had been set up for each of the organizations - Fishery, Forestry, and Communications - NO MENTION OF MINERAL EXPLORATIONS.  From what I could gather the Nisga'a Corporations included:  Nisga'a Fisheries Ltd., Lisims Forest Resources L.P., EnTel Communications Inc. Wilp Sy'oon Wilderness Lodge Ltd.(although Wilp Sy'oon Wilderness Lodge Ltd had already been dismantled and some assets sold or given away),  Nisga'a West Coast Stevedoring (1999) Ltd., Lisims Backcountry Ltd. 

 Was mineral explorations not included because Nass Valley Gateway Ltd was a private company operating on our lands as this is the list of dates and their activities:

 - Nass Valley Gateway Ltd was incorporated October 25, 2005.  Without consulting the Nisga'a Nation whether we approved or not - permission was given to them for exploration and ownership to Bay Point - there was no nisga'a nation approval on this.  Who authorized it and why were there not in depth discussions about it at the May 2006  assembly as it appears all these companies were already registered - some were registered in 2005 and 2006 - and many had not heard of them.  Our core lands does not belong to a certain village or a certain person it belongs to all the Nisga'a citizens. 

 - Option agreement dated March 10, 2006 between Nass Valley Gateway Ltd and Gitxat'in MHIND World Link Inc.  Gitxat'in MHIND World Link Inc (non reporting) ownership is as follows:  Gitxat'in Development Corporation (owned by Greenville/Gitxat'in Village Government who own all the shares of Gitxat'in Development Corporation) owns 50% common shares and Mineral Hill Industries Ltd owns 50% common shares which without any approval from the Nisga'a nation claims they own Bay Point situated by Gingolx.





Why is there only one Nisga'a on the board of directors for Nass Valley Gateway Ltd? BOD: Dieter Peter, Chief Executive Officer. Chairman and Director; Melvin Stevens, President and Director; Patrick Stewart, Director; Hugh Maddin, Director; and Edward Skoda, Director.   If there are some issues with this company that the Nisga'as do not agree with - we are going to be basically out voted even though we are dealing with our lands and we have only one board of director.  It's our land and resources that were brought to that company - what did the other company contribute besides hired experts that have to be paid through sale of shares? 

 Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. Issued in 2006 300,000 common shares to companies (Gitxat'in MHIND World Link Inc - GMWL) with common directors for cash proceeds of $90,000.







 The holders of the Common Shares are entitled to receive notice of and to attend and vote at all meetings of the shareholders of the Issuer and each Common Share shall confer the right to one vote in person or by proxy at all meetings of the shareholders of the Issuer.  Who voted on all the decisions that were made to this date?

 Nass Valley Gateway Ltd lists Dieter Peter and Melvin Stevens (only Nisga'a) as the Named Executive Officer Directors, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Maddin, and Edward Skoda as the directors who are not also Named Executive Officers.  Who are all the board of directors of  Gitxat'in Development Corporation and Gitxat'in MHIND World Link Inc who may be part of those referenced in the Compensation of Directors as on January 31, 2007, the Issuer (Nass Valley Gateway Ltd) issued a total of 410,000 incentive options to its directors who are not also Named Executive Officers and a total of 230,000 incentive options to its directors who are Named Executive Officers.

 It appears that not too many people were fully informed about these companies in Greenville or the general Nisga'a population.

 We have asked before and we are asking again - were moneys that were designated for other services used for seed money to start this company?  The reason I am asking this is because Laxgaltsap/Greenville  Village  Government had no problems transferring core program monies into Laxgaltsap Forestry which is against the Fiscal Financial Agreement and our show and tell laws.

  Who purchased the shares that are being released for trading at almost triple the value they were purchased as warrants.    Who were the investors that purchased these warrants?  Who is benefiting now? Who are the following 297 holders.

Can you please contact Haywood Securities Inc. (the exclusive agent for the purpose of offering of the common shares on the exercise of the special warrants - seed money for company) to find out who were the initial investors.

 Was there any moneys paid to Nisga'a Lisims Government for the permit/license to go ahead and make the claim?

 Note that Greenville/Laxgaltzap Village Government (who own Gitxat'in Development Corporation) are members of the Nisga'a Lisims Government and members of the Wilp Si'ayuukhl Nisga'a - there is obviously a conflict of interest where they make decisions on behalf of our whole nation and they have a direct interest in these companies. 

 Can I please get the minutes where the decision was made regarding this corporation and how the members voted on it.   How long will it take before the directions of our constitution and final agreement are followed?


Barb Zvatora

 Copies to all those on email

 Attach:  2



Posted by blog2/nisgga at 6:12 PM
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