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Monday, 23 July 2007

Barb Zvatora                                                            April 19, 2007      

BC Securities Commission

PO Box 10142, Pacific Centre

701 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, B.C.

V7Y 1L2

Dear Sir/Madame:


RE:   Nass Valley Gateway Ltd


I sent this email request to Nass Valley Gateway Ltd:


Barb Zvatora                                                                        April 10, 2007

2402 Kreston St

Terrace, B.C. V8G 0G2




Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. Management, Directors, & Officers:


Mr. Dieter Peter, CEO                                                 Hugh Maddin, Dir.

Peter Kohl, CFO                                                          Edward Skoda, Dir.

Melvin Stevens, President                                           Patrick Stewart. Dir.                                        

Peter Lewis, Senior Vice Pres. & Chief Geologist

Josephine See, Secretary & Treasurer


Investor Relations:

Pamela Keck, Manager Investor Relations

Genevieve McKay


RE:  List of names of 297 first share holders


I am a Nisga'a citizen, member of the Terrace Nisga'a Society, and member of the Nisga'a Business Alliance Corporation (NBA) and as per the actions of your News Release March 12, 2007 - "Mineral Hill and GDC each owns 40.05% (7,250,000 shares) in the share capital of Nass Valley Gateway." ….."The GDC is a member of the Nisga'a Business Alliance Ltd. ("NBA"), which comprises the development corporations of the four Nisga'a villages and the Nisga'a Societies of Terrace, Prince Rupert, Port Edwards and Vancouver.  The GDC has agreed to transfer to NBA its interest in Nass Valley Gateway and Gitxat'in MHIND World Link Inc. ("GMWL"), which will then be jointly controlled by NBA and Mineral Hill.  GMWL is a joint venture company formed in March, 2006 by Mineral Hill and GDC."  I am a shareholder in the Nass Valley Gateway Ltd (NVGL). 


Under the "Business Corporation Act (SBC 2002) Chapter 57, Division 5 - Company records," I am requesting the names, addresses, and amounts of shares each of the 297 initial investors held on the listing date Friday March 9, 2007 prior to public trading.




Barb Zvatora


Copy: Sylvia Stephens, Greenville, B.C.


This is the response I received:




575 -1111 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2J3

Telephone: (604) 685-4170  Fax: (604) 685-2360 Email:





Via Email:


April 11, 2007


Ms. Barb Zvatora

2402 Kreston Street

Terrace, B.C.

V8G 0G2


Dear Ms. Zvatora:


Further to your email and fax today, please be advised that in accordance with section 49 (1) of the Business Corporations Act, SBC 2002, Chapter 57, you will have to include an affidavit and a certified cheque for $100.00 plus GST for the shareholders’ list.  Upon receipt of the requisite documents, we will authorize the transfer agent to issue the shareholders’ list to you.  An extract of the Business Corporations Act is attached herewith for your reference.



Yours truly,




“Dieter Peter”


Dieter Peter

Chairman & CEO



It is obvious that my request is ignored and I'm being restricted to only names of shareholders 14 days prior to them receiving my request with payment.


I would appreciate if  you can, in any way, assist me to receive the names of those 297 purchasers of 1,200,000 special warrants which, prior to going public, were split 1 warrant for 3 shares. 


Also could you please let know what rules apply to none reporting companies that were set up with public moneys and are based on Nisga'a lands.  Does any agency have jurisdiction?




Barb Zvatora


Copy: Hon. Carole Taylor, Ontario Securities Commission


Posted by blog2/nisgga at 5:26 PM
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