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New Territory

Welcome to New Territory

New Territory is a website for my family and friends to check out photos, information I am learning, as well as updates on people and New Territory projects. I primarily built this site because I have so many families spanning out across the United States and all of them ask me about one another and what the area is like. Now that I have a digital camera I am excited to bring my various lives straight to you. The easiest way for me to do that is through this website. Plus, it was just plain fun to make one.

Also included on this site will be information on what I am learning at school (this will be under College Life) as well as anything else I find interesting to share with y'all (this can be found under Featured Links and Featured Articles). I hope you enjoy. Feel free to give me any feedback. If you wish to share any comments with the group just email me and I will post them to the Comment Page. My contact information will be given under the Contact Info link.

This Months Features

This month under Featured Links you can check out the Baka Pygmies. The Baka pygmies are indigenous people of Australia. What makes them truly unique are their musical talents and abilities. You can click on sample music, info, and more. Check it out. You can even make a donation to help save the Baka from growing industrialization in their area.

Another feature this month that you can find under Featured Articles is an article by Don Juan titled "Spirit-Led Church, A Return to the Five-Fold Ministry". The article takes the reader through the early beginnings of Christianity just after Christ left, to the creation of the Catholic Church, all the way to the present day. A small section was selected from the article that focuses on the beginnings of the organized church and the formation of the new testament. You can click on the links at the bottom of the page of Featured Articles to read the entire article, post a comment to the comment page, or write to the author.

Psalm 1: Sacred Poetry

Blessed are the man and the woman
who have grown beyond their greed
and have put an end to their hatred
and no longer nourish illusions.
But they delight in the way things are
and keep their hearts open, day and night.
They are like trees planted near flowing rivers,
which bear fruit when they are ready.
Their leaves will not fall or wither.
Everything they do will succeed.

Favorite Photo

I took this photo over my winter vacation to Utah. This photo overlooks Kolob Canyon during a beautiful winter sunset. This picture was taken from a property my mother and Clint own. What a fantastic view! It is even more fantastic in person. If you ever have a desire to see magnificent, large natural desert beauty then I suggest you take a trip through Southern Utah and Northern Arizona. Some of the greatest and most beautiful canyons exist there. I guarantee it will blow you away.

Cafe Inspiration

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

"Trials are but lessons that you failed to learn presented once again, so where you made a faulty choice before, you can now make a better one and thus escape all pain that what you chose before has brought to you." --A course in miracles

Both of these quotes have come from one of my now new favorite books called "Divine Intuition" by Lynn A. Robinson. This is a featured book on Cafe Inspiration. I have put more quotes from the book on this page along with photos and a link to buy the book.

Cafe Inspiration is a place that contains quotes, books, and photos that awaken the mind, satisfy the body, and inspire the soul. I feel that it is very important to feel and be inspired all throughout life. It awakens creativity and develops passion, two key components for happiness and longevity. I hope you enjoy it and find some inspiration from it. If you wish to share an inspiring quote at Cafe Inspiration then click here.

Coming Soon:

Two new webpages, New Territory Media (NT Media for short) and Alternative Paths, are currently under construction and will be up and ready soon.

New Territory Media will be a webpage hosting information and media on New Territory videos and audio interviews. Information about New Territory Publishing can also be found here.

Alternative Paths will contain information on various alternative healing practices from around the world. I feel it is essential that people realize and know that there are other forms of healing other than western medicine. If you have any curiosity about a particular healing practice or wish to learn more about an ailment or disorder then please email me and I will help you with your inquiries.

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