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Topic: Blog has been shifted.

1st Dec 2006, 0000Hrs

Hi all, my blog has shifted and been revamped. You can find my blog at "The Insufficient Memory Scrapbook (I.M.S)" at this url:


Sorry for any inconvienence caused. Thanks.

- Ichimaru Kyosuke -

Topic: The return of a better Nothern Cross Star N.C.S

1st Jan 2006, 1500Hrs

I have redesigned the blog skin to give N.C.S a fresh look. Haha. It took me a while though. Everything you see here is new except for the Liquid Studios™ logo. Hope it brightens up those who come in the N.C.S. Haha. Well, thanks for coming to N.C.S. It's a brand new year and I hope N.C.S is brand new too. Haha. Okay. Just remember that the url is still in existence though. Http:// or Yeah. Anyway, Happy new year and keep coming back to check N.C.S out. Long Live the N.C.S. Haha. Cya around. =)

- Ichimaru Kyosuke -

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