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Main Characters - 1
Main Characters - 2
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Lyra was a normal girl living at Jordan Collage until one day, she learned about Dust. Soon, Lyra was sent away to live with Mrs. Coulter, but found she didn’t like Mrs. Coulter, and ran away. After running away, Lyra was found by some gyptians she knew from when she lived in Oxford, at Jordan, and went on a journey headed North, to rescue stolen children taken by the Oblation Board. Soon, she herself gets captured by the Oblation board, and finds out what they were doing to children. She manages to escape, and she goes to find her father, Lord Asriel. Using the energy from the separation between Lyra’s friend Roger and his dæmon Lord Asriel creates a portal to another world, and Lyra soon finds herself stepping through the gate, to find more about the strange substance called Dust, and whether it is really good or evil.