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Movie Reviews
Monday, 16 May 2005
Unleashed Review
Mood:  a-ok

Just saw the new Jet Li movie, "Unleashed". I can honestly say this was his best movie yet. The story is of a man rasied as a dog by a mob-type ganster, played by Bob Hoskins to be an obedient killing machine. He lives in a cage and is treated ruthlessly. This movie truely has it all. Incredible fighting sequences, touching dialogue, and masterfully shot. The story isn't too believable but they do such a good job convincing the audience that it's possible. The Danny character (jet) during his 'awakening'from doglife to human life, seemed like a retarded kid. Jet's acting ability has reached an all time high in my opinion. Many parts were like a drama, then before it gets boring, comes a high impact fight scene. The loving guidence and care that Morgan Freeman's character (Sam) bestows upon Danny (Jet) is heartfelt and moving at times. I give this movie a full 4 stars. I would definately see this movie in the theatres folks!

Read the full movie review, watch the trailer or post your review of UNLEASHED




Posted by blog2/movie-reviews at 12:51 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 May 2005
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Posted by blog2/movie-reviews at 1:36 PM EDT
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