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||| MAIN ||| Elizabeth ||| Everyone Else ||| Gina's Page ||| Nathan's Page |||
(November 25, 2005)I'm here

Click on link...Nathan's Page

(October 8, 2005)Thanks

It's been exactly four months since my last update. Just wanted everyone to know that Elizabeth and Nathan are doing fine; and thanks for all of your prayers and support. Nathan is a very active baby, and mommy is having problems sleeping; but everything is fine. Also, if you noticed the page title has changed. We finally settled on a complete name for our little boy -> Nathan Giovanni McKenzie. Here is a pic of || >mommy ||

(June 10, 2005) Back Home

We are back home after spending two days in the hospital. It has been very difficult couple of days. The doctors are still puzzled as to why one of the twins was expelled. There was no bleeding and no cramping, and the sonogram revealed that Elizabeth cervix is closed.

The loss of one of our twins has been difficult, but we need to stay strong. The sonogram also showed that the other twin is a boy and we want to name him Nathan.

Gina’s loss hurts, but Nathan needs us now more than ever. Gina’s umbilical cord could not be completely detached, and there is a potential than an infection could threaten Nathan, and cause a miscarriage

Please continue to pray for Nathan’s health. We need all of your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.

(June 8, 2005)Sad News

At approximately, 3:30 pm our little angel Gina Rebecca McKenzie was born. However, at 15 weeks her frail body was not ready for this world and Gina took her last breath at 3:32 pm,while she was held by her mother.

Our little angel is above in heaven now, and she will always be in our hearts; Someday we will see her and we won’t be apart anymore. Until then, you will always be remembered. Our little angel; take care up above, and look down on your little brother for a safe and healthy delivery into this world. “You are gone from our site, but never from our hearts”

(May 20, 2005)Week 12 Update

Elizabeth is taking some iron supplements and the folic acid was increased for her. Everything is progressing great. We also heard the babies’ heartbeats today. We were both excited. Dr. stated that everything is fine, and our next appointment is by Mid June. Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, they are greatly appreciated. Do you think Brandie has any idea as to what is happening? ||| Cute Brandie> ||| Brandie Looking at me> |||

(April 29, 2005)Week 9 Update

Elizabeth had some blood work today. The babies are growing and everything seems to be fine. Twin A is a litter bigger than twin B. Twin A is probably our baby girl, we will see. :-) Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, they are greatly appreciated... ||| The McKenzie Twins> ||| Click here for Twin A> ||| Click here for Twin B> |||

(April 18, 2005) Major Scare

Another scare! More bleeding but this time we saw some heavy bleeding. The Dr. stated that bleeding is normal with twins. However, after another ultrasound Elizabeth was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma or SCH. The Dr. recommended best rest and indicated that SCH usually heals by itself. The ultrasound indicated that the twins are still growing and everything looks good. ||| Still growing|||

(April 11, 2005)Babies are fine!

Well we had a scare over the weekend. Elizabeth morning sicknesses are very bad. She hasn’t been able to keep anything-in due to the constant vomiting. The pressure on her abdomen has caused her to bleed. For a while we thought that she had miscarried, but after the ultrasound, we were relieved.

(April 7, 2005)Twins

Hey everyone, today we got our first set of ultrasound pictures, and to our surprise we are having twins. There are two separate sacs and each has a fuzzy white bean looking thing in it, those beans are the babies. Both of us are really excited. ||| First Ultrasound> |||