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Marco Polo
Sanket #19 room 20

Marco Polo was born in 1254 and he died in 1324 and he is probably the most famous Europeanexplorer in all of history. He was better than other explorers because of his excelled determination, his note taking skills, and his influence.
He stayed in Asia for 24 years. He spent about 17 of the 24 years that he was in Asia in the great king Khan's court. He reached further than any of his predecessors (father, grand father, great grand father and etc), beyond Mongolia to China. He traveled the whole of China and returned to tell the tale, which became the greatest travelogue ever which.On this trip, Marco Polo discovered eye glasses, ice-cream, spaghetti, and the riches of Asia. He was in jail from the genosian when he met a young writer who was his jail mate and they got together and wrote The Travels of Marco Polo. The last thing that he ever said was that he didn't even say half of what he saw.Marco Polo's dad, Nicolo Polo, was a merchant. Marco's father and his uncle, Maffeo Polo, had gone on a trading job a little bit before Marco was born. Marco's mother died when he was little so his aunt and uncle raised him. They taught him how to be a merchant. They also taught him reading, writing, and arithmeticMarco learned how to use different countries' money. He learned how to handle things nicely when putting them on the ship. His father and his uncle returned to Venice in 1269. They had traveled to Eastern Asia. They met the Mongol ruler, Kublai Khan. The Khan had invited them to visit China again. So they prepared for another journey taking Marco Polo with them. When Marco was 17 his father and uncle sailed from Venice to Acre. A couple years later Marco Polo served as a government official. A couple years later the Polo's wanted to leave China, but the king didn't want them to get killed by China's enemies. They stayed until 1292. They left and they reached Venice. Marco was captured by Genoese in a navel battle and put in prison. People still talk about Marco's journey's today.