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Flower of Japan
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Nominations are up! Along with some other good!

Welcome to the NEW Flowers of Japan Home, celebrating over 10,000 pages of posts!! This is where you will find all info relating to us, and the base of our charity, the Flowers of Japan Foundation ~ Helping grant wishes, one kimono at a time.
Table of Contents
First Post: Updates, News, How to get a kimono/yukata from this charity, F.A.Q.

Second Post: Staff, Dressing Rooms, Link Banners

Third Post: Joining Rules, Kimono/Yukata List

Fourth Post: Donations

Fifth Post: Questions, Guild

Sixth Post: Events


We are buying and selling kimonos and yukatas! If you are interested in buying or selling, please PM Flower of Japan with the kimono/yukata in question and your CHARITABLE price. There is currently no set price, but we may at some point as we are just setting up now. We cannot guarantee that your offer will be accepted! Thank you!

It has come to my attention that there is a huge misunderstanding with the "Light RP" rule. "Light RP" refers to phrases like "rolls around on the ground", and "crashes through the ceiling". This kind of RPing is allowed! We just don't want a huge plot and story line RP to develop where people will be discouraged to chat. IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH AN RPER, YOU ARE TO PM ASTELLUS, AND LET HER DEAL WITH THEM. YOU ARE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, ALLOWED TO YELL AT ANYONE FOR RPING IN FOJ!!! ALSO, IF YOU FIGHT, PLEASE TAKE IT OUTSIDE OF THE THREAD! IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH FIGHTERS, PLEASE PM ASTELLUS!!

DS is...not back. icon_crying.gif her computer is...definitely not well. -.-

07/17/04 - Handed out a Kimono to Rokoko! Congratulations!
07/16/04 - Beloved Flowers of Japan member and manager Forever Zero confirmed his complete resignation from Flowers of Japan and gaia. We will miss you more than you can imagine!
07/13/04 - Handed out Kimonos and a Yukata to Leathercladcow, taiyachan, and Mouri Yuro! Congratulations!
07/07/04 - Handed out a Yukata to AmazingKenchan! Happy Birthday!
07/03/04 - Handed out a Kimono to Liandrina! Congratulations!
06/29/04 - The Flowers of Japan Guild is open!!
06/28/04 - Handed out a Kimono to lilgemangel! Congratulations!
06/25/04 - Handed out a Yukata to rogerpet_hacked! Congratulations!
06/23/04 - Handed out a Kimono to PandaManda! Congratulations!
06/19/04 - Handed out a Yukata to Kakashi Senpai! Congratulations!
06/13/04 - Handed out a Kimono to Tajia! Congratulations!
06/12/04 - Handed out a Kimono to Temple_of_Souls! Congratulations!
06/11/04 - Our beloved member AmazingKenchan was hacked this morning, and FoJ has vowed to get the hacker!
06/10/04 - Handed out a Kimono to Danica Shardae! Congratulations!
06/07/04 - E-san and Volch got married today! Congratulations!
06/06/04 - Handed out a Kimono and Yukata to Lesell and RagnarRock! Congratulations!
06/04/04 - Handed out a Kimono to Aisha Laylin! Congratulations!
06/04/04 - A big thanks to Vagabond and AmazingKenchan, who helped dress BunnySeeker!
06/01/04 - Handed out a Kimono and Yukata to Kelbora and Manwe! Congratulations!
05/30/04 - New thread opened!


We are in the process of setting up a linklist and a white/blacklist for Flowers of Japan, and cleaning up the front page. Details later!

Flowers of Japan take three has topped 3000 pages, making it bigger than the first thread in only 47 days! Congratulations!

The war is officially over. The hacker was found out, and final discussions can be made here.

We're toying with the idea of hiring a council of elders ((older FoJ members)) to look over new recruits, and to keep tabs on them.

How to get a kimono/yukata from this charity

Originally Written by DivineSaturn
Since we are sick and tired of people coming, bumping endlessly for a day, getting a kimono, and running off into the sunset, we have decided to impose some measures to keep people here for a while.

1. No Bumping/Spamming
Do not post the word "Bump"! This is not just some chatterbox bumping site, it's a place where people really care about each other. It's a family. So put some time into your conversations please. We don't need the bumps either, the thread moves on its own.

2. Limited Roleplaying
We want to keep roleplaying down below the serious roleplaying level. We (will) have a guild for the purpose of RPs, and we simply do not need it here. So any heavy roleplaying (I.E. storylines) is not appreciated. Examples of good roleplaying are: "*takes the image for Vag to play with*" or "*flops in her hammock looking at a magazine*". I post this in tribute to a valued member who left our ranks because she was flamed for posting these comments when the RP rule was first installed.

3. Donating
You may be asking, "Why donate if we don't have enough gold for our own kimonos?" The answer is simple: the more gold we get, the more kimonos we can get. We buy kimonos and yukatas, and give them out to people we feel deserve them, or open a nominations thread to vote.

4. Spreading the Word
This one's pretty simple; if you can, please put one of our many FoJ banners in your signature, preferably with a link. This helps bring more people here, and also gets the word out to people who are thinking charitable.

5. Have Fun!
This is a charity second, a family first. We want people to be comfortable in the setting, so that even when they get their kimono, they'll keep coming back, simply to talk. We have people from the very first batch of kimonos given out who still come here just for pleasure. Furthermore, people who are more likely to stay around are also more likely to be bumped up the list.

6. Attitude
Being active, friendly, caring, and generally positive is key towards getting a kimono. We try to give them to the most deserving people, not just the ones who have the most time to lazily bump. So attitude is a big part of this. Mean, annoying people who keep asking "When will I get my kimono?" will be moved straight to the bottom of the list. Come for the atmosphere, kimonos are just a bonus. Family first.


1. Who do I ask to be put on the list?
Whoa, hold up there tiger! First, you have to start coming to the thread on your own, posting, meeting the people, and reading the rules posted above. In a week, if you still feel that this is the right place for you, please PM Recruiter of Japan with your username and the kimono/yukata you're questing for. Any PMs sent to AmazingKenchan, Forever Zero, or Astellus reguarding admittance to the list will be deleted. For more information on getting on the list, check Recruiter of Japan's post here on the first page.

2. Can I donate? Who do I donate to?
Of course you can donate! Anytime you feel like it! You don't have to ask permission! Please send any donations to Accountant of Japan. And if you're planning on donating, thanks in advance! We appreciate donations of any size.

3. What is "bumping?"/What is a "bump?"
Lots of people ask this, so I figured I'd better just post it: a bump is a generally meaningless post, whose sole objective is to push, or bump, the topic to the top of the forum. Bumping is the act of posting multiple bumps.

4. What is an "evil bump?"
An evil bump is a pointless bump post- usually just containing the word "bump" or something similar. Evil bumps are not permitted here, and if you post one, expect to be yelled at by several angry FoJers. Why? Pointless, or "evil" bumps are spam, and it's hard to get anything important done when you're looking at a thousand bump posts. So if you want to bump, please converse with others. If you are alone, make something creative and non-bump. Furthermore, the punishment for evil bumping here is transformation into mouse, and then we will have the resident nekos and kitsunes chase you around. *smiles wickedly*

5. When will I recieve my kimono/yukata?
The list is currently in the order of donation, and is limited and temporary. Where you are on the list has nothing to do with who will recieve a kimono/yukata first. That all depends on you. Do you donate and chat frequently?

6. How do you decide who "deserves" a kimono?
A group of older FoJ members who will monitor your activeness, and general behavior. When a number of them agree you are deserving, we will decide if you get a kimono/yukata.

7. How often do you give out kimonos?/When is the next giveout?
We have funds in our bank as of now, but the giveaways of kimonos/yukatas depends on you. When we think you are deserving, we'll give you one.

8. Hey, my name used to be on the list! Where did it go?
The question is actually "Where did YOU go?" People who are inactive for a long time are removed from the list, so that we can make room for more, active people. You can be put back on, but it's not as easy the second time. So if you know you won't be able to come for awhile, please let us know in advance. If you were removed from the list by accident, please PM Recruiter of Japan NICELY. We all make mistakes, no reason to be rude. The same goes if you haven't been added, and were told you would be.

9. What happened to the old thread?
Reaching a nearly mind-boggling (for a charity) 7000 pages, the old thread was abandoned due to unrest among the members and the pending slew of updates for which we are waiting for now. With the implementation of new mules, we hope to be able to make updating the first page much easier in the future.

10. What happened to the old OLD thread?
The old OLD thread, while impressive in length, was becoming hard to maintain. So, just after we hit page 3000, we decided to make a new one. In this one, important staff members have posts on the front page, so that we can all moderate our own areas without colliding. The old thread will never be deleted though, at least not by us. It can be found farther down on the page.

11. Can I get a job here? Can I help out?
All job positions are currently filled as of now. Until positions open up, please don't ask. When we are looking for helpers, we'll say so in the first post, clearly. So please be patient with us.

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:16 pm Reply with quote

Very Important Peoples:
Astellus: Manager, Mediator, General Handy Woman, and Helpful Person
AmazingKenchan: Manager, Newbie Greeter, Loveable Bishie, and resident COOOLMAN!

Other Staff:
Accountant: Disciple of Sakura
Messenger: Lorelei Yeager
Events Manager: DivineSaturn
Mediator: Lesell
Guild Supervisor and Forum Moderator #1: Mokoni
Forum Moderator #2: Moryera

Council of Elders:
Fallen Faerie

Honorary Members:
Official Foundation Glomper: Grondax
Official Foundation God: Forever Zero
- We will always miss you and hold you in a special place in our hearts. icon_crying.gif

Official-type People:
Official Foundation Founder: DivineSaturn
Official Foundation Goddess: Astellus
Official Foundation Neko-chan: Auora
Official Foundation Kitty Girl: Hiroshi Neko
Official Foundation Pink Link Getter: Sen-ichi_Rei
Official Foundation Foxy Lady: Riven Le Fay
Official Foundation Elf: Mokoni
Official Foundation Blue Girl: VKM
Official Foundation Ball Supervisor: E-San
Official Foundation Joker: Lady_Of_Laputa
Official Foundation Smart Ass: Disciple of Sakura

Dressing Rooms

Ever wonder what you'd look like in a kimono or yukata, and all the other accessories? Well, now you can see with the Flowers of Japan Dressing Rooms!

Link Banners

Want to link to us or submit a link banner or your own? Feel free to use one of these banners in the Banner Guestbook.  
Flower of Japan

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Recruiter of Japan
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:17 pm Reply with quote
Joining Rules

Originally Written by Grondax
1. Any PMs that just beg for a kimono, yukata, gold, or anything else will be completely ignored!

2. You can't request to be added to the list if you already have a kimono or yukata. This means you can't own one at the time you join. If I read your PM and you're wearing a kimono or yukata, you must think I'm retarded, and I will delete your PM promptly. You also forfeit your admittance to the list if you purchase your own kimono or yukata while waiting to get one from the foundation. It would also be nice if you could notify us, so we can remove your name from the list. This foundation was created to help needy people, not greedy people get kimonos and yukatas.

3. If I dislike your behavior in FoJ or elsewhere on Gaia I have the right to take you off the list at any time and refuse re-admittance. I will not tolerate: Meanness in general, especially to newbies who don't mean any harm, foul language when not appropriate (use only as an exclamation point), continued spamming of a thread, or just being annoying. More to come.

4. If you want to be added to the list, please post here and chat with out members for at least a week before you PM me. This means you post for 7 different days, not pop in one day, and return a week later to join. You likely won't be added to the list until I see you in FoJ for a while. After you have posted for a week, see rule 5. After I recieve your PM, you will be on probation. Our council of elders will be monitoring your activity. If you are inactive, and they don't see you posting, I will promptly delete your PM.

5. PM me asking to be admitted to the list, and which kimono/yukata you want. Please include the name of the kimono/yukata you want in the title of the PM, and use your manners! If you don't follow this rule, I will immediately delete your PM! Nobody needs a kimono/yukata. You may want one badly, but you won't die if you don't get one.

PM Title Examples:

I want a Royal Kimono - Wrong

I want to be added to the list - Wrong

I want to be added to the list for a royal kimono PLEASE - THIS is the one you want.

Kimono/Yukata List:

Arise - Inner Fire Kimono
Brad_Margera - Ronin Yukata
bonziblueboy - Ronin Yukata
darkest_aura_13 - Inner Fire Kimono
darknessrisen22 - Inner Fire Kimono
Dark Angel of Silence - Royal Kimono
Densetsu_Tenshi - Inner Fire Kimono
Faia Zenrei - Royal Kimono
Himikochan - Royal Kimono
hybrid cloud - Ronin Yukata
Iggeh - Autumn Leaf Kimono
KuraiKaze - Royal Yukata
LilKitsune4879 - Wild Orchid Kimono
Lil Noriko3 - Inner Fire Kimono
MizuHouou - Royal Kimono
Mochi - Autumn Leaf Kimono
Narakyndryn - Autumn Leaf Kimono
NoviaDodochi - Autumn Leaf Kimono
Rvmstrgrl - Wild Orchid Kimono
runner_girl - Inner Fire Kimono
Sisaro - Diamond Yukata
SpringRain - Autumn Leaf Kimono
TheSecretNinjaNitsua - Ronin Yukata
thorn980 - Inner Fire Kimono
tigress_4ever - Autumn Leaf Kimono
Tabyk - Autumn Leaf Kimono

Kimono/Yukata Recipients:
Aiglos - Ronin Yukata
Aisha Laylin - Autumn Leaf Kimono
AmazingKenchan - Diamond Yukata
AnimeFire - Ronin Yukata
Astellus - Autumn Leaf Kimono
Auora - Inner Fire Kimono
Danica Shardae - Inner Fire Kimono
Delanthaenas - Spring Green Kimono
DivineSaturn - Wild Orchid Kimono
DivineWhiteSilverDragoon - Inner Fire Kimono
E-san - Royal Kimono
Fallen Faerie - Royal Kimono
Forever Zero - Crane Yukata
Grondax - Ronin Yukata
Hiroshi Neko - Spring Green Kimono
Immortal Demise - Wild Orchid Kimono
J-Sin - Royal or Ronin Yukata
Kakashi Senpai - Royal Yukata
kanin - Royal Kimono
Kelbora - Inner Fire Kimono
Kenshin_Himura - Ronin Yukata
Kitysa - Royal Kimono
Lady_Of_Laputa - Spring Green Kimono
LeathercladCow - Royal Kimono
Lesell - Autumn Leaf Kimono
Liandrina - Wild Orchid Kimono
lilgemangel - Wild Orchid Kimono
lilhottie - Wild Orchid Kimono
Lorelei Yeager - Spring Green Kimono
Mamiya - Royal Yukata
Manwe - Ronin Yukata
Masaku_Chikyuu - Inner Fire Kimono
Mokoni - Royal Kimono
Mouri Yuro - Ronin Yukata
Naota9 - Royal Yukata
nesuferit - Ronin Yukata
Nikui_Youkai - Inner Fire Kimono
PandaManda - Inner Fire Kimono
Pet - Inner Fire Kimono
RagnarRock - Diamond Yukata
Remliss - Wild Orchid Kimono
Rinuu - Wild Orchid kimono
Riven Le Fay - Wild Orchid Kimono
rogerpet_hacked - Ronin Yukata
Rokoko - Autumn Leaf Kimono
Sailor Namek - Spring Green Kimono
Sen-ichi_Rei - Inner Fire Kimono
Sironimo - Inner Fire Kimono
SylverStar - Inner Fire Kimono
taiyachan - Wild Orchid Kimono
Tajia - Wild Orchid Kimono
Temple_of_Souls - Inner Fire Kimono
Vagabond - Ronin Yukata
VKM - Royal Kimono
WhirlGirl - Inner Fire Kimono
Xellana - Wild Orchid Kimono
Yukiko Mino - Royal Kimono

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:18 pm Reply with quote

Please send all donations to The Flowers of Japan to this dummy. This is his sole purpose, so we can make sure your donations are recognized, and promptly added to the list. The list is located on the Flowers of Japan webpage, link to come soon!

Temporary Donation List:

Adramelec: 20,000g + Inner Fire Kimono
YunieGirl: 30g
Lady_Voldemort: 542g
Himikochan: 800g
Masaku_Chikyuu: 500g
Lorelei Yeager: 1,000g
lilgemangel: 1700g
Tajia: 1,600g
Meriko: 1,000g
Vagabond: 9,521g
Kageyomu Ginkaze: 1,000g
likkledibbun: 800g
Palace of Memory: 1,000g
OtakuSakura: 100g
Three Tailed Fox: Royal Kimono
Ilmare: 800g
Temple_of_Souls: 1,358g
Orthae: Nitemare Boots
Mouri Yuro: 1,000g
PandaManda: 2,570g
Kiloian: 100g
MizuHouou: 300g
Lesell: 500g + March letter
Queen of Hell666: 225g
Liandrina: 1,025g
riry: Royal Kimono
Tabyk: 1,825g
Noremac: 500g + Noise Maka
Asmi-chan: 900g + Ballin' Headgear
Shugo34: 200g
Rahab: 81g
Unwinged Angel: 2,000g
Xelin: 1,000g + Snowbored Gloves Blue
pSyCoFlOwEr15: 450g
News Reporter Seishin: 300g
Morain: 300g + Face Veil
Chocolate Mint: 500g
Bandersnatch Operator: 105g
~eternal_angel92~: 9g
VKM: 574g
Kaylin Monk: Entire tux(incl. bowtie & monacle), Moss Longsleeve Baggy Shirt, Dried Grass Skirt + 1264g icon_eek.gif
Kimini: 2,000g
xMizux: 1,000g
Fallen Faerie: 100g
Goddess_Shiori: 350g + Dried Grass Skirt
LeathercladCow: June Letter
Kyomi Atari: 265g
Rokoko: 390g
Brad_Margera: 95g
Midnight_Eyes: 140g
Mouri Yuro: 1,000g
hybrid cloud: two wrapped presents
MMronin: 50g
Agawa: 200g
taiyachan: Bunny Hat
Ghost428: 1000g in memory of Farie Mary
Kyribu: 1170g + Prisoner Shackles + Laurels
Junyi: Spring Green Kimono
Dragon Fel: Hammi Hat +2000g
hanging gallow: 600g
Anon Donator: 3200g
Startica: 200g
hunny____bunny: 257g + Leather Elf Boots
The_Asian_Invasion: 500g
Faia Zenrei: 141g + Ghosty
SpringRain: 500g
Witherless_Rose: 362g
bonziblueboy: 200g
Rvmstrgrl: 150g
[Hannah]: 1128g
Lost_Life666: 1541g
MouseOfTheAsylum: 4500g
Yume Yokohama: Nightmare Boots, Fox Ears
Aijou-chan: Black Biker helmet, 2000g
entrophia: 125g
Iggeh - 1000g
MarchingTwinkie3 - 1050g
Njo: 1156g
Dizzy Graves: Sold us an Innerfire Kimono for 8,000g icon_heart.gif
Eilonnwy: 100g
Narakyndryn: 2000g
cuteaznalien: 571g
thorn980: 180g

I (Disciple of Sakura, Accountant) will be logging on to this account each morning at about 7:00 Gaia time to check up on trades that have arrived and are waiting for me. I will endeavour to update the list at that time, assuming trades have cleared. There is a reasonable chance that I will not have the opportunity to log on on Saturday or Sunday, but all will be taken care of on Monday, so don't despair.

Note from DS: I managed to save the trades list, but my computer = not good. x.x  
Accountant of Japan

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Guru of Japan
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:19 pm Reply with quote

Please send all question, or idea PMs to this account. This way we can make sure to keep them seprate, and they won't accidently be deleted.

Don't forget that Astellus is the official FoJ Mediator!


The guild is open, and we have good news. The plot for the RPG is now up and accepting bios for characters! If you have questions PM the Guru of Japan {me!}. The guild WILL follow all of the rules of the Flowers of Japan Foundation. You MUST be a member of Flowers of Japan in order to post in the guild, and you MUST continue posting in the regular Flowers of Japan thread. Posting in the guild will NOT earn you a kimono/yukata.The Flowers of Japan Guild!
Vagabond has left the Flowers of Japan and will not be here to help with the guild in the foreseeable future.  

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:20 pm Reply with quote

Let's Make a Deal!

Update: DS is not....back. Poor DS's computer. Someone buy her a new one please >.<

To participate in this event, you must sign up ahead of time. Only people who have been in FoJ before 6/7/04 may enter, to prevent n00bs who just want free prizes. Everyone who enters will win something, it will just be a surprise! PM BunnySeeker if you'd like to participate.

Also, we would appreciate any donations of commons, uncommons, or if you're feeling generous, rares. This is so we can make sure to have prizes for everyone.

Basics of the game:
Ever see the game show "Let's Make a Deal"? This show was our inspiration for this event. When the game starts, you will recieve a random number that corresponds to the tag on a wrapped gift. You may either accept that gift, or gamble and trade for another box. When you are satisfied with your choice, we will give you the box, and you can see your prize. There will be a few special prizes including some kimonos, yukatas, and possibly a pink box! icon_eek.gif

((Basics of the game are subject to change as we discuss and plan the event, so look for updates))


Aisha Laylin
Aurora Crane
Disciple of Sakura
Fallen Faerie
Kakashi Senpai
Lorelei Yeager
Takkun Naota

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:40 pm Reply with quote

Calling all Easterners!

Anyone off to AnimeNEXT? In case no one's heard yet, it's a con in Secaucus, NJ, from June 18th through the 20th. I'm going, with some friends, and I was wondering- what about you all?

If any FoJers are headed to AnimeNEXT, please PM me! I'd love to know who's planning on going, and perhaps we can meet up somewhere. It's a shame that Gaia stays on the west coast, but I see no reason why we easterners can't have a small reunion of our own! So please, let me know!

Thanks. I look forward to seeing some of you there!

: Extremely worried...
Compy status: Completely dead. Hiatus extended.

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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Links to fun places in gaia

Coming soon icon_wink.gif icon_heart.gif  

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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 6:34 pm Reply with quote
I just wanted to give a heads up and a big thank you to all the FoJ'ers who have kept me and my family in their thoughts and prayers through this very unexpected funeral.  

art by Floof Wolf

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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Zero's corner... coming soon  
Forever Zero

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Flower of Japan
PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 7:55 pm Reply with quote
Link List:

We are currently working on a linklist to advertise other threads on Flowers of Japan. Keep watching for updates here as we work out how this will all work. Thank you!

Affiliated Charity Threads:

Fun Links:

The Gaia Avatar Simulator

Old Flowers of Japan Links:

The First Flowers of Japan

The Second Flowers of Japan

The Old Flowers of Japan Guild

The other threads were eaten. icon_sweatdrop.gif

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:56 am Reply with quote

Kenchan's Corner

How to trust Kenchan: You don't! Due to the fact that many people have my password, Kenchan is not always entirely himself...LOL any complaints of crazy outfits may be sent to certain peoples who's names I won't mention *coughKANINcoughDANICA*. Do not mind Kenchan's odd personality changes; most likely when I post it will be me. icon_wink.gif

kanin says: I DID NO SUCH THING...ooh wait..nevermind...but...but.. There were other people in it too >.>

'lil tad of an announcement to make...I've decided to withdraw some of my devotion to the charity for a while. I won't be posting as much (i.e. not all day/never) and whatnot. Nothing against any of you, just a personal issue I've had with the place. Depends on how it turns out, maybe I could feel more comfortable. bai...

Other Flowers of Japan Pages:
The First Flowers of Japan Thread

The Second Flowers of Japan

The Old Flowers of Japan Guild

If anyone has the teahouse link, PLEASE send it to me!!

Random Links:

Portrait Illustration Maker, an awesome portrait making site icon_3nodding.gif

Lesell's portrait shoppe, serving gaians and Flowers of Japan for over two days! PS I hate Lesell. (she made me say it!)

Haku Kaen's Gemstone Collection Shoppe

That's it for the makeshift page. Hope it helps for now!



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Kakashi Senpai
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:03 pm Reply with quote
The people on my list are saved because I am not allowed to have this on here. But I have one saved on my computer still, so beware.


Please, people, do not edit the front page.  

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:05 pm Reply with quote
Welcome to FoJ! Lost meaning in gaia? Not enjoying your life? Why not try engulfing yourself in the beautiful wonderland of gaia here in Flowers of Japan, your friendly family-operated charity! Our facilities include a spacious new japanese-style home with a swimming pool, hot springs, common rooms, close access to various local resorts, private bedrooms, and an excellent arcade. Friendly Flowers of Japan staff and members stand ready to greet you with cookies, glomps, coffee, and just about any japanese treat you could wish for! Why wait? The best part is that it's entirely FREE!! That's right, all that for FREE!! So sit back on the traditional Flowers of Japan couch, handed down for over seven months, and immerse yourself in the friendship and laughter that you can find in only one place on gaia, FLOWERS OF JAPAN!!

Quote of the Day:

VKM wrote:
I need to pee.
You can't go pee. You're not allowed.
But I need to go pee...
Well, I said you can't.
If you don't let me go, I'll pee on you. -_-'
Well. Now you certainly can't go you obcene little--
*pee's on you*
I told you. I have to pee. icon_3nodding.gif

. . . My leg... icon_eek.gif icon_gonk.gif it burns! What's with you! Do you have like, radio active piss or something?! GOD IT BURNS! icon_gonk.gif

TalentlessMoo: XD why, ish teh Kenchan starving?
HinataAndKenchan: lol, me no get food ever XD
TalentlessMoo: that'd be why Kenchan has no tummy fat. o_o

rogerpet_hacked wrote:
OMG!!!! ITS ME!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moryera wrote:
I'm a Kenchanist? When did that happen?...oh, a couple nights ago, right. But I don't HAVE any Kenchanist priestess robes! icon_gonk.gif I don't even know what the traditional dress of a follower of Kenchan is supposed to be! ...all I have to say is that if I have to wear that silly reindeer mask, I'm converting back to Lanzerism. icon_whee.gif

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Aisha Laylin
PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:07 pm Reply with quote

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